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You and your girlfriend or wife go with some friends your age to a nice restaurant to have some fancy steak dinners. One of your friends who is married brings his two young kids along. Once the sizzling top dollar steaks are served to your table, you hear one of the kids saying "Ewww dad, YUCK!". The childs father politely tells his child to behave and tells him in a sarcastic tone that not every dinner can be of McDonalds quality. This remark gets a good chuckle from most observers at the table, including the waiter.
I've played World of Warcraft. And with all the childish bickering and whining especially when playing with almost any group I was ever invited into.. I never heard "Go back to UO" or "Go back to "EQ".
However, when I've played "Eve" recently, Asheron's Call, and when I played Dark Age of Camelot a couple years back, certainly one of the biggest insults you can throw at somebody is to say something along the lines of "Go back to WoW, noob" And players that get told those words almost always get pissed and take it very personally, instantly trying to prove their worthiness to play whatever game it is that they are logged into.
We certainly all know how popular World of Warcraft is, recently proclaiming 10 million active customers. But even with it's popularity, is it really such a low in overall quality in the general mmo community? Is WoW really "McDonalds compared to a fine quality steakhouse"? I mean everyone knows how many billions of burgers McDonalds has proclaimed to have sold (much like all the millions of customers Blizzard is so proud to make public).
Quality very rarely equals Quantity. I personally think that World of Warcraft is a very high quality game, however it is just way too simple and has way too little actual challenge - atleast for me. However, it would be hard to say that some mmo that was more challenging but had a million bugs was "higher quality".
World of Warcraft is a high quality game. But regardless of it's numbers, it sure seems to be the lowest of low and the laughing stock and where noobish players are condemned to so often inside more challenging and sophisticated mmos today. In that regard, World of Warcraft sure doesn't get a lot of respect. If you doubt me, fire up a free trial of Asherons Call and publicly ask on the general chat channel what players think about World of Warcraft. You'll be almost certain to draw laughter, insults and total abuse from anyone who even thinks you deserve an answer.
Is it an over abused insult? It is funny? Is it a great insult? Is it ignorant?
Oh yes.. if you want to flame me, that's perfectly fine. But as soon as you are done, "Go back to WoW" eh? {winks}
- Zaxx
Not bored enough to read something this long, but yea, "Go back to WoW" Is a pretty heavy insult.
"It is in your nature to do one thing correctly; Before me, you rightfully tremble. But, fear is not what you owe me. You owe me awe." ~Francis Dolarhyde
Hah you bet it is. Of course it's like that. Everything that is popular (has bigger popularity that it's competition) stinks. The critical thinking of an average person is equal to zero and easily falls in love with something masses proclaim it's phenomenal and great success.
it is at 2 am
Usually only immature people tend to use these kind of insults (as if participating in a game is some sort of status symbol for "geekiness").
Only immature people take the insults personally and behave accordingly.
Of course, it does get tiring after the Nth time you hear it.
Ahhh, Players who prefer more challenge in their mmos are total "geeks". Gotcha. Makes total sense.
Under that line of thought, then all the players who sit on World of Warcraft for 18 hours a day are bigtime "STUDS" I suppose. [Giggles}
J/K. I get what you are saying, just couldn't resist.
- Zaxx
After nearly a decade of being an avid to hardcore MMO player, this insult would probably hurt my feelings.
I'm also not too sure I can agree with you calling it a "High quality" game. Think of it in terms of shopping: No one (aside from maybe 3rd world countries) brags about shopping at Wal-Mart, who does cater to the masses, supplying everythings the casual shopper should ever need. That being said, WoW is the Wal-Mart of MMORPGS in my opinion.
Playing wow since US open beta on and off I have a love/hate relationship with it. But I do find it funny that they compare it with a Mcdonalds now.
It hasn't got much depth and the community can be horrid (I'm an EU player so can only comment about ours) but thats really server related.
But what wow does got more over these "better" MMO's is smoothness. There is no game out there that I tried that ran so fluent and polished. Anyway if dev's keep hyping their game like hell and at the end it's a piling steam of poo (VG,AOC,TR,POTBS,...) then i'll be glad going back to WoW
Tho I still hope that some studio out there makes a finished skillbased sandbox so I can stop remembering how good SWG Pre-CU was even with it's million of flaws. It had so much potential but since release it never did anything with it.
But about the insult: Shows how big WoW has become when unhappy people who can't find their way in this crap infested genre use it as insult. And about the "Iz not inteligentz game" statement that you hear from mmo players (just a minority tho), wake up EVE or any MMO with more depth then WoW isn't either, or is reading a manual and having basic understanding skills a new form of being intelligent?
