After more than a year of fierce debate, the Council of Elders has decided to approve reactivation of the Draak Academy teleport pad due to the increased level of Withered Aegis activity southeast of Harro. Adult dragons and hatchlings qualified to begin the Rite of Passage may speak with Brysmendrik regarding the requirements for attunement. The Council has also decided to permit bipeds who are, in V'Tieru's words, "of good character, respectful of our ways and traditions" to become attuned as well. Dragons wishing to sponsor a biped for attunement will need to secure the approval of their respective faction leader.
Release Notes
- ADD: New Gravestone in Festival grounds outside of Dalimond labeled "Here lies Reyem".
- ADD: Lunus Destination Pad added to Draak. It can be accessed from Dralk by those who are qualified.
- ADD: Added quest "The Lost Colony" to Brysmendrik
- ADD: Added quests "I Speak For This One" and "Semeneth's Task" to Semeneth
- FIX: Yew and Fine Yew Round Cross Shield now requires a Veteran Abomination Chest Skull instead of a Myloc Harridan Brain.
- CHANGE: Massive Thornwood Treants and Thistleknot will now drop Tier 6 loot.
- FIX: Monk ability Nerve Strike will now properly stun targets.
- FIX: Quest "Dragon Tooth and Claw Adept: Kill 20 Slate Golems" now requires 20 Slate Golems as it stated.
- FIX: Quest "Dragon Tooth and Claw Adept: Kill 20 Slate Golems" will now give credit for killing the named Slate Golems as well as the unnamed ones.
- CHANGE: Balanced the loot tables for Redbacked Spiders (all types). Cotton will no longer drop as loot from Redbacked Spiders.
- FIX: Smoothing areas in the world that players could potentially get stuck in.
- FIX: Fixed a spelling error in the druid Petrify ability. (Changed "and" to "an")
- FIX: Skill range and resource requirements at optimal skill for Glowing Essence Sources on Tier 3 Storehouse.
- REMOVE: Removed Gnomekindle content.
- REMOVE: Fall Festival NPC's have left the world once again.
- FIX: Returned a lair back to normal that had previously had it's size reduced.
- CHANGE: Giant Ice Beetles now have the same scaling as Giant Sand Beetles (1.2000).
- CHANGE: Ice Gnawer the Giant Ice Beetle now has the same scaling as Gritus Gigantus the Giant Sand Beetle (1.2500).
- CHANGE: Adjusted the treasure tables of Giant Ice Beetles.
- CHANGE: Seafood bonus resources are now associated with fish resources.
- CHANGE: Squirrel is now available as a bonus from Arbotus.
- ADD: Quinoa spawns near Mahagra and Kirasanct.
- FIX: After a brief discussion, Ssoren now understands what "non-Sslik only" means and will correctly offer the "Assault on the Deadlands" quest to those who qualify for it.
- ADD: Onion, Potato, Corn and Garlic spawns near Dalimond.
- CHANGE: Lowered the level requirement on Cooking Knives to 1.