I really hope you plan on living in a cave or something admriker4, because nobody buys into your omnipotent knowledge of the global conspiracy and we aren't going to help you.
The false illusion of choice between obama and hillary?
It funny I heard the debate between Obama and hillary on youtube and He said they have the same views on economy. One was to tax the rich more. Well... if you want to drive someone out of the country and some jobs with them. Well you tax him more!
If he keeps saying he will tax the rich. It will only drive more buisiness over the seas and jobs with it.
The ones who will stay will most likely be the bankers putting you more in dept or the rich lowering your wages.
EDIT: Also for poeple asking for solutions go read history about MLK and ghandi.
-- "Any free people have the right to choose how it wants to be govern thats the essence of democracy. It's sad when America has chosen for the stability and consistency of a dictatorship and doing it democratically" -utnow
Ron Paul is the most honest candidate running and has the voting record to prove it. He wants to cut government spending by 30%, eliminate the "guilty until proven innocent" IRS, wants to stop policing the world, and no one cares. Hillary, Obama, McCain, doesn't matter. Americans have now shown that, despite their whines for "change," they love big government. The borders will cease to exist, the NAU will come to pass, and the United States is doomed.
Ron Paul is the most honest candidate running and has the voting record to prove it. He wants to cut government spending by 30%, eliminate the "guilty until proven innocent" IRS, wants to stop policing the world, and no one cares. Hillary, Obama, McCain, doesn't matter. Americans have now shown that, despite their whines for "change," they love big government. The borders will cease to exist, the NAU will come to pass, and the United States is doomed.
Ron Paul is no longer ( if he ever was lol ) anywhere near being a serious contender in the presidential race. Maybe he can hold another march in WoW in four years to show how serious he really is.
I really hope you plan on living in a cave or something admriker4, because nobody buys into your omnipotent knowledge of the global conspiracy and we aren't going to help you.
actually thats untrue. Take a look at the records Ron Paul set for fundraising. Most of the donations were from individuals (rather than large corporations).
Lots of people are waking up thanks to Ron Pauls message. Theyre learning that our Constitution was thrown in the trash in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act's passage.
Theyre learning about the CFR and how every single candidate (besides Ron Paul) is a member.
So go ahead and attack me daendor and enegma, but I would like to see you try and challenge what Ive posted. Simply put, you cant. I posted FACTS brought to you by your own govt and the elite's own writings. Its soooo easy to attack the messenger but totally ignore the message.
People like you will never believe anything outside your comfort zone and thats just sad. Your no different than the millions who were led to their deaths in nazi germany in the 1930-40's. They too were warned and yet willingly got onto trains to their deaths. A few people who had either seen the death camps or had managed to escape screamed at people not to get on those trains. They were ignored because it was too horrific to accept. It was only towards the end of the war that the nazis had to use force to take people to the concentration camps.
Please show me where Im wrong on my information. Please show me documents that disprove operation northwood, the illegality of the federal reserve, rockefeller's own words that state clearly about the coverup, etc.
Call me whatever you like, i honestly dont care. But I challenge you to look at the research. Do your own reading. Nothing Ive shown here came from wacko conspiracy sites as you like to call them. The information comes from the govt or the elite's own words. How can you possibly disbelieve them ?
only through capitalism can we gain the utopia most would want. however, we have not earned enough capitalism for every human being to grow long hair and become a squatter yet, so we still have to wake up and go to work for the evil dollar,euro. if you think people are starving today, have a mass exodus of people to quit big bad evil corporations and see what happens when you have no more berries to eat from the trees. i wish democrat politicians would reveal the numbers behind who employs and feeds families of most. big bad corporation do. they want the people to rip there nose off to spite their face.its remarkable.
how many people does exxon mobil employ to cite an example of what i mean. and we bitch about their profits. search how much money from each gallon of gas exxon profits, now search how much money the government profits. the answer will probably surprise the rhetoric talkers.
the only way ill accept socialism, true socialism, is if there is enough money to go around. to make all happy rather than what the current nefarious democrat(euro plan too)plan is, to give us just enough to survive and still have to depend on government. in other words, misery.
