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Circle of Light

JackmancerJackmancer Member Posts: 3

I'm not going to make a long advertisement topic here, since we're not that eager for new members. You join only, if you're motivated. With this we try to filter the unmotivated. We've always been a small guild in World of Warcraft thought many came and left. Of the core witch was made around 2005 only around 5 people are left.


Having said Circle of Light was always small this doesn't mean we never had any influance. We have been famous on the Shadowmoon server in World of Warcraft due our PvP raids. We do not have much guildrules (if any). Our behaviour is based on moral and honor. Virtue and Valor as our motto quotes.



We will go to a PvP server, non roleplaying. We are open for roleplaying but it's not bad or good if you do. (Thought I personally like it, but I must be neutral as officer ;p ) Our forum is

Perhaps we meet you on the forum and if not in-game. Might this also be an introduction of our guild to you.

By Virtue and Valor we Shine and Shall not Burn.

Greetings from Circle of Light,


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