Therefore if you find missions boring/repetitive, you can skip them all together.
LOL! Yes, because having the exact same naval battle 500 times in a row would be refreshing and new.
Then go and PvP for experience (slowest method). I personally balance both missions and OS hunting. The fact is this game gives you a choice in leveling, and if you dont like those choices then sorry to say the game is not for you.
I actually completely agree with the OP. I am truly shocked by how little, how repetitive, how instanced this game is after all this time in development. Reading the official forums and dev notes I was encouraged that they had a clear direction and the money to stay in development long enough to implement it.
Well they certainly stayed in development a long time but the game just drips with the feeling that the direction was all screwed up. The avatar combat is so bad that it shouldnt have been released. It really detracts from the game and shows a bizarre loss of focus or confusion over what thier game actually is.
The instancing is totally mind boggling. I felt like i was in a more restrictive version of Guild Wars (if that was possible). Many folks in the EVE community were keeping an eye on this-i can assure you that no true EVE player will last even a week in this game. It is so wildly unlike EVE in EVERY possible respect.
I hope the game somehow figures out what it is or is supposed to be, ive kept thier site bookmarked for 2 plus years and have followed every delay, dev note etc in hopes that this would be another great sandbox type game-instead its Guildwar in a ship (and poorly done at that).
I am never one to disparage those that enjoy a game and to those that do-I wish you the best. For me this is a shocking failure-I think we will see that reflected over the next six months in the rating, the free sign up offers, and eventually server consolidation. Unless POTBS has deep pockets I suspect an AutoAssault, Horizons-type performance here.
Truly disappointed!
Although it did motivate me to spend my limited play time back in a place that quite simply "gets it". Back to EVE and Amarr Victor!
EvE is the ultimate freedom, this little thingy is the ultimate slavery of a grind feast (instanced, what is even worst). Anyone who compares this to EvE should be thinking on Adam´s wife... The one who God had so great hopes and just spoiled it all doing a very dumb thing... Ah.. yes, yes.. PoBS is exactly like THIS Eve!!!
By the way, I still think that mission is the better way to level, but if you are correct and do the mindless grind of boring naval fights over, and over again, which seems exactly the same is the best way to level, then its worst than I thought...
I noticed something funny... Why mostly of people who support PoBS has some kind of manga or oriental Avatar around?
No ones a fanboi here. Your just blatantly proclaiming yourself an idiot sticking to things the devs ACTUALLY said they were doing and intricately explained why. Please leave your boots with the words "I'm simple" at the door.
Spreading lies and false opinions only make you look less intelligent.
Actually, there are a couple of borderline fanbois here (no names) and I notice that you sign one of your posts "-DraGa"?
There was a DraGa at the FLS forums and he/she was most definately a Fanboi.
Edit: The DraGa at FLS had an annoying habit of inserting multiple inappropriate smilies in every post too...
Not to hurt fanbois of EVE but in my opinion no matter how repetitive and boring you guys think POTBS missions are, there is no way that EVE's are any better. I dare someone to prove that one to me. EVE is a good game in its self but its just like POTBS. You can not solo EVE or PotBS and get a good experience buttttttt.... honestly...ive played Eve for a couple years starting 2004 and I would rather solo PotBS than EVE...
Getting materials in EVE is a grindfest....mine mine mine....the only actual gameplay halfway interesting is PVP and the economy. So complain all you want about how bad the PotBS avatar system is and ect. but at least I CAN leave my ship and do something else. If it wasnt for a huge gallaxy for pvp EVE would be epic fail. EVE is the ultimate grindfest compared to POTBS. I have yet to be in PotBS and say dang I'm grinding anything. EVE you may not have to grind for skills or levels but the grinding for materials is rediculous....tell yourself how many boring Corp Mining adventures have you attended...BORING. Eve is the ultimate freedom for being a ship. Go fly for hours hope you dont get killed by a gate camp.
So just like us EVE players would say, dont join PotBS and not find a good society, you would say the same to anyone soloing EVE.
PS......Someone prove to me EVE missions are better than POTBS.......
So, it may not be a conventional English Auction - but I think it is an Auction none-the-less.
I have also read the Blog on this and having played it think it actually works very well. Patient buyers can often get a bargin and using a little bit of psychology you can often sell goods quickly at a good price.
