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I must be a complete idiot,but I don't see any tutorial option. All I see is the button to "Play." Once this is clicked, I am in the game without a tutorial. Can someone help?
In any case.if you have played other PC games you should be able to guess how the avatar combat works as the controls are pretty standard WASD movement and point and click to attack. The ship combat also uses WASD to move. However the spacebar is the basic method of firing your guns. You can change ammo type by right clicking on the gun positions at the top left of your screen and selecting from the drop down list.
There should be three tutorials.
One as you start a character will teach ship combat.
The Second should be on the Docks in the starting towns and will teach about Avatar Combat and Ship Boarding.
The last starts in the Auction House and will teach about the Economy setup.
The very best way to learn is to join a large Society and ask questions. It may even have a website with information for you to read. Society members may also help you to level up faster and gain skill in ship to ship combat.
If you accidentally skip the first tutorial (the one that start with the WASD movement instructions) you can access it again from the Coswain chap (the fella that allows you to enter the open sea).