If the Druid is included in this vote, that means the Paladin should be as well. I would go for the Paladin if it is a question of opinion. I like being able to melee and still fall back and pull out some magic if I am in a tight spot.
_______________________________ If you get up one more time than you fall down, you will make it through.
i would say the best would be mage becuase they are HIGH dmg and they have good AoE . the next would be either a shaman or a priest. most likely shaman becuase of all the buffs the the priest becuase he is a healer and always needed in groups.
i hate to sya it but the mage is probably the best spellcasting class beacuse he has the best dps spells and can solo well enough on their own. Right now i think the mage is overpowered and i hope blizz will either bring the class down or bring all the classes up.
I would say Mage, the class that is based on spell casting. In my opinion they are the only realy spell caster. All the other groups are lesser spell casters.
(Remeber this is my opinion, so dont bite my head off.)
Originally posted by hell_fire_69 i would say the best would be mage becuase you can summon and they are very needed in groups.
Acctually that would be the Warlock who can summon and has the soulstones.
*Notice: The views expressed in this post are solely those of the author... got sick of holding backspace. ----------------------------------------- ParaTrooper, That guy that used to mod the MMORPG.com forums.
All classes are pretty good. However in my experience as an undead warlock I found I rarely died one on one. Ive taken down same lvl mage and warlock at same time with surprise attack. Ive even beaten higher lvl shammy's and still had full health. And paladins were eaten for breakfast.
Of course it all depends on how good you play the class, a warlock can really suck at pvp if you dont know how to properly play one. That goes with any class really. I also found at higher lvls and even mid range levels and undead shadow priest is pretty nice.
Just my opinions, any class though can be good if you play it RIGHT.
I have a sixty mage and I can honestly tell you they are far from over powered and they are defatly not a fantastic soloing class. Now with that adressed each class is fantastic in their own way.
Advantages- Can decurse- This abbiltiy you would think would be that useful however in Molten Core you spend sever boss fights doing just that. Druids also share this ability.
Nice DPS- When numbers are compaired mages fall shot of rogues and are about even with hunters on damage numbers.
AOE KINGS- There is no class better at using area of effect. This is one of the reasons why mages are so wanted for the 10 man raids instances at sixty.
Portals- Mages have the abbility to teleport themselves and others to any major city in Azeroth. Combine that with the a stragicly placed hearth stone and you can get anywhere in the world within two griph hops.
Food and Water- Being able to create food and water for a group is one of the mages primary roles in a group and players love you for it. Also when you reach level 60 it's a good way to make cash or a few friends.
Cloth armor- Yup how about that 12-17 percent absorbtion.
Elemental Damage- Since your tallents focus on one elemental type you can find yourself in a lot of trouble when fighting a mob that happens to be immune to your specaility.
High mana cost- With the exception of frost mages, who can hold on to their mana relitvely well. Mage spells require a lot of your recorces. So while you might be chilling around 8000 mana you're going to be using up 15 about percent per spell.
Shhhhhh- Silence leaves you all but useless.
Expendi PAL- You can summon a demon to do your bidding. Not only can you summon one, but you can summon up to 5 diffrent demons: imp, voidwalker, felhunter, sucubus, and Infernal. Each one of these pets serves a perticular roll and a well played lock can be devistating if he uses this veriety to his advantage.
Drippin with dots- If you like watching a monsters life slowly drain away as your pet munchs on him then this is the class for you. Warlocks get four, count it four, diffrent dots they can have on one perticular mob at any given time.
Debuff man- You have many to choose from, some are better for diffrent occasions
Health Stone- Warlocks can make, and unlike the mages mana crystals, freely distrubte free health "stones" to members of their party. These stones act like healing potions, and are on a completely seperate timer.
Ritual of Summoning- Hey got three buddies at an instance, but your waiting for the other two. Well not if you have a warlock in your group. This abbility alows you, with the help of two other group members, to instantly summon someone to your location. This is also handy for when someone finds themselves stuck, IE bugged in a wall or behind something. Rather than wait for a GM to do something about it, just summon them out. How handy is that!!!
AOE Second- You can AOE, and you don't suck at it. Just be forwarned your never going to be as good at it as a mage.
Banishing- The ability to take elementals out of play might not sound like a big deal, but since the only end game instance right now is molten core and like half of the mobs in their are elementals this abiltiy becomes invaluable in the case of an add. And in the case of Garr, one of the boss in MC competely nessary to win the fight.
