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Is it because of the handouts? or the ridiculous notion that Republicans are the rascist?
an example on a small scale of how dangerous this can be.
If I always give my son everything and never make him get off his arse and do for himself, he will be one of those guys living in his mothers basement at the age of 30.
If you keep your hand out for the cheese long enough, you have successfully become dependent on Government. and that my friends, is the goal of the Democrat Party. To keep you depressed and dependent. Now Republicans on the other hand may play on your fears of big bad terrorists and what-not, but as a society, to keep people lazy is far more dangerous for the future.
-I will subtlety invade your psyche-
It's because Republicans cut taxes on the population (generally the rich). In doing so, they also cut social programs funding for the poor.
Democrats are typically the opposite. Of course both sides change hands all the time. . .
Bottomline is that it doesn't really boil down to race. You'll notice that in nearly every major inner-city network people will vote Democrat. That's because in those areas there is a greater need for government programs and as such higher taxes.
In rural networks you'll notice that most people vote Republican. This is primarily because the people there don't need/want government interference. They have no need for social programs and therefor don't want to pay for them.
The suburban networks can go either way depending on various factors as you put them into the equation.
Of course, this is all circumstantial. A lot of people vote based on single party issues. For example, a lot of people vote primarily Republican because the don't want abortion. Probably one of the stupidest things I have ever heard but it happens. . . a lot.
Eternally mine,
The MMO gaming blog I write for.
Did you just call 88% of the african americans lazy people that are only looking for handouts?
I assume your are a republican?
I wonder why people think they are rasicts.
If I shall try to give you an honest answer?
All other things aside republicans generally come across as much less humane, profit and winnings takes precedence over all other human concepts.
There is nothing that can not be justified with great quarterly reports, war, starvation, abusing the environment and so on.
To take this to its edge as some african americans migth see it.
Slavers are MUCH more likely to be republicans then democrats.
In fact, had it been legal these are the people that would probably run the cotton farms.
If we do not learn to think about others then ourselfs we are probably doomed as a specie.
I do not think that the "every man for himself" approach is a viable option for us or this planet.
And I live in sweden, a country with some of the highest taxes in the world, the most "handouts" as you call them and one of the most extensive welfare system there is.
I make good money and so does most of my fellow swedes, I live well, again as most of my countrymen.
Most of those that dont however do not die from decease, they do not starve nor do they live on the streets.
Its not a perfect sytem by any means, but it works for pretty much all of us.
Originally posted by Jerek_
I wonder if you honestly even believe what you type, or if you live in a made up world of facts.
Many factors would reduce the cost of health care where everybody could afford it - get off your ass and exercise, stop eating super value meals or hot and ready pizzas everyday, stop allowing illegals free emergency care which in turn leads to unpaid bills, etc., etc., etc.
I've had this argument with my father-in-law numerous times. Abortion.
I wouldn't call it stupid. It's a core belief among many religious and some not so religious people out there. As a New York City republican(LOL) Im ok with 1st Trimester and thats IT. But if UNCHECKED Dems (catering to the feminist constituents) would kill a newborn under the guise of 'it's my choice. It is my core belief that 2nd and third term (let alone partial birth abortion (shudders)) are insane...not just stupid , but insane.
I dont want my hard earned money going to some lazy POS welfare reciepient. (btw i do know there are more whites than blacks collecting welfare) They should be mowing my lawn for my money, wtf?!
-I will subtlety invade your psyche-
Many factors would reduce the cost of health care where everybody could afford it - get off your ass and exercise, stop eating super value meals or hot and ready pizzas everyday, stop allowing illegals free emergency care which in turn leads to unpaid bills, etc., etc., etc.
Many factors would reduce the cost of health care where everybody could afford it - get off your ass and exercise, stop eating super value meals or hot and ready pizzas everyday, stop allowing illegals free emergency care which in turn leads to unpaid bills, etc., etc., etc.
Actually it is. As mentioned above are reasons why health care is so high. Fat slobs should pay a higher rate than someone who is fit. Illegals should not be allowed free emergency care - they should be turned away because that bill will never get paid. I'm by far an elite - I make $45k/year and I have great health insurance.
Government controlled health care is not the answer. Here is an idea for you - forced abortions.
Dems want abortions, dems want control of the purestring to control health care. Guess what? They think it is cheaper for you to get an abortion than to have the baby. Come up with the money yourself or have an abortion is their option.
I'm no religious freak - most know that here. But have you ever seen an abortion performed? Have you ever seen a partial birth abortion? Labor is induced, the baby is born prematurely, then they stab the baby in the back of the head with a large pick. Google "partial birth abortion" and look at the pictures. Maybe people who actually support it should view what they support.