Show me evidence that the US election is rigged by corporations. Honestly, I can totally believe it. As a Ron Paul supporter, I have a hard time figuring out why he received the most money, yet didn't even some remotely close.
Did the big boys pull some strings to make sure he didn't mess up their scheme? Maybe, but I don't see any proof.
Honestly, I can totally believe it. As a Ron Paul supporter, I have a hard time figuring out why he received the most money, yet didn't even some remotely close.
I can figure it out really well, Ron Paul sucked at advertising. I mean he SUCKED at advertising. He made th emoney but he was a lot like the others. They just held out for states they want to win versus trying to win it all.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
I really hope you plan on living in a cave or something admriker4, because nobody buys into your omnipotent knowledge of the global conspiracy and we aren't going to help you.
actually thats untrue. Take a look at the records Ron Paul set for fundraising. Most of the donations were from individuals (rather than large corporations).
Lots of people are waking up thanks to Ron Pauls message. Theyre learning that our Constitution was thrown in the trash in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act's passage.
Theyre learning about the CFR and how every single candidate (besides Ron Paul) is a member.
So go ahead and attack me daendor and enegma, but I would like to see you try and challenge what Ive posted. Simply put, you cant. I posted FACTS brought to you by your own govt and the elite's own writings. Its soooo easy to attack the messenger but totally ignore the message.
People like you will never believe anything outside your comfort zone and thats just sad. Your no different than the millions who were led to their deaths in nazi germany in the 1930-40's. They too were warned and yet willingly got onto trains to their deaths. A few people who had either seen the death camps or had managed to escape screamed at people not to get on those trains. They were ignored because it was too horrific to accept. It was only towards the end of the war that the nazis had to use force to take people to the concentration camps.
Please show me where Im wrong on my information. Please show me documents that disprove operation northwood, the illegality of the federal reserve, rockefeller's own words that state clearly about the coverup, etc.
Call me whatever you like, i honestly dont care. But I challenge you to look at the research. Do your own reading. Nothing Ive shown here came from wacko conspiracy sites as you like to call them. The information comes from the govt or the elite's own words. How can you possibly disbelieve them ?
I see no facts in anything you have posted here. Nothing more than disputed theories and out of context statements. The FACT is that you are a crazy wacko regardless of where you got your information or how much you believe it. And learn your WW2 history better next time before you spout off proving your lack of diligence. Most of the civilians murdered by the Germans were Polish Jews and non-Jews along with Russian, predominantly through active use of force (gunpoint) and it wasn't until well within the war (1939-1945) that extermination even began to be practiced. These people were not led, they were moved forcibly, first into Ghettos where they often died due to horrible conditions / starvation, and then into slave labor camps. The use of trains for exportation did not become wide practice until 1942, and even then, while horrible, the camps were still only slave labor camps and force was used. After 1942 the camps were redesigned to become extermination camps and by then it was too late. The thing to note, however, is that only about 500,000 Jews came from within pre-1939 Germany. The rest came from invaded territories, primarily Poland and the Soviet Union. Being a citizen of an occupied territory that is led to a concentration camp is significantly different than what you are implying "we" are doing by allowing the government and elite to lead us into a global government / economy.
You see, Mr. Omnipotent, when you cannot even get a highly documented and uncontested (except in Iran) piece of information correct, it leads me to believe that you did not do your due diligence on the other information you claim to have intimate knowledge. While you may think I am sad, the reality is that it is you who are sad. Your pathetic paranoia has led you into a state of being in which you feel it is your obligation to harass people on the internet who don't think "outside the box" like you do. Although I doubt it is the first time someone has told you this, I will tell you again, "It is not your obligation to try to force me to believe your theories."
I still recommend crawling into a cave ASAP. At least I won't have to read your drivel anymore.