Free mount- Yes at level fourty and at level 60 you will be given a quest to get a free (at fourty) mount and (at 60) epic mount. Listen sure it might be some work, and sure you'll probably have to pay for a few materials, but those costs aside your saving roughly 800 gold. Which is a huge bargin.
Cloth armor: I think we've been here before. Yes it really does suck THAT BAD.
Pet pathing leads to wipes: Most of the time people, "in the know", well tell you to put your pet away or leave them on passive, as one slip up with a voidwaker can lead to unwanted mobs and party deaths.
Imp why Imp: With so many demons to choose from it's a pitty that for most of your end game carrier yoru going to walking around with an imp in toe. People like the bonus stam it gives and it's phase shift ability help keep away some of that agro we already mentioned.
The rule of eight- The most debuffs any monster in WOW, including raid bosses, can have on it at any given time is 8. This means that not only are your dots, not going to be on said mob but most of your curses are going to be wiped away by dumb warriors who think their rend beats your curse of agony or curse of doom. This means your going to have to rely on your wimpy shadow bolts and health and mana syphens for your primary damage out put. Which means you're not going to be counted on for it.
3/4 : It's a well known fact that when dealing with a pet class the owner of said pet is acounting for around 75% of the total units power. And since most of the time, end game, your going to be walking around with a nye usless imp at yourside that missing effectivness shows and it will piss you off to no end.
Wanted- BY the time you reach end game, asssuming you don't have a major personality flaw, you will never ever ever want for a group. Priests are the least played class in world of warcraft and as such you and your healing prowess will be wanted everywhre. Weather it be from dark halls of Scholomance to the firey lair of Rannaros himself.
Shadow- The shadow priest while not wanted in groups end game is one of the most effective soloers and pvp classes in all of wow. Your ability to syphen life, silence players, and stay in the open while doing it makes you when hell of a dangerious advisary.
Shackles- The abbility to crowd controll undead, is an ability you share with the hunter only.
Mind Controll- Ever wonder what it's like being a female gnomish warlock. Well why don't you find out. Also this ability is useful for widdleing down large pulls in Strath in scholomance. By mind controlling a one mob in a group and having the others beat it to death you can save yourself the trouble of killing it yourself.
Healing- Druids may attempt to contest this, but everybody knows that priests are the best healers in wow. Not because they have the most powerful spells, but you have an emence mana pool to draw from, and as such durning those long boss fights, when healing really matters, you won't find yourselves tapped out like other clases.
Damage sheild- Hella useful when dealing with a character who is about to die, and your looking for just enough time to toss that big heal.
Prayer fortitude- Who doesn't want an extra 520 hit points. I know I sure as hell do.
Cloth armor: We've been over this, and guess what it still sucks.
The first 30: The first thirty levels are hell. The first 10 tallents really hasn't given your priest any real dirrection at all and you'll spend most of your time beging to tag along with someone just so you can do your job. If you decied to screw the other guy then it IS possible to solo as a priest, it's just boring as hell.
That feeling of helplessness: There are classes that set the tone for a battle. Determine how the pull is pulled, fight the war. Yeah, you don't get to do any of that. Your job is to sit back and watch the carnage unfold and try to keep the idiots from dying. It takes a perticular person to do that, and if you're not them you might as well just give up now.
You will repent damit: No matter how you try, no matter how much you beg. pled. and prod. there is no way any guild worth it's salt, doing end game content, is going to let you in as a shadow priest unless you totaly plan to respec before every MC run. So resign yourself to this cold hard fact now, if you want purple EQ, you're going to have become holy/disciplin. It's as simple as that.
Jack of all trades- The druid has the ablity to shape shift into a bear (warrior), Cat (Rogue), Cheata (Mount), and Sea Creature Seal thing (Um... Sea Creature Seal thing). This veriety will keep you entertained for hours.
Healer- You do not suck as a healer.. Infact for quick and dirty fights rejuive druids are actually better at keeping people alive then full holy/disciple priests.
Combat Rez- Druids have an ability, useable only every thirty minutes, that allows them to resurect a person in mid battle and leaves the person with a nice chunk of health and mana. This ablitlity is so incredibly useful I can't even begin to discribe it's many uses. But lets just say it's bailed a group out in more than one situation.
Sleep- Crowd controll for beasts and Dragonkin becomes invaluble in instances like Lower and Uper black rock spire. Also it's a hand ability for when your just soloing.