I never understood this at all, Republicans have appointed more minoritys to post than any other group.But their is a school of thought that it goes back the Plantation theory.Being that they feel vry loyal to their masters.Plus you would think that they would be happy that people like Thomas sole,Rice,and judge Thomas.
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.
Excuse me but where did this 88% come from?
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
Every person who I know that vote’s republican is an admitted racist. You may say you know republicans that aren’t but I don’t know any.
me.......well i have my opinions of both im NEITHER republican nor democrat
Reasons are the following
Republican party-CORRUPTION! big time, we all know Republican party is big time corruption, you need to know people to get into high places, easy as that, why do you think most republican sons daughters whos parents are in politics get into schools like HARVARD. PRINSTON ext because they are smart? no its because they know people thats how the republican system works i mean just look at bush.
Dont help the poor, in order for the poor to rise you need to help them in some way because if you dont well....... how do you expect the to rise up if they dont have any way of doing.
Republicans concentrate more on the rich rather then the poor in other words they make the rich richer by cutting taxes and make the poor people poorer by making them pay medical bills ect.
THINK ABOUT IT! lets say you were 3rd class your making about 300 dollars a week, you have kids, and a spouse to support, one day 2 of your kids get sick, you go to the doctor well guess what? NO HELP!!! so you have to pay about 70-150 dollars just so the doctor can look at you and SOMETIMES tell you what you have and give you a recipie for the drug your kids need to take ABOUT 30% OF THE TIME you get send to some called specialist because they couldnt check you that specialist is going to charge a bit more, lets say 120-200 dollars. Then you get you medecine that can cost up to 80 dollars each, do the math, and see how the poor family suffers, this is what leads to DROP OUTS , higher CRIME ect.
NEXT TIME YOU VOTE THINK ABOUT THIS who do you rather take away money from? the poor? or the rich? It dosent realy affect the rich, a big shot doctor getting taxes deducted can still drive is bmw mercedes and 1 million dollar home with is versace suits. poor? well this will most likely lead to depression, crime violence ect.
BEFORE YOU QUOTE ME ON SOMETHING! i know people with an education deserve to keep the money that its being deducted in taxes but usually by helping poor people they can lower the 3rd class in this country by helping kids stay out of crime and stay in school.
Democrats- too much of CARE BEARS!!! and give TOO MUCH MONEY TO THE WRONG PEOPLE.
GIVING BACK TO THE PEOPLE- yes its a thing i highly agree with, but hey.....there should be some limits like some 1 said, if you give them too much they will depend on the government.
I think its WONG to give alot to people.
Example- SOME familys black or hispanic usually ( im Mexican before you say something) well they depend of walefare so lets say they have like 3 kids, and only the man works because the wife has to do every thing else around the house taking care of childred, cleaning washing cooking ect, now we as hummans have to admit that we all enjoy sex lol well heres the problem the man gets home well gets what he or she is wanting for tonight DING DING DING! you got it right lol sex, well here comes another baby, now guess what its 4 mouths to feed! plus mom and dad 6! so who do they go to? the goverment!
EX #2 A PERSON WITH EDUCATION- joe is a architect earning himself about 120,000 anually he pays 25,000 thousand dollars in taxes every yearbeen doing so for 8 years (400,000 dollars total).one day joe was walking at the park, he falls down and breaks his hip, goes to the hospital, guess what? he dosent have medical insurance, the surgery is gona cost him 50,000 dollars he does not have the money, He applys for goverment program that will help with medical bills. DECLINED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why? HE MAKES TOO MUCH MONEY ACORDING TO THE GOVERNMENT.he ends up selling his car ext ends up with a bad credit or for some crazy reason goes bankrupt.
WHATS WRONG IN #2? well if joe who pays thousands of dollars every yeat in taxes and one he is in need he cant get help from his own money because he earns to much. in the other hand if this were to happend to a poor person probobly he will get all of it coverd a person who never gave a penny to scociety is getting 50,000 dollars and a person who nearly gave half a million in his life cant get crap.SEE MY POINT
REPUBLICANS should stop being so dam greedy and help out the poor
DEMOCRATS-should not give all the money to the poor and none to the rich.even though they are RICh wich not every 1 who pays taxes is, some time or another something can go wrong and they might need help from the money they put in as taxes
money should be well organized, walefare can only cover up to 2-3 kids in poor family and can only be given if kids have good grades and both parents are working as hard as they can putting extra hours(if both can ofcourse)
More money on security highway/street cameras every where MORE PAY for officers, teachers city hall workers to promote better job cuality.