My tip here: Never offer anything of value for 1 dubloon hoping that people will open their bid with the last price payed!
The devs could have called it "the place where you go to sell your shit" or given it a fancy name, but they called it an "Auction House" so average joe blow would understand what its purpose is. Really, does it matter what its called people? Thats like arguing that there wasnt a Hercules class of ship in 1720. IRRELEVANT.
2) The graphics. The ship graphics are good, the sea combat in general graphics are good, apart from the awful encampment graphics which are awful.
Land graphics and character graphics are bloody awful to be honest. Games like EQ2 for example, LOTRO, Wow to name but a few have far nicer graphics (yes I have the game running on max settings)
Im the reverse, I consider the land graphics to be quite excellent and sea graphics to be very weak. To each his own I guess
Here, read and learn: Detailed explanation by an FLS dev why the games AH works the way it works. People pay what they are willing to pay. If youre listing for 70 and they pay 300, they were willing to pay that. What is the problem? The game then lists the last paid price as 300 instead of 70. So the next person who goes to sell that item, instead of selling it at 69 to undercut you, sees what the market is willing to pay, 300, and sells accordingly. Now if the market changes and the product doesnt sell at 300, then that person can resell it at a lower price. The system works just fine and we have tested it extensively for many months.
I haven't played the game yet so I'm a bit confused by your explanation. What it sounds like is that the value of an item is determined by the players and not a "base price" that's built into the game. That isn't so different than many other games where crafted items are put up for sale. For example in EQ2 if I make an item I can place it at auction for whatever price I choose. However I can also price theitem according to similar items that are up for sale (whose price I can see) This allows me to undercut the other person but only to a point because crafting the item costs a certain amount. It also doesn't prevent someone from making lots of money on an item that cost relatively little to make because peeps are willing to pay a lot for popular items. How is PotBS system different and what are the advantages of it?
I haven't played the game yet so I'm a bit confused by your explanation. What it sounds like is that the value of an item is determined by the players and not a "base price" that's built into the game. That isn't so different than many other games where crafted items are put up for sale. For example in EQ2 if I make an item I can place it at auction for whatever price I choose. However I can also price theitem according to similar items that are up for sale (whose price I can see) This allows me to undercut the other person but only to a point because crafting the item costs a certain amount. It also doesn't prevent someone from making lots of money on an item that cost relatively little to make because peeps are willing to pay a lot for popular items. How is PotBS system different and what are the advantages of it?
They couldn't even get a basic, common function like an auction house right. Let me put it this way: the buyer is not allowed to see the actual price of items for sale. You have to guess, and the only thing you have to go on is the guesses other people made. No, the thing you go on is what the other people payed before you.
As a seller, you are not guaranteed a sale even if you're selling what the buyer wants and even if he guessed your price. The system sort of lumps them all together and *it* determines who buys what from who; not the buyer, not the seller. Yes the seller. If you want your items sold quick you put them at a real low price, let's say a gold ingot for 10D... with the risc that someone actually starts bidding 10D on a gold ingot. But if someone would start bidding at 200 000D for an ingot yours would be the one being sold for that price. But for this to work people cant see your gold ingot being sold for 10D. And yeah... the economy will probably need more then 1 week to settle. (Those that actually have gold ingots for 10D will stop it after people, like you, bougth them for 11D) There is more into that is you just could be arsed to read about the AH. "To purchase an item, a user offers some amount of money. If there are any listings at that amount or less, the user successfully purchases the item for the amount he offered, regardless of the listing’s price. The specific listing he purchases is the one with the lowest listing price, even though he never sees that price and doesn’t pay that price.
The person who listed the item gets the amount offered, regardless of the actual listing price."
For the record, obfuscating simple things like an auction house does not make them "deep". It's amazing how easily some people are fooled into thinking there's some sort of 'complex' economy at work here.
The auction house is not that simple as you want to show it as. But yes shure it's no harder to buy things then just type in some numbers.
There's nothing complicated about the crafting game at all. In fact, it's dirt simple. All the items are completely generic. Your ships are the same as mine. Your buff items are the same as mine. I can't be a better crafter than you; there's nothing to support it. Crafting consists of clicking a couple of buttons and then hoping the auction house picks you when the buyer guesses your price. If you could just be bother to think... before you come up with things. One can almost simplify and redicule all things, I'm for instance quite shure that there are people simplifying and rediculings MMORPGs (regardless of type). But you are also aware that there are more into it then what you are saying, aren't you.