Travel- 40percent incressed movement speed is nothing to scouf at. expessaly when you get it at level thirty and make all those people waiting to get their mounts jealous while you troll around as an ultra fast kitty. Besides this transformation is instantanous and does help you get out of crap, when you pull to much of it.
Master of None- Yes you can be a big bearly bear but you'll never be able to hold as much agro as a warrior. Sure you can be a sneaky kitty, but you'll never be as steathy or do as much damage as a rogue. And yes you do get 40% incressed movement speed, but really who uses that to run around after they hit fourty and get their mount. The fact is yes you can be all these wonderful things, but you'll have to live with knowing your never as good as the real thing.
Stupid Feral- The feral tree is nye worthless and as such you really only have to routes to go as a druid.
Rejuv4tehwin- Yes you can be a ballance druid, but when you hit the higher levels prepair to meet the same walls as the priest. You will be expected to heal, and not only just heal, but heal well. This pretty much means that 30 point ballance build you've been playing with and enjoying this whole time, yeah, try 30 rejuv pal, I hope you like healing because that sir has become your job.
It's got nine minutes left- Sure you can rez, but your rez is on a thirty ,count it, thirty minute timer. Which means that you have to be verry careful when and where you use it. If a player dies suddenly, because of a bad pull and you happen to be the only healer in your group then you are going to have to either tell the poor shmuck to walk back or use it and hope to god it doesn't happen again. I have seen this problem break up a party more times than I woud like to admit.
No damit! I swear it's Druid EQ- The problem with being a class where literaly every single attribute is important is that trying to convince anybody that you need a perticular peace of armor, unless it says intellect somewhere on it is nearly impossible. Sure you can use a 2 handed hammer, but try telling the pally that you deserve that more than he does. Basicly unless it says druid or intellect somewhere on it, you're going to have to fight for every peice of EQ you get.
I'm going to skip Pallies and Shamans in this little list for two reasons: one I play alliance and two that would start a whole new debate I don't feel like getting into now. I hope you find this information useful.
Mr. Vice
Inis 60 Gnome Mage <Obsidian Coven> Kargath EllwoodBlues 45 Human Warrior <Obsidian Coven> Kargath Widow 16 Human Rogue <Obsidian Coven> Kargath Zeal 40 Human Pally Arthas Retired
PS: On a totaly diffrent note I just got my second peice of Arcanist last night someone say gratz.
If you get up one more time than you fall down, you will make it through.
i would say the best would be mage becuase they are HIGH dmg and they have good AoE . the next would be either a shaman or a priest. most likely shaman becuase of all the buffs the the priest becuase he is a healer and always needed in groups.
I also would like to see the paladin in the vote cause he is also a char who works with magic.
i hate to sya it but the mage is probably the best spellcasting class beacuse he has the best dps spells and can solo well enough on their own. Right now i think the mage is overpowered and i hope blizz will either bring the class down or bring all the classes up.
*Hear me roar*
I vote for warlock
However all classes are great
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I would say Mage, the class that is based on spell casting. In my opinion they are the only realy spell caster. All the other groups are lesser spell casters.
(Remeber this is my opinion, so dont bite my head off.)
Goooo Shamans!!!!!!!
*Notice: The views expressed in this post are solely those of the author... got sick of holding backspace.
ParaTrooper, That guy that used to mod the MMORPG.com forums.
All classes are pretty good. However in my experience as an undead warlock I found I rarely died one on one. Ive taken down same lvl mage and warlock at same time with surprise attack. Ive even beaten higher lvl shammy's and still had full health. And paladins were eaten for breakfast.
Of course it all depends on how good you play the class, a warlock can really suck at pvp if you dont know how to properly play one. That goes with any class really. I also found at higher lvls and even mid range levels and undead shadow priest is pretty nice.
Just my opinions, any class though can be good if you play it RIGHT.
Ok Who likes Shaman!!!!!!!!!
I have a sixty mage and I can honestly tell you they are far from over powered and they are defatly not a fantastic soloing class. Now with that adressed each class is fantastic in their own way.
Can decurse- This abbiltiy you would think would be that useful however in Molten Core you spend sever boss fights doing just that. Druids also share this ability.
Nice DPS- When numbers are compaired mages fall shot of rogues and are about even with hunters on damage numbers.
AOE KINGS- There is no class better at using area of effect. This is one of the reasons why mages are so wanted for the 10 man raids instances at sixty.
Portals- Mages have the abbility to teleport themselves and others to any major city in Azeroth. Combine that with the a stragicly placed hearth stone and you can get anywhere in the world within two griph hops.