HIGHER MORE LAW INFOCEMENT cammeras in neighborhoods with high crime rate-this will provide more security as well as make people of committing a crime think twice.
A black man who votes Republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.
CH, Jedi, Commando, Smuggler, BH, Scout, Doctor, Chef, BE...yeah, lots of SWG time invested.
Once a denizen of Ahazi
One of the problems the American system has is that everyone who has insurance thinks their coverage is great until it’s time for the insurance company to pay up. Are you suggesting Americans are fatter and lazier then people in Canada, the UK, France or Germany?
One of the problems the American system has is that everyone who has insurance thinks their coverage is great until it’s time for the insurance company to pay up. Are you suggesting Americans are fatter and lazier then people in Canada, the UK, France or Germany?
belive it or not studies show it.........america is the fattest and lazyest country in the world, why do you think many states have low fat food in schools and taken out most of the sweets coke machines ext, and this includes the rich and poor people
80-something % is a fact re: dems and the black vote.
some misconceptions re: republican and big business and all that greed.
The republican party is pro small business (and large) if giving enough incentives, ie less taxes and easier to be profitable running a business , small business EMPLOY! creating cash for the poor and less fortunate. giving jobs to after school children and working moms and all that jazz.
I am positive pro life, rural, middle of america republicans give more $$ to charity than abortionist inner city democrats.
My idea of welfare reform is this: if you work and can't sustain enough money doing so, you can get assistance. If you can't find a job with your skillset, lets kick the focking illegal out and take his. than you can have my assistance. on a SOCIETAL scale, thing big here folks, alot of people...a generation of sappers are born by just giving them entitlements and handouts. on a large scale, more people will just become lazy and dependent.
If my son had his way at the ripe age of eight, he would just play WoW all day beckoning me to get him a drink cause he's in a dungeon witth a grp. currently he is dependent on me and should be at the age of eight but, I am teaching him not to depend on anyone outside of family, least of all Government.
It is the wettest of wet dreams for democrat politicians to grant amnesty for the 10-20 MILLION illegals here now. or to subvert the constitution by granting illegals drivers licenses. they are their newest dependents.
-I will subtlety invade your psyche-
One of the problems the American system has is that everyone who has insurance thinks their coverage is great until it’s time for the insurance company to pay up. Are you suggesting Americans are fatter and lazier then people in Canada, the UK, France or Germany?
belive it or not studies show it.........america is the fattest and lazyest country in the world, why do you think many states have low fat food in schools and taken out most of the sweets coke machines ext, and this includes the rich and poor people
and fast becoming the stupidest. In Georgia today it was announced to pay students $8.00 hour to stay for more schooling. Who is in charge of the educational institutions in America? Democrats - another failure under their belts. Ironically, the cities who are the stupidest(oh i mean the most poorly educated) are all liberal cities.
we shouldnt worry about healthcare at this point in time, at this rate, our children will be too stupid to make it past the age of 20.
-I will subtlety invade your psyche-
When I think Republican now I think - white, christian, southern/midwest person, out for themselves, not tolerant of others, conservative.
When I think of Democrats now I think - mainstream, diversity, over spending, helpful, liberal, willing to listen.
Now I do not consider myself a democrat or republican straight out, I vote for the candidate that I feel has similar ideals. I tend to lean towards democrat because of many social issues. I would rather my money go towards helping the less fortunate than to corporations. Either way both parties are going to take money from me.
I don't know if I ever have seen a black presidential candidate...I could be way off but I don't remember one ever. Colin Powell was never a candidate, he was just getting support thrown towards him to run.
Overall, I think it is kinda sad that a person would only vote for someone who is like them...Oh he is black so he must be voting for Obama, or oh she is a woman and Hillary has got her vote. I truely wished people voted for who they thought the best candidate was and not along race, sex, or party lines. I don't see this happening while there is this 2 party system that seems to have a grasp of our society.
"It is easier to be cruel than wise. The road to wisdom is long and difficult... so most people just turn out to be assholes" Feng (Christopher Walken)
One of the problems the American system has is that everyone who has insurance thinks their coverage is great until it’s time for the insurance company to pay up. Are you suggesting Americans are fatter and lazier then people in Canada, the UK, France or Germany?
belive it or not studies show it.........america is the fattest and lazyest country in the world, why do you think many states have low fat food in schools and taken out most of the sweets coke machines ext, and this includes the rich and poor people
and fast becoming the stupidest. In Georgia today it was announced to pay students $8.00 hour to stay for more schooling. Who is in charge of the educational institutions in America? Democrats - another failure under their belts. Ironically, the cities who are the stupidest(oh i mean the most poorly educated) are all liberal cities.
we shouldnt worry about healthcare at this point in time, at this rate, our children will be too stupid to make it past the age of 20.