Gold ore cost around 1800D to produce. Wich gives me 10x with the value of 180D piece.
I'm not interested to sell it less then that but I'm also interested in getting it sold. And I'm also not interested in getting it sold for 10D/piece.
Let's say there are 3 producers of gold ore.
1st is selling 300D/piece.
2nd is selling for 190D/piece.
(Ofcourse I would not know their list price, but for the sake of argument I do now.)
I sell mine for 185D/piece.
A buyer goes in trying to buy 15 pieces with:
10D....15D.... incremential with 5 steps up to 185D... Nah unlikely the person will do that everytime. But let's say he see the recent sells for 400D/piece and tries with 310D /piece. That would mean my 10 gold ore get's sold for 3100D not 1850D, and the 2nd get 5 of his sold for 310D/piece. Likewise if the buyer for some undefinable reason would try to buy it for 6000D/piece mine would have been sold. And I'd be really happy and the other two sorry for not wanting to risk it by going lower.
I could also have sold it for 185D/piece if I had been unlucky.
If a really bold seller would have listed it for 10D/piece his would been sold first, but risking loosing 1690D in production cost.
But for this to work the economy have to settle first. There is no chance that I bother to risk selling gold ore that cheap at the moment. So I'm gonna hold on to my ore some time.
Wow, I didnt think we could still cancel our orders; thanks for the tip!
I preordered the game too and am, severely underwhelmed by it. The ship combat is neat, but the Avatar combat is laughable. The on-ground interactions leave a lot to be desired. The graphics are not anything to write home about, the character models are ugly, the character movement looks clunky.
I really hoped for a good MMO, but this game stinks.
Originally posted by grimal Wow, I didnt think we could still cancel our orders; thanks for the tip! I preordered the game too and am, severely underwhelmed by it. The ship combat is neat, but the Avatar combat is laughable. The on-ground interactions leave a lot to be desired. The graphics are not anything to write home about, the character models are ugly, the character movement looks clunky. I really hoped for a good MMO, but this game stinks.
Just curious, but why preorder without playing the open beta or any of the public stress tests to see if the game is for you in the first place?
I've been looking for a new MMO since I've already become bored with my last one, Tabula Rasa. I missed the open beta. I preordered because I didnt want to wait till end of month to play.
Wow, I didnt think we could still cancel our orders; thanks for the tip!
I preordered the game too and am, severely underwhelmed by it. The ship combat is neat, but the Avatar combat is laughable. The on-ground interactions leave a lot to be desired. The graphics are not anything to write home about, the character models are ugly, the character movement looks clunky.
I really hoped for a good MMO, but this game stinks.
Just curious, but why preorder without playing the open beta or any of the public stress tests to see if the game is for you in the first place?
Well, for one thing the false advertising the game has out made me want to buy it too. Thank god I did sign up for open beta though.
If that's a gameplay video, I'd love to know how to sign up for that game...cause it sure as hell isn't POTBS.
I'd call all the hype about ghost ships and undead battles pretty much the same...since no one I know has ever seen this.
Uhm my game looks and plays exactly like that in the video. Certainly im not always that zoomed in to my ship, but if I wanted to get that cinematic look I can certainly do so with a single roll of my mouse wheel.
If that's a gameplay video, I'd love to know how to sign up for that game...cause it sure as hell isn't POTBS.
I'd call all the hype about ghost ships and undead battles pretty much the same...since no one I know has ever seen this.
Uhm my game looks and plays exactly like that in the video. Certainly im not always that zoomed in to my ship, but if I wanted to get that cinematic look I can certainly do so with a single roll of my mouse wheel.
LOL! And just now, you've gone into the realm of fandom that makes you unreachable.
The avatar combat does NOT look OR play remotely like they are intimating from that "gameplay" video.
Actually it looks exactly like that. Infact that video was showing a mission I just finished doing and thats exactly how it looked., it really doesn't. That video portrays it as reactive and twitch. Like the guy is swinging and you're jumping over it, like you're blocking...that isn't this avatar combat, it's not even close to this combat.
