Enjoy the game. Have fun playing it. And let other people who dislike it have their opinions. Luckily, such things are subject to a person's likes and dislikes and those are for them to decide not for you, not for WoW's superb numbers or anything else.
So WoW has 9 Million subscribers. Guess what, there's still plenty of people who don#t play that game and that's because they don#t like it.
Enjoy WoW and stop -YOUR- whining about others not liking the game. *smirk*
And you seems to think that because you like a game, then nobody has the right to tell you that the game is bad. WoW is about 5-10 years behind innovative MMOs. You are playing the game I was playing in 1999 (EverQuest). You are happy with that, good for you. I evolve and play much better and funnier MMOs.
I hope you are happy to be equipped with subpar gear...or to raid/RvR in order to advance, cause this is all WoW is about.
I create threads. So what?
That's not what I think in fact. You can tell me a game is bad all you want, but after years of hearing the same old trolling nonsense about how bad WoW is, it's time to stop and move on. Your petty insults mean nothing to me. You play "better" and "funnier" MMOs? Good for you. Have a cookie. Go play them and leave those of us who play WoW alone.
You can't tell me what makes me happy, or what I enjoy no matter how much you want to. I know haters like you would love to bring down the big bad WoW, but you and all the so called next-gen MMOs have failed miserably. WoW gained a million subscribers over the last year despite all the new MMOs.
The hate I see here is actually pretty funny.
And you sir cannot tell me what games to hate and which not to. I hate WoW. I hate its community. And telling WoW haters to go to hell is why people hate the community. Its childish at best. Alot of WoW haters can put a decent thought togeather. You on the other hand decide to act like a good amount of WoW players. Verry verry childish. Had you made a post saying "I like WoW, why do you haters hate it so much?" You might get alittle respect. Then to bitch about people hateing on WoW, and tell us we can go to hell and stop trashing WoW.
The funniest part is you thinking us WoW haters are trying to TELL you how to game and what games to enjoy. Which infact is completely untrue. We are simply stateing we hate WoW and why we hate it. Not that you should not play it. You want to play a game that any untrained monkey could play? Fine by me. But dont come here, rant like a child and then expect not to be treated as such. My 8 year old niece plays WoW and loves it. She is pretty good at it and raids when her parents give her the time. Guess what? An MMO that I would play no 9 year old is going to be good at or understand.
WoW was smart dont get me wrong. It took all the aspects from other games that people liked and put it into a single game. The reason I hate it is because after it did that, it dumbed the game down so anyone could play it. That brought in a mass of people who cant think for themself and a good amount of idiots. For that I hate WoW. Not only did it cause other developers to stop making MMO's that took some skill to play, but it brought in a mass of idiots that where rarely seen before. Sure there where some, but not nearly the amount us Vet gamers have to deal with now.
Sadly Xenogias, though your posted started out good, you were just as childish as the OP. I find it hard to take seriously anyone who insults people for their game play choice. Be that the OP or you.
To be honest, everybody just needs to grow up and learn to ignore people like the OP and the people who post the "WOWs gonna die soon!!!!" threads. The only way to get rid of a troll is to ignore and report.
As the title says, I play WoW. I enjoy it a lot. And yet I can't seem to come to these forums, or almost any game forums, without seeing numerous posts talking about the "death of WoW" or how WoW sucks, and all this So while it's been said before, I'll say it again. If you don't like WoW, then We don't want to hear your bitching. Just because you can't find that awesome sandbox MMO that you dream SWG could have been doesn't mean that people want to hear you complain about how much WoW sucks. With 9 million plus ACTIVE subscriptions, none of us players care what you have to say. Our numbers speak for the game just fine. Maybe we'll all be playing something else in a few years, but only time will tell. After 4 years, and many failed MMO releases, WoW is still the king
Umm do you always tell everyone that doesn't 100% agree with you to go to hell?
Way to prove a point about the maturity of WoW players.
As the title says, I play WoW. I enjoy it a lot. And yet I can't seem to come to these forums, or almost any game forums, without seeing numerous posts talking about the "death of WoW" or how WoW sucks, and all this So while it's been said before, I'll say it again. If you don't like WoW, then We don't want to hear your bitching. Just because you can't find that awesome sandbox MMO that you dream SWG could have been doesn't mean that people want to hear you complain about how much WoW sucks. With 9 million plus ACTIVE subscriptions, none of us players care what you have to say. Our numbers speak for the game just fine. Maybe we'll all be playing something else in a few years, but only time will tell. After 4 years, and many failed MMO releases, WoW is still the king
You're the perfect wowboy, did you have an education for it? Blizzards international school of fanboyism?