Honestly, I can totally believe it. As a Ron Paul supporter, I have a hard time figuring out why he received the most money, yet didn't even some remotely close.
I can figure it out really well, Ron Paul sucked at advertising. I mean he SUCKED at advertising. He made th emoney but he was a lot like the others. They just held out for states they want to win versus trying to win it all.
What is the benefit in the primaries of only running in one particular state, what benefits are there to winning in one particular state?
Basically, it's a pre-election. The states are basically choosing who will be the democratic runner and who will be the republican runner. So, republican candidates will try to appeal to states with a majority of republican voters, while democratic candidates will do the same on their side. Then both candidates of each party try to convert the leftover states to their side. The candidate with the most votes of each party then becomes their sides main candidate.
Democrat 1 vs. Democrat 2 Republican 1 vs. Republican 2
the elite that run this planet believe in a philosophy called Heglian dialect. Basically it means they pit one person against the other. It gives the common folk the choice to support one person or ideology over another. The truth is that you have no choice. Both candidates support the same thing. The choice you imagine is all an illusion brought about by public relations, media manipulation and plain old lying. All the candidates, both republican and democrat (except for ron paul) are members of the Council on Foreign Relations. The CFR advocates a world govt with the banking families running the show. Obama may sound like a liberal and McCain like a conservative but in reality theyre both globalists. All the candidates support a private central bank running the show. All the candidates including Obama attend typically Ivy league schools like Yale. They are trained in the elitist cultist corporate ideology. They believe in socialism but its really facism in disguise. And the secretly plot to lead us into world govt while lying to the people (see the immigration issue for proof). This election is a complete fraud. And fyi, not that it matters but Hillary was chosen as the next president 2 years ago. She attended Bildeberger convention back then which is usually an indication who will be the next leader of America. Just ask Bill, he was an unknown govt of Arkansas in 1991 when he attended Bildeberg. The dirty little secret in the elitist world is that the Bush clan and the Clinton clan are the best of friends. When you realize this truth, then you begin to see the way they manipulate us. And with Hillary's impending election, it will be 28 years (assuming she gets re-elected) with a Bush or Clinton running the show. And if you consider that Reagan was a senile patsy, we will have had a Bush/Clinton team running this nation for 36 years. I urge you all to do some real research. Look at documentaries like Clinton Chronicles or anything about Bush background. Look at how our govt has lost its way since the illegal Federal Reserve Act of 1913 came into being. This nation is no longer a constitutional republic (and by the way, we arent a democracy, our founding fathers in fact HATED democracies). We are a fascist nation now owned by an elite corporate oligarchy who despise our cowboy mentality. And the really depressing part is that nobody even knows theyre slaves. Watch this video clip (warning, some language is colorful), George Carlin sums it up best about us... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KVTfcAyYGg
The main problem with Ron Paul is is stance on Iraq and in a broader sense, foreign policy. He blames America for 9/11 and says Iraq was a mistake and we should leave immediately. That's pretty much the worst message you could pick as a Republican candidate.
A lot of people seem to be flaming the OP for his opinions and the quality of information he is using to support them.
I don’t necessarily agree with his opinions and his info might well be nonsense, but I do appreciate the fact that he HAS an opinion and has taken the time to question and challenge the status quo.
From the standpoint of most people, his postulations (or perhaps the postulations he supports) may well be as hard to prove/disprove as the existence of God, depending on what form it is suggested such an entity may or may not take.
I would be inclined to agree with the OPs premise. In complex systems of any nature the likelihood of a specific control organ eventually evolving is quite high. This is particularly so if you liken a social system to a biological system, considering social systems have biological components.
Consider this: Do you think a single skin cell that forms part of your small left toe has any jurisdiction over the decisions made by your brain? Now if your whole foot was rotting off, that may influence the actions of your brain. But the perspective of that one skin cell, it has no way to affect whether or not the brain will make a decision it will find favourable.