That's not very smart comparing polishness between a game that is out for 3 and half years and games released lately or not even released yet .
hi there.
You got some points that i had about a year ago.. but i totaly quited mmos, but i started again now!
My thoughts have changed, reason i "maby flamed" wow, whas because i whas bored of the game, and wanted games like EQ2 to be better than WOW.
i played wow sence release, and played it almost every day, for about 2 years. and started at the same time playing eq2 for a while, than lotro when it came out.
when it comes to childish behavor in wow, than my only experiance of it, is on normal servers, specially on the horde side. maby some of you got outher experiances. than i talk about things like, people 10 lvls higher than you want to duel you, and if you say NO, than he calls you chicken, or even a NOOB and if you say yes and loose, than you are a NOOB aswell..
Alliance side on PVP servers, are after my experiance.. really mature. and most of the people you think are adults, is in reality often kids (around age 14 or so).. and peoples attitude to grouping is mutch better, because its sometimes needed for survivability
so maby the childishness, flaming and arrogantsy comes from bored adults?
And the term "Go back to EQ" should really be used imo, because i have never played a game, where people are more arrogant than the EQ2 PVP server i played on for a while. and because of that, i quited EQ2 totally.. and went back to WOW & LOTRO
and last.. The reason Mcdonalds is so big, is not because of the taste of the food, or the price of the food.. Its simply all about speed.. people want there food instant, and that is what mcdonalds gives us.. WOW have a lot in common, because there is few games that requires so little, and get so mutch..
- U get one of the best ui systems in any MMORPG imo.
- U can play it without a GFX card like ATI/Nvidia
where many outher mmos, requires a lot more, and u get fustration in return. its ok with customization, but when we end up using more time figuring out how stuff gonna look, rather than play the game.. than theres something wrong imo.
*Mature player warning*
You know just couse you can throw words like immature, doesnt really make u mature.
Just couse someone says "Go back to wow" just isnt enough to label him as immature...
On the other hand "Ur mom has big boobis!!1" is an immature insult.
Can you see the difference?
It's more of a personal preference and the respect we show to our fellow players. Whether it's time, accessibility, background, fellow players, game quality, preference, there are valid reasons for the game choices people make.
For example, this month I resubscribed back to AO. I was drawn by the latest video but at the same time felt nostalgic about the earlier days (4+ years ago). The game is not a graphics marvel (and won't be for the better part of this year), there are innovative portions but there also portions that show their age.
I suppose one could ridicule me for picking that old dog again, but I don't care. I didn't care about WoW insults either when I was playing, I was having fun and the ingame targets I put for myself were challenging given my own perspective of RL.
So for me it's not a matter of insult, it's just an indication that I should not take the person with the superiority complex seriously.
go back to WoW,noobs.
But yeah,I wouldnt find it insulting tbh,at least they have a game that works unlike a lot of the turd thats being throw out recently. Its an insult used by the same people who use phrases like carbear and pwn,but then who listens to those mouth breathers anyway?
WoW is the korean grinder of western MMOs.
Grind in wow?
Not weird people get bored. why not just quest and get 70 faster, and have fun at the same time?
That's not very smart comparing polishness between a game that is out for 3 and half years and games released lately or not even released yet .
Not? I played wow at release, so I think I can make that comment. Apart from the lag because of over capacity it ran smooth and nearly had any bugs And let's hope the games I listed will shape up but let's be honest a bad launch...
I really couldn't care less what some faceless turd on the internet thinks of me or says to me really. I'm a nerd and proud of it, so what? I don't take that as an insult, I just roll my eyes and move on. The "insult" is so lame and overused now it's just pathetic to even use it at all... unless you're joking.
"Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places..." ~ H.P.Lovecraft, "From Beyond"
Member Since March 2004
I think somoene is needing a real life here.
Before WoW, MMOers had to work hard for their characters advancement. They were proud of their accomplishments, and paid the price for their mistakes. Pre-WoW MMOers were patient, tenacious, and dedicated. They had to be, MMOs in those days were not for the casual gamer. They were a fierce, proud people.
Enter WoW: a MMO comprehensive and casual enough to appeal to the masses. Finally a game we don't have to spend counless hours learning how to play effectively and more countless hours figuring out where to go and what to do with our characters! Gamers the world over rejoiced. Overnight, MMOs became mainstream. Old school MMOers quickly realized that a new breed of gamer was born. And they didn't like what they were seeing. Kids who before lacked the attention span to dedicate themselves to such games suddenly flooded the WoW servers en masse.
