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i don't like it because so many other people like it and i like to be original. there are plenty games that are like runscape but better. heres a list. who agrees with me. put a little if you do? enjoy
did you...did you really copy and paste the "Released Games" forum links from this site...? Oh god... lol.
Geez.. what bong you been hitting? You included Dark and Light, Rf Online, Archlord, Second Life, SWG, Maplestory, The Matrix, and Fury on that list.. Really now.
wright flaeb
these two words (???) sum up this whole thread. and 80% of the runescape community.
is that suposed to be bad
I like the concept of RuneScape, but the community and graphics suck. Graphics aren't that much of a big deal, but little 10-year-olds running around calling me a n00bzerz because they have spent 100 more hours on a game than me, it breaks the game. Also, I hate the "pures" my toon had a total level of 581 (F2P) and a combat level of 32. Honestly, I had more experience from the two months I played than most of the free players out there.
OMG you didnt just compare games like EvE online and Anarchy Online to Runescape did you????
Apples and Oranges.
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
There is a lot of good in runescape, the community is a lot worse than what's good though.
I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.
grafix sucks, community blows, screen is small, and on top you half to pay for it if you want any good content, i think it sucks and i laugh at anyone paying monthly for it... but in all honesty there was a time that I played RS, i enjoyed it alot because i had a few really good friends ingame to hangout w/ and just had a good time. the only thing i can really say that runescape has going for it is the Nastalgic memories it gives people like me who ignorantly played the crappy game in the past.
Pro-tip, they aren't calling you n00berz because they played longer than you. They are calling you n00berz because they like to prey on the overly emotional people like yourself.
I played Runescape recently after it launched and it made no difference if you were 50 combat levels higher than such immature people.
Actually, it mattered to some degree; because they would either worship you a bit and ask for tips on how to play, follow you around asking for money (heck even being 10 levels higher than beggers would get their attention) or tried taunting you into pvp fights you didn't want to waste time on even if it would take seconds to kill someone so obviously mismatched, but as much as levels mattered immature people will act immature and say stupid things like n00berz, or shout words with random neon colors.
Runescape was and still is a good game for what it's worth. Things like quests, spells, proc-weapons, agility, farming and trading made it a lot of fun.
RuneScape has gone downhill. Jagex tried to take the easy route to beat RWT, and instead took the easy route to destroying their game.
RuneScape pre-wilderness was a fun game for PKing people with your IRL friends.
After wilderness the whole game crashed.
Yess, But i don't like the New Limit,,,