Hey folks looking for a game with a very fun assassin class, as i love that kind of stuff. Assassins and rangers. and no dont say WoW hehe cuz i wont touch it. But any other ideas would be great. F2P are prefered, but if its good enough ill dive into P2P.
guildwars has great assasin classes and you mix and match with rangers so the skills and set are limitless and it's one off purchase and f2p there after
It's all Lies...
Shadowbane has both Assasins and Rangers and is Free to Play. Now is a good time to consider trying this game, since new servers will be available soon.
Shadowbane: You can be a Mage Assassin or Rogue Assassin
All Shadowbane Races: Aelfborn, Aracoix, Centaur, Dwarf, Elf, Half Giant, Human, Irekei, Minotaur, Nephilim, Shade, Vampire.
Available Shadowbane Races that can be Assasins:
In-Game Assassin
Harbinger of Death
Most Rogues are looked upon with contempt or loathing by civilized folk, or simply ignored altogether. There are some among the ranks of the Thieves, however, who command respect through fear, and whose names are voiced with either dread or hatred: Assassins. Not content with stealing gold or plunder, these grim professionals steal lives instead, killing for their wages, trading blood for gold. Some Assassins are ruthless predators, who've developed a taste for blood and thrill at the act of killing, while others are grim professionals, bringing a kind of honor even to the direst of professions. However they approach their profession, every Assassin must be able to do three things: get close to their target, kill them quickly, and escape uncaught. The ease with which an Assassin performs the first and third tasks marks the difference between an amateur and an artist.
Assasin Info: http://www.mordkessel.com/wiki/mediawiki/index.php/Assassin
More class info: http://ubbforums.ubi.com/postlist.php?Cat=&Board=sb_assassin
How to get the game free: http://www.straybulletgames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2778