i'm looking for a game which has a feel of Myst,maybe quests of that type(adventures),but has also pvp(Lineage 2 style or so),only pvps which would require brain usage,not only grind and gear the sh out...
Could anyone suggest at least anything alike?
If you want to pay to play an MMORPG like that I would suggest:
-World of Warcraft, it has alot of great quests(not much grinding in WoW) and the PvP is very well aswell. The raids and dungeons in WoW are aswell a strong point of WoW.
-Another choice could be Lord of the Rings Online, many great adventuring quests here, a huge area to discover. I don't know alot about the PvP in LotR so...
If you don't want to pay I suggest:
-Rappelz a MMORPG created by GPotato(developers of Flyff, Corum,...), in this game you will have to grind but there is a pretty good PvP included in this free game.
-Archlord, a formal Pay2Play but now Free2Play, I didn't like this game at all because I don't like the serieus style. Not so much grinding, and a pretty cool PvP, with a leet Archlord-sysytem.