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The Acolytes have chosen to branch out into other MMOs. To be specific, we are creating a Warhammer dedicated division of the guild and have opened recruitment for such. Most of you may not have heard of us all things considered, by all means, ask if you have any questions.
We are not an Elitest Guild, however, we are what you might say 'determined' with a relaxed mindset. We have a great community established ourselves (for over a year now) and play other games together.
Acolytes Mission Statement
The Acolytes are currently a Guild forming for multiple MMORPGs, initially for Age of Conan, and more recently, for Warhammer Online. Yes, we know that the release dates for both are still quite a ways off, but we are trying to get a good core of people started off early, developing friendships and bonds, tactics and plans, so that we as a whole will be better prepared to take on what both worlds have to throw at us.
Our goal from the very beginning, will to be a mature and active guild, that and to have fun at what we do. We also plan to do our part to continue the ongoing story behind both games. We willparticipating in PVP, and we plan on taking down our enemies with no looking back!
We will be playing the Destruction side of the conflict, and plan on having certain objectives for our guild and it's members, so that we all can be as successful as possible.
We expect all Acolyte members to treat each other in a courteous and respectful manner at all times. People join this guild to help one another, to have fun, and to form long lasting friendships; therefore, it can only be assumed that a friendly attitude is desired towards all fellow guild mates, it's allies and the game itself.
Everyone from around the world are more then welcome to join the ranks of The Acolytes. Currently we have a wide variety of Americans, various other Europeans, Australians, Norwegians, Canadians and even a few Texans in our guild, and our membership is open to everyone who wishes to apply and pass the 10 day trial period. Our first and foremost objective however will be PvP, but all playstyles will be welcome. Roleplay is encouraged, but by no means required.
If you're interested in reading more or applying please visit the Recruitment Section here on our forums: interview with Redruum (Leader) here:
You will find step by step guides.
Any questions just post here, PM, visit our forums or pop on IRC for a chat!
Membership & Participation
We are looking for mature players who are willing to join the Acolytes. We want people who love to play MMO's and want to have fun while playing! It will be a requirement to be on our Ventrilo server when the game launches for large scale PvP battles and/or raids.
The Acolytes also require that you have somewhat of a unique name. Names with numbers and phrases will not be allowed, other then that let your imagination run wild for the most part. We encourage our members to be on as much as they can to help progress their character and the guild.
We will have a lot of members that are on a lot, but we realize there are more important things in life then gaming. We want our members to enjoy themselves while they are immersing themselves in AoC.
If our guild can accomplish that, people will want to be around as much as possible. If you feel that you would be a good fit, please finish reading the rest of the required information on our forums and submit your application at the end.
Character Names
As stated at least two places within our documentation, character names are required to respect the likely rules for an RPPvP server. It is a bit early to have the actual rules themselves, but as other MMO RP server rule sets indicate, they are normally pretty much the same. For mere help on deciding on a name click here.
Don't use:
After you have Applied:
To make your trial period go as smoothly as possible we have listed below some helpful tips.
Recruitment Process
Every single new recruit must read the required information and then fill out and submit application. One of our Recruitment Officers will find your application and will start your trial period. Also they will upgrade your forum rank to Apprentice. This will allow to you access more forums, but still restrict you from our members area.
Your trial period will last 10 days. During those days our members will read your application. Some of them will post a good luck wish or even want to ask you a question. In the mean time you can browse our forums. You can post questions you might have, show off your knowledge of the game lore, in sort getting familiar with our guild and our members. Also you can socialize with our members on Ventrilo or our IRC Channel. It is highly suggested that an applicant be active in chat, an applicant that posts and isn't seen since is... less than likely to be admitted, we want active members.
During your trial period our Senior Members and Officers will vote yes or no. They will base their vote on any combination of the following factors:
This doesn't imply you should flood our forums or present yourself as the founding father of Nilihum, just be yourself. When the number of yes-votes exceeds the number of no-votes after those 10 days, you will be granted membership of the Acolytes
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
nice job at gettin all the info together! the two links for our site though dont seem to be working.
Great job Heronblade on posting the recruitment details and guild information. The first link is now working, but the instructions for the irc chat room is broken.
The Acolytes are one of the oldest and probably the largest Age of Conan pre-release guilds with the greatest mmo community I've ever been apart of. We've only just announced our branching into WAR and are looking to build our roster with mature and like minded individuals.
I have recently completed our forum section for WAR and ironing out the small bugs created by the forum upgrade to phpBB3. I'm now working on the WAR division of the Acolytes mini-site to help promote our guild, so until it's finished you're more then welcome to take a look around our Age of Conan mini-site.
We are just having a little trouble trouble with the IRC after some people had a bit of fun with it. It will be fixed today.
This is a good group of people right here. Highly recommended!
Thank ya Wrenn, the WAR flash site is not 100% complete yet but for anyone who wants to take a peek - - Enjoy but remember its not 100% complete yet:)
It is true, while not done you can see the direction it is going and I think it looks great!
That is highly awesome of you, thank you for the kind words!
Our first recruitment video, please do note this is only like the third video ive ever tryed to create, the streaming version isnt a good quality compaired to if you d/l it. Any Feedback is appreciated.
That one is done for now, me and drakus may work up a new video soon.
Well know that I expect nothing less than perfection!
well u no drakus, he isnt aloud out of his cage till he's got it perfecto.
They are a great group of people, but Uthous should not be left out of the cage or without a leash... and yes Uthous you know me, but my name was already taken in this boards...
i do, do i! interestnig, but acually i got out of the cage and thats why drakus is in there now....with arkane.
He looked so lonely, it would be bad to not keep him company!
I say lock all of you in cages while I pelt you with trout.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
Hey now, aelfinn gets turned on by that...please do not feed the animals:)
We definately have a great group of people within the Acolytes as a whole and our WAR branch is growing each and every day which is always a good thing! Somehow I had a feeling this thread would turn kinky after a while....
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hrm...sounds like your looking for some hot dogs red:) olivia hot dogs?
can't wait to see some WAR videos by avery
I'll make some when the game launches, can't wait! looks like there is going to be alot of FUN.
Looks like somebody special is creeping up around 2k posts! Avery!
Thats my homemade remix of the milkshake song:D
I think this is the most wisest choice you ever made for guild. Just focus on one mmo´s these days just aint enough. Most elite/hardcore guilds have there member spread out on multi mmo´s and even other games like FPS and RTS etc.
I dunno where the credits goes too, either Aelfinn or Redruum. But I am pretty sure that you wont regret it. Warhammer Online seems just the game for you people.