Just to be clear, it makes a point of STARTING with "swashbuckling combat" for a game that has the single worst avatar combat I've played to date., it really doesn't. That video portrays it as reactive and twitch. Like the guy is swinging and you're jumping over it, like you're blocking...that isn't this avatar combat, it's not even close to this combat.
Just to be clear, it makes a point of STARTING with "swashbuckling combat" for a game that has the single worst avatar combat I've played to date.
that, is false advertising.
Well I agree that that video is advertising an aspect of the game that is not its strongest point, but everything that video shows is 100% correct in terms of how it LOOKS. All those locations I have seen and done and fought just like that.
Since that video was released before open beta, all it served to do was to show how the game looks. The public stress tests and the open beta were for everyone to first hand see for themselves how it PLAYS.
Nothing in that video is false advertising, its just to you portraying something different than you imagined. That can be said for every single video game and movie trailer ever released.
If that's a gameplay video, I'd love to know how to sign up for that game...cause it sure as hell isn't POTBS.
I'd call all the hype about ghost ships and undead battles pretty much the same...since no one I know has ever seen this.
Uhm my game looks and plays exactly like that in the video. Certainly im not always that zoomed in to my ship, but if I wanted to get that cinematic look I can certainly do so with a single roll of my mouse wheel.
LOL! And just now, you've gone into the realm of fandom that makes you unreachable.
The avatar combat does NOT look OR play remotely like they are intimating from that "gameplay" video. game looks like that as well. The avatar combat certainly isn't as exciting as the movie makes it out to be (perhaps the speed and music in the movie) but it IS ingame footage.
If that's a gameplay video, I'd love to know how to sign up for that game...cause it sure as hell isn't POTBS.
I'd call all the hype about ghost ships and undead battles pretty much the same...since no one I know has ever seen this.
Uhm my game looks and plays exactly like that in the video. Certainly im not always that zoomed in to my ship, but if I wanted to get that cinematic look I can certainly do so with a single roll of my mouse wheel.
LOL! And just now, you've gone into the realm of fandom that makes you unreachable.
The avatar combat does NOT look OR play remotely like they are intimating from that "gameplay" video., uhm, you've just gone into the realm of trolls that makes you unreachable.
Then go and PvP for experience (slowest method). I personally balance both missions and OS hunting. The fact is this game gives you a choice in leveling, and if you dont like those choices then sorry to say the game is not for you.
Not that this will add to the conversation but...
I actually completely agree with the OP. I am truly shocked by how little, how repetitive, how instanced this game is after all this time in development. Reading the official forums and dev notes I was encouraged that they had a clear direction and the money to stay in development long enough to implement it.
Well they certainly stayed in development a long time but the game just drips with the feeling that the direction was all screwed up. The avatar combat is so bad that it shouldnt have been released. It really detracts from the game and shows a bizarre loss of focus or confusion over what thier game actually is.
The instancing is totally mind boggling. I felt like i was in a more restrictive version of Guild Wars (if that was possible). Many folks in the EVE community were keeping an eye on this-i can assure you that no true EVE player will last even a week in this game. It is so wildly unlike EVE in EVERY possible respect.
I hope the game somehow figures out what it is or is supposed to be, ive kept thier site bookmarked for 2 plus years and have followed every delay, dev note etc in hopes that this would be another great sandbox type game-instead its Guildwar in a ship (and poorly done at that).
I am never one to disparage those that enjoy a game and to those that do-I wish you the best. For me this is a shocking failure-I think we will see that reflected over the next six months in the rating, the free sign up offers, and eventually server consolidation. Unless POTBS has deep pockets I suspect an AutoAssault, Horizons-type performance here.
Truly disappointed!
Although it did motivate me to spend my limited play time back in a place that quite simply "gets it". Back to EVE and Amarr Victor!
EvE is the ultimate freedom, this little thingy is the ultimate slavery of a grind feast (instanced, what is even worst). Anyone who compares this to EvE should be thinking on Adam´s wife... The one who God had so great hopes and just spoiled it all doing a very dumb thing... Ah.. yes, yes.. PoBS is exactly like THIS Eve!!!
By the way, I still think that mission is the better way to level, but if you are correct and do the mindless grind of boring naval fights over, and over again, which seems exactly the same is the best way to level, then its worst than I thought...