Food and Water- Being able to create food and water for a group is one of the mages primary roles in a group and players love you for it. Also when you reach level 60 it's a good way to make cash or a few friends.
Cloth armor- Yup how about that 12-17 percent absorbtion.
Elemental Damage- Since your tallents focus on one elemental type you can find yourself in a lot of trouble when fighting a mob that happens to be immune to your specaility.
High mana cost- With the exception of frost mages, who can hold on to their mana relitvely well. Mage spells require a lot of your recorces. So while you might be chilling around 8000 mana you're going to be using up 15 about percent per spell.
Shhhhhh- Silence leaves you all but useless.
Expendi PAL- You can summon a demon to do your bidding. Not only can you summon one, but you can summon up to 5 diffrent demons: imp, voidwalker, felhunter, sucubus, and Infernal. Each one of these pets serves a perticular roll and a well played lock can be devistating if he uses this veriety to his advantage.
Drippin with dots- If you like watching a monsters life slowly drain away as your pet munchs on him then this is the class for you. Warlocks get four, count it four, diffrent dots they can have on one perticular mob at any given time.
Debuff man- You have many to choose from, some are better for diffrent occasions
Health Stone- Warlocks can make, and unlike the mages mana crystals, freely distrubte free health "stones" to members of their party. These stones act like healing potions, and are on a completely seperate timer.
Ritual of Summoning- Hey got three buddies at an instance, but your waiting for the other two. Well not if you have a warlock in your group. This abbility alows you, with the help of two other group members, to instantly summon someone to your location. This is also handy for when someone finds themselves stuck, IE bugged in a wall or behind something. Rather than wait for a GM to do something about it, just summon them out. How handy is that!!!
AOE Second- You can AOE, and you don't suck at it. Just be forwarned your never going to be as good at it as a mage.
Banishing- The ability to take elementals out of play might not sound like a big deal, but since the only end game instance right now is molten core and like half of the mobs in their are elementals this abiltiy becomes invaluable in the case of an add. And in the case of Garr, one of the boss in MC competely nessary to win the fight.
Free mount- Yes at level fourty and at level 60 you will be given a quest to get a free (at fourty) mount and (at 60) epic mount. Listen sure it might be some work, and sure you'll probably have to pay for a few materials, but those costs aside your saving roughly 800 gold. Which is a huge bargin.
Cloth armor: I think we've been here before. Yes it really does suck THAT BAD.
Pet pathing leads to wipes: Most of the time people, "in the know", well tell you to put your pet away or leave them on passive, as one slip up with a voidwaker can lead to unwanted mobs and party deaths.
Imp why Imp: With so many demons to choose from it's a pitty that for most of your end game carrier yoru going to walking around with an imp in toe. People like the bonus stam it gives and it's phase shift ability help keep away some of that agro we already mentioned.
The rule of eight- The most debuffs any monster in WOW, including raid bosses, can have on it at any given time is 8. This means that not only are your dots, not going to be on said mob but most of your curses are going to be wiped away by dumb warriors who think their rend beats your curse of agony or curse of doom. This means your going to have to rely on your wimpy shadow bolts and health and mana syphens for your primary damage out put. Which means you're not going to be counted on for it.
3/4 : It's a well known fact that when dealing with a pet class the owner of said pet is acounting for around 75% of the total units power. And since most of the time, end game, your going to be walking around with a nye usless imp at yourside that missing effectivness shows and it will piss you off to no end.
Wanted- BY the time you reach end game, asssuming you don't have a major personality flaw, you will never ever ever want for a group. Priests are the least played class in world of warcraft and as such you and your healing prowess will be wanted everywhre. Weather it be from dark halls of Scholomance to the firey lair of Rannaros himself.
Shadow- The shadow priest while not wanted in groups end game is one of the most effective soloers and pvp classes in all of wow. Your ability to syphen life, silence players, and stay in the open while doing it makes you when hell of a dangerious advisary.
Shackles- The abbility to crowd controll undead, is an ability you share with the hunter only.
Mind Controll- Ever wonder what it's like being a female gnomish warlock. Well why don't you find out. Also this ability is useful for widdleing down large pulls in Strath in scholomance. By mind controlling a one mob in a group and having the others beat it to death you can save yourself the trouble of killing it yourself.
Healing- Druids may attempt to contest this, but everybody knows that priests are the best healers in wow. Not because they have the most powerful spells, but you have an emence mana pool to draw from, and as such durning those long boss fights, when healing really matters, you won't find yourselves tapped out like other clases.