It is a pilot program for 40 kids being privately funded...
And by the way if you want to know what teachers (specifically elementary) consider the biggest problem with the education system right now, ask the about the "No Child Left Behind" bill your president is fighting so hard to keep afloat as the rest of his crappy legacy goes down the drain.
Fulton to pay students in after-school program
Creekside High and Bear Creek Middle will pay students $8 an hour for "Learn & Earn" program
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 01/22/08
Fulton County schools want to pay students to stay in school a little longer.
Forty students from Creekside High and Bear Creek Middle schools in Fairburn will be the first to try the "Learn & Earn" program, where students will get paid to attend after-school tutoring programs.
Students will make approximately $8 an hour, and be eligible for bonuses if their grades improve, said Kirk Wilks, district spokesman. The initial students are in the eighth and 11th grades.
There will be a community kick-off Thursday at 3 p.m. in the Creekside High media center, 7405 Herndon Rd., Fairburn.
With the support of Fulton County Commissioner Robb Pitts, the pilot program will last 15 weeks and pay students for participation and performance. The object of the program is to determine if paying students to study will improve classroom attendance, grades and test scores, according to a news release from the district.
The initiative is funded by Charles Loudermilk, chairman and chief executive officer of Aaron Rents, through the Learning Makes A Difference Foundation. The foundation is a local non-profit designed to improve education through creative programs.
The students chosen for the program were picked by school staff, based on attendance, grades, test scores and free or reduced lunch status, the release said.
"It is easier to be cruel than wise. The road to wisdom is long and difficult... so most people just turn out to be assholes" Feng (Christopher Walken)
See? I can do it too
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
See? I can do it too
Wait.....I want to play too!And a human being voting for a conservative is like a sky diver voting for no parachutes instead relying on god to land them safely.
Wow, you are right, that is fun....
P.S. SioBabble WTF uneducated is that remark
"It is easier to be cruel than wise. The road to wisdom is long and difficult... so most people just turn out to be assholes" Feng (Christopher Walken)
Many factors would reduce the cost of health care where everybody could afford it - get off your ass and exercise, stop eating super value meals or hot and ready pizzas everyday, stop allowing illegals free emergency care which in turn leads to unpaid bills, etc., etc., etc.
and that's why we have a republican president that's doing everything possible to allow domestic snooping.and US govt health care will never be sucessful, our representives waste to much govt. money.
I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.
I don't know if there is any correlation to what I just heard on the radio, but they said that 80% of black Dallas kids do not graduate from high school.
Perhaps those are your voters right there.
I am independant, I live in a very high republican area. The govenor, Roy Blunt, actually called it a democrat free zone. 1/3 people here are openly racist. 1/3 of the people here are in-the-closet racists. Another 1/4 of the population has racist tendencies.
I can't imagine why african americans would vote democrat.
Your mind is like a parachute, it's only useful when it's open.
Don't forget, you can use the block function on trolls.
Do i not have a right to my property? Money is property, its my reward for hardwork. Why should i have to give up my property to someone else just becuase another person decided it was ok to steal from me. My money is stolen every time its taken from my paycheck and given to someone else. If anyone but the government did this they would be in jail. But yet the government gets away with stuff like this all the time. So for everyone who supports welfare. Do i not have a right to my property?
So since someone bought up education, is it a right or a privilege to be educated? The truth is its a privilege unless youre state wrote something in about education into its state constitution (My state Washington did, Education is the states #1 piority). The Federal Government has no obligation to provide education and nore should it be invloved in the education process. Every thing for an individual deponds on how they are educated. Education makes eveyone equal, it doesnt matter what youre race, class, gender, or religion is. Masses of people could be liberated with education freeing them from social subjection. But yet people abuse this privilege.
Knowlege gives rise to a belife in tolerance.
I live in South Carolina. Too many people here are afraid to openly racist unless they stay in the house or rarely go out. There is a hell-a-va lot of hidden racism, but there is a hell-a-va lot of ignorance and Irony. Like a KKK member wearing an X-MEN T-shirt. I hear how most white people teach their kids, mainly girls. Don't go in interracial relationships and stuff, yet they can keep their legs open as wide as possible lol.
But here, that isn't easy. Us ninjas were hired to put "something" in the water. Heh, well they don't neccessarly take that route. I think as time passes, racism dies. With each generation.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
We just had a discussion about this.