Playing: Ableton Live 8 ~ ragequitcancelsubdeletegamesmashcomputerkillself ~
OP = Moron and because all these conspiracy theorists suck. So many of them, they have nothing better to do or drinking some water that is making them dumb or something. I hate these types of people. Especially the 911 theorists, what total morons and I hope I never run into one in RL cause I might just need to concrete them and throw them in the ocean.
any modern day conspiracy theory is fundamentally, just like a cult or religion. if you have tolerance for yours, have tolerance for theirs. that was a wild video with the sumerians. so george bush 43rd president, is sumerian descendant. cool
You should never tolerate ignorance. Ignorance is an overwhelming corruption for other less ignorant people. Ignorance gives ignorance. If someone has no real sense of what is right and true then they can be encouraged easily to become more ignorant. In this case many young people who jumped on the 911 conspiracy theory because of YOUTUBE or whatever.
I never encourage anyone to tolerate ignorance, you should discourage it and tell people they are wrong. Leaving it free and tolerating it just proves your ignorance.
Ah yes, witness our new Orwellian order. A world where investigation, learning, and thinking are the territory of the ignorant.
That has got to be one of the dumbest statements I have seen by someone in an attempt to be condescending and clever. I'll say the same thing to you as I did to admriker (essentially), you don't have a corner on the intelligence market, stop acting like you do. We are not preventing you two from expressing your opinion, but please, please, remember that your thoughts on a subject, no matter how well founded in your mind, will be opposed by others whose opinion is just as valid as yours. And please stop ramming your cliche condescending remarks down our throats when we disagree.
The main problem with Ron Paul is is stance on Iraq and in a broader sense, foreign policy. He blames America for 9/11 and says Iraq was a mistake and we should leave immediately. That's pretty much the worst message you could pick as a Republican candidate.
Sounds pretty close to being right.
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
Ah yes, witness our new Orwellian order. A world where investigation, learning, and thinking are the territory of the ignorant.
That has got to be one of the dumbest statements I have seen by someone in an attempt to be condescending and clever. I'll say the same thing to you as I did to admriker (essentially), you don't have a corner on the intelligence market, stop acting like you do. We are not preventing you two from expressing your opinion, but please, please, remember that your thoughts on a subject, no matter how well founded in your mind, will be opposed by others whose opinion is just as valid as yours. And please stop ramming your cliche condescending remarks down our throats when we disagree.
Ron Paul SUCKED at advertising? I thought he just SUCKERED a bunch of lemmings into giving him their money for no reason at all.
Funny how all those people posting all those.... "Ron Paul is the new Jesus. Ron Paul is good. Ron Paul, net neutrality AAAAAHH" ....post dissapeared once they noticed there are real canidates running and they got their bank statements in the mail.
"There's no star system Slave I can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the Galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now." Boba Fett
Oh look everybody, its big text! Thats how you know its a thoughtful commentary. Anyway, just think about those sorry saps that gave money to Clinton/Obama. Seriously, why not just toss your money into a fire? The corporations have the election contributions covered guys. As with all aspects of our modern democracy, your participation is no longer required. And your contribution is certainly not meaningful or useful.
Originally posted by windstrike1 Oh look everybody, its big text! Thats how you know its a thoughtful commentary. Anyway, just think about those sorry saps that gave money to Clinton/Obama. Seriously, why not just toss your money into a fire? The corporations have the election contributions covered guys. As with all aspects of our modern democracy, your participation is no longer required. And your contribution is certainly not meaningful or useful.
You sound like a distraught Ron Paul supporter. You also sound like somebody who hasnt read this whole thread. My "big text!" is in relation to En1gma's post, where he uses "big text!" in relation to Ron Paul.
Back to reality. "Donating" money to the person you support is of personal prefrence, whatever makes you feel safe from terrorism. But when a canidate has gone around flaunting and announcing he has raised more money from supporters and donations than anybody ever, blah blah, and then does NOTHING, not a single fucking thing with it, then somewhere down the road you missed the turn.