I noticed something funny... Why mostly of people who support PoBS has some kind of manga or oriental Avatar around?
Actually, there are a couple of borderline fanbois here (no names) and I notice that you sign one of your posts "-DraGa"?
There was a DraGa at the FLS forums and he/she was most definately a Fanboi.
Edit: The DraGa at FLS had an annoying habit of inserting multiple inappropriate smilies in every post too...
Nothing says irony like spelling ideot wrong.
Not to hurt fanbois of EVE but in my opinion no matter how repetitive and boring you guys think POTBS missions are, there is no way that EVE's are any better. I dare someone to prove that one to me. EVE is a good game in its self but its just like POTBS. You can not solo EVE or PotBS and get a good experience buttttttt.... honestly...ive played Eve for a couple years starting 2004 and I would rather solo PotBS than EVE...
Getting materials in EVE is a grindfest....mine mine mine....the only actual gameplay halfway interesting is PVP and the economy. So complain all you want about how bad the PotBS avatar system is and ect. but at least I CAN leave my ship and do something else. If it wasnt for a huge gallaxy for pvp EVE would be epic fail. EVE is the ultimate grindfest compared to POTBS. I have yet to be in PotBS and say dang I'm grinding anything. EVE you may not have to grind for skills or levels but the grinding for materials is rediculous....tell yourself how many boring Corp Mining adventures have you attended...BORING. Eve is the ultimate freedom for being a ship. Go fly for hours hope you dont get killed by a gate camp.
So just like us EVE players would say, dont join PotBS and not find a good society, you would say the same to anyone soloing EVE.
PS......Someone prove to me EVE missions are better than POTBS.......
As for the technicality of whether the Auction System is an actual Auction System...
wait for it...
WIKIPEDIA! (Okay go nuts!)
(I know there are a few Wiki hatebois here - but Wiki does an okay job if you want an overview without having to get a degree.)
Look here :
So not all Auction systems are the same. Are there bids? YES. Are there sellers? YES.
The system is similar to a Sealed Bid First Price Auction?
So, it may not be a conventional English Auction - but I think it is an Auction none-the-less.
I have also read the Blog on this and having played it think it actually works very well. Patient buyers can often get a bargin and using a little bit of psychology you can often sell goods quickly at a good price.
My tip here: Never offer anything of value for 1 dubloon hoping that people will open their bid with the last price payed!
Nothing says irony like spelling ideot wrong.
The devs could have called it "the place where you go to sell your shit" or given it a fancy name, but they called it an "Auction House" so average joe blow would understand what its purpose is. Really, does it matter what its called people? Thats like arguing that there wasnt a Hercules class of ship in 1720. IRRELEVANT.
Im the reverse, I consider the land graphics to be quite excellent and sea graphics to be very weak. To each his own I guess
I haven't played the game yet so I'm a bit confused by your explanation. What it sounds like is that the value of an item is determined by the players and not a "base price" that's built into the game. That isn't so different than many other games where crafted items are put up for sale. For example in EQ2 if I make an item I can place it at auction for whatever price I choose. However I can also price theitem according to similar items that are up for sale (whose price I can see) This allows me to undercut the other person but only to a point because crafting the item costs a certain amount. It also doesn't prevent someone from making lots of money on an item that cost relatively little to make because peeps are willing to pay a lot for popular items. How is PotBS system different and what are the advantages of it?
Just a quick question. Is this game like Voyage Century with regard to the instancing and crafting?
You can read the devs explanation at: . It is very clear and indepth.
Gold ore cost around 1800D to produce. Wich gives me 10x with the value of 180D piece.
I'm not interested to sell it less then that but I'm also interested in getting it sold. And I'm also not interested in getting it sold for 10D/piece.
Let's say there are 3 producers of gold ore.
1st is selling 300D/piece.
2nd is selling for 190D/piece.
(Ofcourse I would not know their list price, but for the sake of argument I do now.)
I sell mine for 185D/piece.
A buyer goes in trying to buy 15 pieces with:
10D....15D.... incremential with 5 steps up to 185D... Nah unlikely the person will do that everytime. But let's say he see the recent sells for 400D/piece and tries with 310D /piece. That would mean my 10 gold ore get's sold for 3100D not 1850D, and the 2nd get 5 of his sold for 310D/piece. Likewise if the buyer for some undefinable reason would try to buy it for 6000D/piece mine would have been sold. And I'd be really happy and the other two sorry for not wanting to risk it by going lower.
