Or join the Rackham Server! Quite some good and cooperative spanish societies there!
Ah... the Rackham server.....Monday night fight night.....the Spanish went 4 for 7 in port battles.......
Congrats guys, from one of your loyal opposition. It sure was a fun night. I understand the pirates almost captured one of your ships of the line, but as one pirate was busy winning the boarding action, another was even busier sinking the ship. Would have been something to see the pirates get a ship of the line.
Or join the Rackham Server! Quite some good and cooperative spanish societies there!
Life is too short to play bad games.
Congrats guys, from one of your loyal opposition. It sure was a fun night. I understand the pirates almost captured one of your ships of the line, but as one pirate was busy winning the boarding action, another was even busier sinking the ship. Would have been something to see the pirates get a ship of the line.
Play on the blackbeard server!
Like I said come to Bonny and play the Nation of Spain. help build a great server under a great flag.
Muy buena pinta este juego, pero, el problema, el tiempo...
Por cierto, para los ingleses "spanish armada" = "armada invencible". Ya me lo recordaron una temporada que estuve allí viviendo