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Okay, so after much debate in a previous post, and a rather undecided poll I am revisiting this topic as I am still left uncertain. I have heard such dedicated positions from so many people as to why they believe one company deserves the title over another, but I am still undecided, personally. Which company truly IS the incarnation of evil?
in my personal opinion... i think all three are pretty evil in there own right... just to what degree...
SOE i personally feel is evil because they dont listen to the user and they are famous for listening to the sounds of the cash register...
EA is evil because of there constant eating up of smaller companies and then forcing those dev teams in those companies to push out incomplete games thats go down the shitter and EA basically shuts them down after that... plus they only produce like 3 games constantly which take NO brain cells to do... madden, BF, and the sims.
Blizzard... because it has set an all-time new high for the MMO market... but yet such an all-time low as well... they've achieved something i've only though possible in american politics.
"And after blizzard takes over the world, they are gonna gather a bunch of lemmings, sit on their fat asses near a cliff, and watch the little fuzzy bastards suicide dive into the ground below. . . . . all just for their own entertainment."
Hmm... would that make them the trinity of evil?
EA for cancelling EnB and letting Madden make a video game.
It was close but i chose Blizzard in the end. True they made MMO's mainstream with WoW and made a game that is polished in some ways. But they also helped make MMO's very generic. took away all innovation in play-style [MMOs used to be sandbox in there form, now they are just level grinds]. Most new MMO's are pretty much clones of WoW therefore meaning there is not much to chose from now its either WoW a WoW clone or a Niche game.
So while Blizzard made MMO's popular they have also made MMO's stagnant.
"Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god."
-- Jean Rostand
Money is the root of all evil.
As we all know time is money.
Women take both time and money. Which would be women = time * money
Therefore since time = money. So we have women = money * money.
Therefore by squaring money which is the root of all evil we can mathematically derive that women are in fact evil.
I voted other.
EA as they don't seem to be a group that enjoys making games and just wants to earn a living doing what they enjoy. more along the lines of a profit making organisation they want as much money as quick as posible.
This isn't life in the fast lane, it's life in the oncoming traffic.
--Terry Pratchett
I voted SOE just because of thier blatant disreguard for thier playerbase.
Thalos Vipav
Star Wars Galaxies: R.I.P.
Following successful business expansions, it is difficult for companies to avoid giving off this image - SOE has also suffered from this trend (even more than EA if viewed from the MMORPG scope). In my opinion, only Blizzard among the three mentioned companies still occasionally run on their developer ideals; however, such practice is becoming increasingly seldom!
I will try the star trek online, because I like sci-fi and fantasy too, but till then I am playing just with World of Lagas.
I think this big companyes(like EA , blizzard) are badly impersonal, and a fantasy game can lose it's magic if a big company impersonal way operate such a games like wow, and everquest and others.
This is my honest opinion, and I think serious gamers will never enjoy(so much) such an impersonal ways of roll playing games.
STO is a zombie.
Dead and walking around, but not knowing it is dead yet.
where's my pie?
I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.
I chose SOE because of SWG but NOT because of the CU and NGE.
I actually quit before CU and NGE because of the Jedi Holocron grind and I felt JTL was done horribly.
They were slowly killing that game from day 1, the CU and NGE were last ditch efforts to breathe life back into the already dead game, but had the opposite effect... they caused the last vestiges of life to bleed out.
SOE because they kill games they touch it seems, EQ after Verant, MxO, SWG, PS, GoDs and Heroes. That's an impressive list.
SOE seems to buy companies in trouble too, a lot of low budget games and companies, hype them up, milk them for every penny and kill them once they got players money. If they kill one they still have other games. They're releasing multiple MMO's at the same time again.
No other come even close to the evilness or stupidity they have.
Microsoft and Sinopec
No annoying animated GIF here!
Hmm, I guess Microsoft might be pretty evil when it comes to computers, but I do not think they can be the devil, since they do make so many things (including most MMO's) possible. At best I think microsoft qualifies as a greater demon?
What kind of pie?
I don't care what kind it'll be something more interesting to talk about than this. (even if you give me something like bodily waste flavor still something more interesting to talk about)
I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.
Can I 'write in' a poll option? Thanks.
How about the idiots that think they are too cool, too sophisticated, above and beyond, or just plain afraid to admit that they also like what others enjoy?
These are the evil. Soft-spined companies like SOE believe them and act accordingly. Unfortunately, the squeeky wheels only squeek and contribute zilch. Same goes for the WoW community at large, the <blank> get the point.
It's not the publishers or Dev studios that are evil...its the mob mentality of gamers.
"First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me...Blow."--Ash, "Army of Darkness"
Dude, everyone knows Steve Jobs and Apple assumed Diablo status after the release of the iPhone.
Seriously, I don't think anyone holds a candle to SOE. Although, I have no respect for EA because, quite frankly, I have no respect for sports games. The guys that release these games are the lowest of the low as far as creativity or innovation goes, or they wouldn't be making sports games. As far as Blizzard goes, their fame desensitized them to the playerbase in my opinion. Now, they just throw crap out there with the Warcraft name and skins on it, and people gobble it up because it's WoW. I'd say that's not all their fault, so I believe they're the least evil in the trio.
I completely disagree with this. There is only one reason to play an MMO. That reason is that you can play with a Massive amount of people online. Obviously if a game has a larger community, it will inherently be more attractive to gamers. MMO companies fail to realize that it's all about the community in MMOs. If people didn't want to play with others, they would be playing SINGLE PLAYER RPGS (like oblivion).
Anyways, this thread is, in my opinion, not very well thought out. Blizzard set out to make a very simple game with a lot of complexity more in the world rather than in the control. The reason WoW is such a great game is because it is so well made. Most other games are buggy as hell. Fundamentally, I hate WoW. I hate grinding for no reason and the loss of immersion and community. But if you are a person who likes this type of game, WoW is a godsend. People think WoW is bad because they don't like the type of game it is. They are just angry that WoW has so much success... Anyways, EA and SOE should hold co-ownership of the "Most Evil" title. They are both crappy companies that emphasize quantity over quality and don't care about the gamers who play the games because they view gamers as these dumb little insects that are to be exploited.
By the way, another flaw with some of the arguments here is that Blizzard gets the title because they made a grinding game. Well, if this was the case, OBVIOUSLY NCSoft would take the title, as it has produced the cream of the crop in grinding games.
WoW isn't a bad game, it's actually an extremely stable product. If you don't like the style/theme of the game, that's your problem. It's like trying to claim Shakespeare is a horrible author because you don't like the style/theme of his works. SOE/EA on the other hand are just leeches and need to get a reality check.
Give a man some fun and you entertain him for a day. Teach a man to make fun and you entertain him for a lifetime.