Shit, at least Hillary and Obama are doing something with all their donations. Obama is getting huge "Change" signs put up everywhere he walks, and Hillary is getting mayors and govenors to nod their heads in agreement wherever she goes.
"There's no star system Slave I can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the Galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now." Boba Fett
I really hope you plan on living in a cave or something admriker4, because nobody buys into your omnipotent knowledge of the global conspiracy and we aren't going to help you.
The false illusion of choice between obama and hillary?
It funny I heard the debate between Obama and hillary on youtube and He said they have the same views on economy. One was to tax the rich more. Well... if you want to drive someone out of the country and some jobs with them. Well you tax him more!
If he keeps saying he will tax the rich. It will only drive more buisiness over the seas and jobs with it.
The ones who will stay will most likely be the bankers putting you more in dept or the rich lowering your wages.
EDIT: Also for poeple asking for solutions go read history about MLK and ghandi.
"Any free people have the right to choose how it wants to be govern thats the essence of democracy. It's sad when America has chosen for the stability and consistency of a dictatorship and doing it democratically" -utnow
Ron Paul is no longer ( if he ever was lol ) anywhere near being a serious contender in the presidential race. Maybe he can hold another march in WoW in four years to show how serious he really is.
Lots of people are waking up thanks to Ron Pauls message. Theyre learning that our Constitution was thrown in the trash in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act's passage.
Theyre learning about the CFR and how every single candidate (besides Ron Paul) is a member.
So go ahead and attack me daendor and enegma, but I would like to see you try and challenge what Ive posted. Simply put, you cant. I posted FACTS brought to you by your own govt and the elite's own writings. Its soooo easy to attack the messenger but totally ignore the message.
People like you will never believe anything outside your comfort zone and thats just sad. Your no different than the millions who were led to their deaths in nazi germany in the 1930-40's. They too were warned and yet willingly got onto trains to their deaths. A few people who had either seen the death camps or had managed to escape screamed at people not to get on those trains. They were ignored because it was too horrific to accept. It was only towards the end of the war that the nazis had to use force to take people to the concentration camps.
Please show me where Im wrong on my information. Please show me documents that disprove operation northwood, the illegality of the federal reserve, rockefeller's own words that state clearly about the coverup, etc.
Call me whatever you like, i honestly dont care. But I challenge you to look at the research. Do your own reading. Nothing Ive shown here came from wacko conspiracy sites as you like to call them. The information comes from the govt or the elite's own words. How can you possibly disbelieve them ?
only through capitalism can we gain the utopia most would want. however, we have not earned enough capitalism for every human being to grow long hair and become a squatter yet, so we still have to wake up and go to work for the evil dollar,euro. if you think people are starving today, have a mass exodus of people to quit big bad evil corporations and see what happens when you have no more berries to eat from the trees. i wish democrat politicians would reveal the numbers behind who employs and feeds families of most. big bad corporation do. they want the people to rip there nose off to spite their face.its remarkable.
how many people does exxon mobil employ to cite an example of what i mean. and we bitch about their profits. search how much money from each gallon of gas exxon profits, now search how much money the government profits. the answer will probably surprise the rhetoric talkers.
the only way ill accept socialism, true socialism, is if there is enough money to go around. to make all happy rather than what the current nefarious democrat(euro plan too)plan is, to give us just enough to survive and still have to depend on government. in other words, misery.
-I will subtlety invade your psyche-
Show me evidence that the US election is rigged by corporations. Honestly, I can totally believe it. As a Ron Paul supporter, I have a hard time figuring out why he received the most money, yet didn't even some remotely close.
Did the big boys pull some strings to make sure he didn't mess up their scheme? Maybe, but I don't see any proof.
start here: hacking democracy
I can figure it out really well, Ron Paul sucked at advertising. I mean he SUCKED at advertising. He made th emoney but he was a lot like the others. They just held out for states they want to win versus trying to win it all.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Lots of people are waking up thanks to Ron Pauls message. Theyre learning that our Constitution was thrown in the trash in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act's passage.