I could also have sold it for 185D/piece if I had been unlucky.
If a really bold seller would have listed it for 10D/piece his would been sold first, but risking loosing 1690D in production cost.
But for this to work the economy have to settle first. There is no chance that I bother to risk selling gold ore that cheap at the moment. So I'm gonna hold on to my ore some time.
I'm so broke. I can't even pay attention.
"You have the right not to be killed"
Wow, I didnt think we could still cancel our orders; thanks for the tip!
I preordered the game too and am, severely underwhelmed by it. The ship combat is neat, but the Avatar combat is laughable. The on-ground interactions leave a lot to be desired. The graphics are not anything to write home about, the character models are ugly, the character movement looks clunky.
I really hoped for a good MMO, but this game stinks.
Just curious, but why preorder without playing the open beta or any of the public stress tests to see if the game is for you in the first place?
I've been looking for a new MMO since I've already become bored with my last one, Tabula Rasa. I missed the open beta. I preordered because I didnt want to wait till end of month to play.
Just curious, but why preorder without playing the open beta or any of the public stress tests to see if the game is for you in the first place?
Well, for one thing the false advertising the game has out made me want to buy it too. Thank god I did sign up for open beta though.
What false advertisement? There hardly was any advertisement at all, or at least not that I'm aware of?
Playing: Final Fantasy Online: ARR, Destiny
Most memorable games for me: UO, GW1, LoTRO
If that's a gameplay video, I'd love to know how to sign up for that game...cause it sure as hell isn't POTBS.
I'd call all the hype about ghost ships and undead battles pretty much the same...since no one I know has ever seen this.
Uhm my game looks and plays exactly like that in the video. Certainly im not always that zoomed in to my ship, but if I wanted to get that cinematic look I can certainly do so with a single roll of my mouse wheel.
Uhm my game looks and plays exactly like that in the video. Certainly im not always that zoomed in to my ship, but if I wanted to get that cinematic look I can certainly do so with a single roll of my mouse wheel.
LOL! And just now, you've gone into the realm of fandom that makes you unreachable.
The avatar combat does NOT look OR play remotely like they are intimating from that "gameplay" video.
Actually it looks exactly like that. Infact that video was showing a mission I just finished doing and thats exactly how it looked., it really doesn't. That video portrays it as reactive and twitch. Like the guy is swinging and you're jumping over it, like you're blocking...that isn't this avatar combat, it's not even close to this combat.
Just to be clear, it makes a point of STARTING with "swashbuckling combat" for a game that has the single worst avatar combat I've played to date.
that, is false advertising.
Well I agree that that video is advertising an aspect of the game that is not its strongest point, but everything that video shows is 100% correct in terms of how it LOOKS. All those locations I have seen and done and fought just like that.
Since that video was released before open beta, all it served to do was to show how the game looks. The public stress tests and the open beta were for everyone to first hand see for themselves how it PLAYS.
Nothing in that video is false advertising, its just to you portraying something different than you imagined. That can be said for every single video game and movie trailer ever released.
Uhm my game looks and plays exactly like that in the video. Certainly im not always that zoomed in to my ship, but if I wanted to get that cinematic look I can certainly do so with a single roll of my mouse wheel.
LOL! And just now, you've gone into the realm of fandom that makes you unreachable.
The avatar combat does NOT look OR play remotely like they are intimating from that "gameplay" video. game looks like that as well. The avatar combat certainly isn't as exciting as the movie makes it out to be (perhaps the speed and music in the movie) but it IS ingame footage.~Hairysun~
Uhm my game looks and plays exactly like that in the video. Certainly im not always that zoomed in to my ship, but if I wanted to get that cinematic look I can certainly do so with a single roll of my mouse wheel.
LOL! And just now, you've gone into the realm of fandom that makes you unreachable.
The avatar combat does NOT look OR play remotely like they are intimating from that "gameplay" video., uhm, you've just gone into the realm of trolls that makes you unreachable.
I'm so broke. I can't even pay attention.
"You have the right not to be killed"