Damage sheild- Hella useful when dealing with a character who is about to die, and your looking for just enough time to toss that big heal.
Prayer fortitude- Who doesn't want an extra 520 hit points. I know I sure as hell do.
Cloth armor: We've been over this, and guess what it still sucks.
The first 30: The first thirty levels are hell. The first 10 tallents really hasn't given your priest any real dirrection at all and you'll spend most of your time beging to tag along with someone just so you can do your job. If you decied to screw the other guy then it IS possible to solo as a priest, it's just boring as hell.
That feeling of helplessness: There are classes that set the tone for a battle. Determine how the pull is pulled, fight the war. Yeah, you don't get to do any of that. Your job is to sit back and watch the carnage unfold and try to keep the idiots from dying. It takes a perticular person to do that, and if you're not them you might as well just give up now.
You will repent damit: No matter how you try, no matter how much you beg. pled. and prod. there is no way any guild worth it's salt, doing end game content, is going to let you in as a shadow priest unless you totaly plan to respec before every MC run. So resign yourself to this cold hard fact now, if you want purple EQ, you're going to have become holy/disciplin. It's as simple as that.
Jack of all trades- The druid has the ablity to shape shift into a bear (warrior), Cat (Rogue), Cheata (Mount), and Sea Creature Seal thing (Um... Sea Creature Seal thing). This veriety will keep you entertained for hours.
Healer- You do not suck as a healer.. Infact for quick and dirty fights rejuive druids are actually better at keeping people alive then full holy/disciple priests.
Combat Rez- Druids have an ability, useable only every thirty minutes, that allows them to resurect a person in mid battle and leaves the person with a nice chunk of health and mana. This ablitlity is so incredibly useful I can't even begin to discribe it's many uses. But lets just say it's bailed a group out in more than one situation.
Sleep- Crowd controll for beasts and Dragonkin becomes invaluble in instances like Lower and Uper black rock spire. Also it's a hand ability for when your just soloing.
Travel- 40percent incressed movement speed is nothing to scouf at. expessaly when you get it at level thirty and make all those people waiting to get their mounts jealous while you troll around as an ultra fast kitty. Besides this transformation is instantanous and does help you get out of crap, when you pull to much of it.
Master of None- Yes you can be a big bearly bear but you'll never be able to hold as much agro as a warrior. Sure you can be a sneaky kitty, but you'll never be as steathy or do as much damage as a rogue. And yes you do get 40% incressed movement speed, but really who uses that to run around after they hit fourty and get their mount. The fact is yes you can be all these wonderful things, but you'll have to live with knowing your never as good as the real thing.
Stupid Feral- The feral tree is nye worthless and as such you really only have to routes to go as a druid.
Rejuv4tehwin- Yes you can be a ballance druid, but when you hit the higher levels prepair to meet the same walls as the priest. You will be expected to heal, and not only just heal, but heal well. This pretty much means that 30 point ballance build you've been playing with and enjoying this whole time, yeah, try 30 rejuv pal, I hope you like healing because that sir has become your job.
It's got nine minutes left- Sure you can rez, but your rez is on a thirty ,count it, thirty minute timer. Which means that you have to be verry careful when and where you use it. If a player dies suddenly, because of a bad pull and you happen to be the only healer in your group then you are going to have to either tell the poor shmuck to walk back or use it and hope to god it doesn't happen again. I have seen this problem break up a party more times than I woud like to admit.
No damit! I swear it's Druid EQ- The problem with being a class where literaly every single attribute is important is that trying to convince anybody that you need a perticular peace of armor, unless it says intellect somewhere on it is nearly impossible. Sure you can use a 2 handed hammer, but try telling the pally that you deserve that more than he does. Basicly unless it says druid or intellect somewhere on it, you're going to have to fight for every peice of EQ you get.
I'm going to skip Pallies and Shamans in this little list for two reasons: one I play alliance and two that would start a whole new debate I don't feel like getting into now. I hope you find this information useful.
Mr. Vice
Inis 60 Gnome Mage <Obsidian Coven> Kargath
EllwoodBlues 45 Human Warrior <Obsidian Coven> Kargath
Widow 16 Human Rogue <Obsidian Coven> Kargath
Zeal 40 Human Pally Arthas Retired
PS: On a totaly diffrent note I just got my second peice of Arcanist last night someone say gratz.
I would have tyo go with shamen then mage!