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me.......well i have my opinions of both im NEITHER republican nor democrat

Reasons are the following

Republican party-CORRUPTION! big time, we all know Republican party is big time corruption, you need to know people to get into high places, easy as that, why do you think most republican sons daughters whos parents are in politics get into schools like HARVARD. PRINSTON ext  because they are smart? no its because they know people thats how the republican system works i mean just look at bush.

Dont help the poor, in order for the poor to rise you need to help them in some way because if you dont well....... how do you expect the to rise up if they dont have any way of doing.

Republicans concentrate more on the rich rather then the poor in other words they make the rich richer by cutting taxes and make the poor people poorer by making them pay medical bills ect.

THINK ABOUT IT! lets say you were 3rd class your making about 300 dollars a week, you have kids, and a spouse to support, one day 2 of your kids get sick, you go to the doctor well guess what? NO HELP!!! so you have to pay about 70-150 dollars just so the doctor can look at you and SOMETIMES tell you what you have and give you a recipie for the drug your kids need to take ABOUT 30% OF THE TIME you get send to some called specialist because they couldnt check you that specialist is going to charge a bit  more, lets say 120-200 dollars. Then you get you medecine that can cost up to 80 dollars each, do the math, and see how the poor family suffers, this is what leads to DROP OUTS , higher CRIME ect.

NEXT TIME YOU VOTE THINK ABOUT THIS   who do you rather take away money from? the poor? or the rich?  It dosent realy affect the rich, a big shot doctor getting taxes deducted can still  drive is bmw mercedes and 1 million dollar home with is versace suits. poor? well this will most likely lead to depression, crime violence ect.

BEFORE YOU QUOTE ME ON SOMETHING! i know people with an education deserve to keep the money that its being deducted in taxes but usually  by helping poor people they can lower the 3rd class in this country by helping kids stay out of crime and stay in school.

Democrats- too much of CARE BEARS!!! and give TOO MUCH MONEY TO THE WRONG PEOPLE.

GIVING BACK TO THE PEOPLE- yes its a thing i highly agree with, but hey.....there should be some limits like some 1 said, if you give them too much they will depend on the government.

I think its WONG to give alot to people.

Example- SOME familys black or hispanic  usually ( im Mexican before you say something) well they depend of walefare  so lets say they have like 3 kids, and only the man works because the wife has to do every thing else around the house taking care of childred, cleaning washing cooking ect, now we as hummans have to admit that we all enjoy sex lol well heres the problem the man gets home well gets what he or she is wanting for tonight DING DING DING! you got it right lol sex, well here comes another baby, now guess what its 4 mouths to feed! plus mom and dad 6! so who do they go to? the goverment!

EX #2 A PERSON WITH EDUCATION- joe is a architect earning himself about 120,000 anually he pays 25,000 thousand dollars in taxes every yearbeen doing so for 8 years (400,000 dollars total).one day joe was walking at the park, he falls down and breaks his hip, goes to the hospital, guess what? he dosent have medical insurance, the surgery is gona cost him 50,000 dollars he does not have the money, He applys for goverment program that will help with medical bills. DECLINED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why?  HE MAKES TOO MUCH MONEY ACORDING TO THE GOVERNMENT.he ends up selling his car ext ends up with a  bad credit or for some crazy reason goes bankrupt.

WHATS WRONG IN #2? well if joe who pays thousands of dollars every yeat in taxes and one he is in need he cant get help from his own money because he earns to much. in the other hand if this were to happend to a poor person probobly he will get all of it coverd a person who never gave a penny to scociety is getting 50,000 dollars and a person who nearly gave half a million in his life cant get crap.SEE MY POINT



REPUBLICANS should stop being so dam greedy and help out the poor

DEMOCRATS-should not give all the money to the poor and none to the rich.even though they are RICh wich not every 1 who pays taxes is, some time or another something can go wrong and they might need help from the money they put in as taxes

money should be well organized, walefare can only cover up to 2-3 kids in poor family and can only be given if kids  have good grades and both parents are working as hard as they can putting extra hours(if both can ofcourse)

More money on security highway/street cameras every where MORE PAY for officers, teachers  city hall workers to promote better job cuality.

HIGHER MORE LAW INFOCEMENT cammeras in neighborhoods with high crime rate-this will provide more security as well as make people of committing a crime think twice.


  • EremosEremos Member Posts: 8

    I didn't read your whole diatribe but I do agree about Repulicans focus on corporate interests really hurts my ability to fully support them.  I also don't like how easily they dismiss environmental concerns.   They could help the poor more rather than wanting to privitize everything -- which would just make it unprofitable for anyone to help anyone so the poor would be assed out as would many of us above the poverty line.  And thy need to wrap up this war in Iraq some time within this century....

    The problems I have have with the democrats are that they seem so ready to throw money at problems rather than spending efficiently  when overspending is a big part of the problem -- we don't need more welfare necessarily, we need more efficient welfare.  I also don't like how gung-ho they are in support of abortion and the whole gay marriage/gay life style promotion thing.    They really shove it down our kids' throats in our public schools.

  • bluberryhazebluberryhaze Member Posts: 1,702

    I wonder what percentage of the US workforce is employed by big corporations? How many people does Walmart feed?

    Democrats are all about a social structure. me working so i can feed mine, and someone elses. doesnt the corporation fit in there somewhere? I cant feed someone elses, if i cant feed my own.

    perhaps corporations as a negative- is merely a distraction to divide the lines...politicians win when there is divisiveness.


    Think for yourself, question authority.

    -I will subtlety invade your psyche-

  • Two party system sucks, they have a monopoly on this country. 

  • EremosEremos Member Posts: 8

    Yes, that's the worst part of it.  I consider myself right of center but not really a republican.


    Of course having too many parties running for it is how Hitler got into power....

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