So now we have the "rigid, snobby, elitist veteran gamers" and the "lazy, immature, brainless new gamers". The vets (with a few snide comments about the new playerbase) withdrew to their MMOs of choice, and thus things remained for a while. It was bad enough that their genre had been infected with a multitude of obnoxious kiddies and fanboi adults who knew nothing of showing the proper respect due MMOs. WoWs popularity soared (duh, did i even need to mention that part?), and veteran gamers retreated to lick their wounds or otherwise deal with this new evolution of gaming as best they could. Things were find the way they were! Why did WoW have to come along and completely ruin what a MMO is supposed to be?
Fast forward a few years, and now we have every MMO released copying in some way or another WoWs gamestyle, trying to cash in on it's success. The veteran MMOer is now the minority, and MMOs cater to them no longer. For them WoW is the epitome of everything wrong with their chosen gaming genre, and WoW gamers the epitome of the kind of people they were trying to avoid by getting into MMOs in the first place!
So shall i write another 400 paragraphs explaining why "go back to WoW" is such an extreme insult? Any of you cretins understand where i'm going with this? For those of you that say 'no', all i have left to say is "go back to WoW then, you ubern00b! I'm a veteran MMOer, BOOYAH!!!".
Go back to WoW, is the biggers MMO insult you can use. I use it all the time. And why its so evil to use? I think we have discussed it enough in this thread to understand why.
And yes, someone told me to go back to WoW once......i have never beeen so insulted in my life before : (
Personally i have never gotten the sentence "Go back to wow" But ive been called about all "noob" terms.
And yeah, this new piles of "post gen" mmorpgs are an insult to the old ones where you needed to work alot of accomplish anything. If anyone ask "which game is that?" Then you truly haven't payed attention to mmo's for that long. And yes, you could call me a vet mmo'er or just a plain Geek. And yeah, it seems ive been here since -02 aswell o.o *just noticed*
Anyhow, my wishes is in Darkfall and it's hardcoreness. If it's another vaporware ima just head back to DaoC or Eq >_>
The speed of the mole and the power of steel is my weapon
WoW sux!
Playing: Rohan
Played (from best to worst): Shadowbane, Guild Wars, Shayia, Age of Conan, Warhammer, Runes of Magic, Rappelz, Archlord, Knight online, King of Kings, Kal online, Last chaos
Don't worry Deucallion, eventually things will balance up. I remember the old days where the games moved from the floppy discs to CDs and every game company was making movie captures and was selling them as games. A few were good, most were crap. In the end it all balanced out and we were starting to see more quality games using the new distribution media.
Fast forward we saw the same thing happening when the DVDs were introduced, although it was not as extreme as it was with the CD era.
I believe we're in a transition phase as far as MMOs are concerned. WoW managed to bring certain good aspects in the industry like new investors, gameplay becoming more important than UI, new people introduced in the gender. With the good, came some bad as well. We had a good portion of follow-up MMOs trying to imitate WoW, we had a couple that totally disregarded the positive strides the gender took and paid for it. In one world, we had evolution.
Hopefully we'll see (if not in 2008, then in 2009) games that will not be imitators but will incorporate all the good aspects that were introduced so far and will bring new things in the gender. It's basically a matter of moving past the transition phase.
Lmao. 10 million noobs, thats strong, I mean, they could have like a noob nation going on. Just think if they migrate to say, AOC. What then ?
lol, wife and I played wow , gonna have to tell her the ole go back to wow noob , see how hard I get smacked
That's a perspective i forgot to look it as. And yeah, there will probably be a next-gen mmorpg with all the good features and fixes with the things that has happened in the past. Like you stated, it's always like that
The speed of the mole and the power of steel is my weapon
Lmao. 10 million noobs, thats strong, I mean, they could have like a noob nation going on. Just think if they migrate to say, AOC. What then ?
lol, wife and I played wow , gonna have to tell her the ole go back to wow noob , see how hard I get smacked"
Wow, that is awsome...
I don't understand all the elitism concerning WoW. Then again I don't understand the use of "words" like "lmao" and "lol".
That Guild Wars 2 login screen knocked up my wife. Must be the second coming!
I played WoW for 2+ years, some of it with my wife. I'm playing Tabula Rasa now, but my wife is still in WoW. I give her the "Go back to WoW, noob" literally everyday when I'm not allowed to win the arguement.