Now again: 9 million players, 9 million players, 9 million players!
I am not saying Ruffer is a hater, and wouldn't imply it in anyway either for future or whatever. But his experience is what is brooming haters...REAL haters. And Blizzard/fanbois are merely starting to taste it; just as Sony was merely starting to taste it in 2003.
regarding SOE, EQ1 had flames on their boards since 1999
think it was 6months -1 year later
that SOE changed their forums to require you have an active account to post (to cut down the flames)
I dont think Blizzard will ever harvest the player hate that SOE has
but I personally have less faith in Bliz since WOW -- and I dont hate WOW
Good signature material.
Enjoy the game. Have fun playing it. And let other people who dislike it have their opinions. Luckily, such things are subject to a person's likes and dislikes and those are for them to decide not for you, not for WoW's superb numbers or anything else.
So WoW has 9 Million subscribers. Guess what, there's still plenty of people who don#t play that game and that's because they don#t like it.
Enjoy WoW and stop -YOUR- whining about others not liking the game. *smirk*
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
I create threads. So what?
That's not what I think in fact. You can tell me a game is bad all you want, but after years of hearing the same old trolling nonsense about how bad WoW is, it's time to stop and move on. Your petty insults mean nothing to me. You play "better" and "funnier" MMOs? Good for you. Have a cookie. Go play them and leave those of us who play WoW alone.
You can't tell me what makes me happy, or what I enjoy no matter how much you want to. I know haters like you would love to bring down the big bad WoW, but you and all the so called next-gen MMOs have failed miserably. WoW gained a million subscribers over the last year despite all the new MMOs.
The hate I see here is actually pretty funny.
The funniest part is you thinking us WoW haters are trying to TELL you how to game and what games to enjoy. Which infact is completely untrue. We are simply stateing we hate WoW and why we hate it. Not that you should not play it. You want to play a game that any untrained monkey could play? Fine by me. But dont come here, rant like a child and then expect not to be treated as such. My 8 year old niece plays WoW and loves it. She is pretty good at it and raids when her parents give her the time. Guess what? An MMO that I would play no 9 year old is going to be good at or understand.
WoW was smart dont get me wrong. It took all the aspects from other games that people liked and put it into a single game. The reason I hate it is because after it did that, it dumbed the game down so anyone could play it. That brought in a mass of people who cant think for themself and a good amount of idiots. For that I hate WoW. Not only did it cause other developers to stop making MMO's that took some skill to play, but it brought in a mass of idiots that where rarely seen before. Sure there where some, but not nearly the amount us Vet gamers have to deal with now.
Sadly Xenogias, though your posted started out good, you were just as childish as the OP. I find it hard to take seriously anyone who insults people for their game play choice. Be that the OP or you.
To be honest, everybody just needs to grow up and learn to ignore people like the OP and the people who post the "WOWs gonna die soon!!!!" threads. The only way to get rid of a troll is to ignore and report.
Umm do you always tell everyone that doesn't 100% agree with you to go to hell?
Way to prove a point about the maturity of WoW players.
Love the title of your thread, a real eye-grabber.
You're the perfect wowboy, did you have an education for it? Blizzards international school of fanboyism?
Now again: 9 million players, 9 million players, 9 million players!
think it was 6months -1 year later
that SOE changed their forums to require you have an active account to post (to cut down the flames)
I dont think Blizzard will ever harvest the player hate that SOE has
but I personally have less faith in Bliz since WOW -- and I dont hate WOW
EQ2 fan sites
Did anyone bother to check my links? Wow hit a low around sept/oct of 7m and now they're back up at 8m, christmas gifts.
For december anyway. Current numbers say 6.8m. Just check the links.
-Would you like cheddar or swiss cheese?
Did anyone bother to check my links? Wow hit a low around sept/oct of 7m and now they're back up at 8m, christmas gifts.
For december anyway. Current numbers say 6.8m. Just check the links.
One of your link only shows, what everyone already knows, under 1 million in EU+US and rest in China.