Hey guys I'm a big fan of MMORPG's and MMO's and I just wanted to ask "what" game(s) you enjoy (can be in development, or it could have been out for 10 years, any game!). I also wanted to ask "why" you enjoy the game(s) you posted about, like if you really enjoy the skills, or the freedom of the game, etc. Please post about any game you like! Also when you post about a game you can give me your username and I'd be happy to add you once I get the game on my PC.
Here are some of the games I liked:
- Runescape- I had my phase of Runescape like I'm sure most of us did. I really liked the rush you could get when you went out to PK and realized that you could lose the items you had on you! That was probably my favorite feature of that game, which we sadly dont see much of anymore. I also enjoyed the "skills" such as woodcutting, fishing, etc. Time-consuming, but enjoyable (the graphics could use some serious upgrading, but the worse they are the more people that can play). Yet I have moved on to try out other MMo's. Skills are fun, open-looting PvP is great, graphics need some improving, I'd give it a 5/10
- Guild Wars- The best FREE game I have. I was absolutely shocked at the fact this game was free. The graphics are great, the PvP is fun, also lots of weapons and armor. The PvP is not as "open" as I wish it would be, and the level cap is nice to have (so you can try out different classes more enjoyably), but I really wish it was more of a challenge (maybe level 50?). For a free game to have such amazing graphics, PvP, and PvE, I'd say it deserves an 8/10.
- World of Warcraft- Well I bought this game and it wouldn't work on my PC (for unknown reasons). My good friend has this game though so I mooched off him and played it at his house. The graphics were not the best, and neither was the intro. He took me on one of his level 70's and I really did enjoy the PvP (although it didn't last nearly long enough). That was probably my favorite part of this whole game, and the only reason I would try to get it working on my PC, the PvP. From what I've heard from a lot of the people on this forum "WOW SUCKS THE BIG ONE" I must admit I was discouraged to play it, but it wasn't as bad as you guys made it out to be. I'd give it an 7.5/10