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Is it me or do a lot of the MMORPG's nowadays waste some of the game updates on worthless junk or stuff that should have already been there?
I'll use EQ2 as an example. GU #42 is actually content that is supposed to already be in game via RoK expansion but they probably ran out of time I'm guessing. So instead of doing a special update for it they say "oh well we can save time and money by just making it the next game update." Meanwhile this pushes back what was originally slated for GU 42. The same thing goes for Frostfell. So basically come X-Mas we get Frostfell instead of a real game update. It's crap. Holiday events such as Frostfell should not be part of the normal game update schedule. It's the same thing every year anyway, they just add one new quest and a couple of tradeskill recipes and call it Frostfell. I want a real GU with content, fixes, etc.
If you've played EQ 1 you should already know they do this all the time with every expansion.
Yeah but even so that still doesn't excuse Frostfell or other such events that they call game updates when really it's just a filler update. IMO they really only release a few game updates a year that are even worthy of the name.
I hope you know one of the reason for the running out of time with the epics was because of the wildfires in the San Diego area. They would probably have run out of time anyways, but they actually had a good excuse this time for why some content (epics) weren't in the game at RoK launch.
Game Updates are not wasted. Would rather have them than not.
Yeah, but it's more fun to whine. For some.
Sad you think I'm whining over this. I just thought it is interesting that some of the game updates seem to offer more than others. The only reason I posted was to see if others feel the same way. Apparently they don't and now I know that.
I would rather see fewer game updates, but make them more meaningful.
permster, sorry you didn't like the Frostfell update but they have it every year and some of us really DO like it. Its not a waste, it was fun. They do another one at Valentines Day (Erollisi Day), April Fool's Day (Bristlebane day), Halloween (Nights of the Dead)and St. Patricks Day (Brew Day). Not all of the updates need to be something meant for some kind of massive permanent game changing experience and they aren't a waste and people expect it.
Its called "fun".
If the devs can't have fun with their creation, then that sure means they aren't exactly into the game now are they? I'm glad they do it.
Game updates. heh. A waste? Well ok some of em ain't exactly ground-breaking, but as stated above us vets come to expect the seasonal ones, hoping for a slightly new twist to them each year.
General game updates don't always have something radically amazing, usually just tweaks and changes to general gameplay. But over the last year we've been drip-fed numerous questlines, and had new zones added that weren't ready for an expansions' release. I'm cool with that. We waited a long time to get the "Estate of Unrest" and "Shard of Fear" zones, and the "Sword of Destiny" questline from the EoF expansion, and it didn't bother most of us, in fact they were all welcome additions, released at the right time to give us something to do.
The same can be said for the late RoK updates regarding the epic weapon questlines. If they had released them at the time of the expansion we probably would have done it all by now, and then spend the next few months screaming out for yet more material.
Some people are just never happy, expecting everything to just be thrown in as soon as possible. The devs on EQ2 are usually pretty good at gauging whether a zone or questline is ready for general release, and if it isn't they hold it back until it is, learning from past mistakes where stuff was rushed out and didn't live up to expectations or was full of bugs.
Personally, I look forward to GUs in EQ2. The seasonal stuff is a fun distraction from the serious stuff (someone actually asked what the POINT of frostfell was in qeynos harbor, and was pelted with snowballs from everyone nearby till he got the message!). And the GUs with new material they drip feed us throughout the year keep us busy until the next expansion!
Currently returned to Norrath after disliking Hyboria.
GU's are in some cases very poor adding little to the game but in most cases they're worth the time and effort i'd much sooner see one a month than one every 3-4 months no matter how good/bad they are
there are a lot players that love the seasonal events, so its definitely worth to add them (and with reusing the old event and adding some small changes they don't take away that much dev time).
overall most LUs did add some big things, if i remember the last year right then they included these things with LUs:
* Neriak + starter zone+...
* Unrest
* Shard of Fear
* Throne of New Tunaria Raid Zone
* DFC Revamp with new armor sets
* Warg mounts
* Britlebane Deity
* Possibility for Perisitent zones
so thats 8 bigger additions in last year till ROK launch, and i didn't count LoN cause its a seperate game in my opinnion.