Theyre learning about the CFR and how every single candidate (besides Ron Paul) is a member.
So go ahead and attack me daendor and enegma, but I would like to see you try and challenge what Ive posted. Simply put, you cant. I posted FACTS brought to you by your own govt and the elite's own writings. Its soooo easy to attack the messenger but totally ignore the message.
People like you will never believe anything outside your comfort zone and thats just sad. Your no different than the millions who were led to their deaths in nazi germany in the 1930-40's. They too were warned and yet willingly got onto trains to their deaths. A few people who had either seen the death camps or had managed to escape screamed at people not to get on those trains. They were ignored because it was too horrific to accept. It was only towards the end of the war that the nazis had to use force to take people to the concentration camps.
Please show me where Im wrong on my information. Please show me documents that disprove operation northwood, the illegality of the federal reserve, rockefeller's own words that state clearly about the coverup, etc.
Call me whatever you like, i honestly dont care. But I challenge you to look at the research. Do your own reading. Nothing Ive shown here came from wacko conspiracy sites as you like to call them. The information comes from the govt or the elite's own words. How can you possibly disbelieve them ?
I see no facts in anything you have posted here. Nothing more than disputed theories and out of context statements. The FACT is that you are a crazy wacko regardless of where you got your information or how much you believe it. And learn your WW2 history better next time before you spout off proving your lack of diligence. Most of the civilians murdered by the Germans were Polish Jews and non-Jews along with Russian, predominantly through active use of force (gunpoint) and it wasn't until well within the war (1939-1945) that extermination even began to be practiced. These people were not led, they were moved forcibly, first into Ghettos where they often died due to horrible conditions / starvation, and then into slave labor camps. The use of trains for exportation did not become wide practice until 1942, and even then, while horrible, the camps were still only slave labor camps and force was used. After 1942 the camps were redesigned to become extermination camps and by then it was too late. The thing to note, however, is that only about 500,000 Jews came from within pre-1939 Germany. The rest came from invaded territories, primarily Poland and the Soviet Union. Being a citizen of an occupied territory that is led to a concentration camp is significantly different than what you are implying "we" are doing by allowing the government and elite to lead us into a global government / economy.
You see, Mr. Omnipotent, when you cannot even get a highly documented and uncontested (except in Iran) piece of information correct, it leads me to believe that you did not do your due diligence on the other information you claim to have intimate knowledge. While you may think I am sad, the reality is that it is you who are sad. Your pathetic paranoia has led you into a state of being in which you feel it is your obligation to harass people on the internet who don't think "outside the box" like you do. Although I doubt it is the first time someone has told you this, I will tell you again, "It is not your obligation to try to force me to believe your theories."
I still recommend crawling into a cave ASAP. At least I won't have to read your drivel anymore.
to be honest. this is the first time i ever really paid attention to these primary and caucas things.
i have no idea. each state has different rules.
supposedly, the super tuesday primaries are representative to the rest of the nation for these pundits.
ultimately i dont know.
-I will subtlety invade your psyche-
I can figure it out really well, Ron Paul sucked at advertising. I mean he SUCKED at advertising. He made th emoney but he was a lot like the others. They just held out for states they want to win versus trying to win it all.
What is the benefit in the primaries of only running in one particular state, what benefits are there to winning in one particular state?
Basically, it's a pre-election. The states are basically choosing who will be the democratic runner and who will be the republican runner. So, republican candidates will try to appeal to states with a majority of republican voters, while democratic candidates will do the same on their side. Then both candidates of each party try to convert the leftover states to their side. The candidate with the most votes of each party then becomes their sides main candidate.
Democrat 1 vs. Democrat 2 Republican 1 vs. Republican 2
v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v
winner vs. winner
That's exactly what they want you to think. Stop being a sheeple. IT IS REALLY THE LIZARDMEN WHO CONTROL THE WORLD!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4b5a4hxAu8
Your mind is like a parachute, it's only useful when it's open.
Don't forget, you can use the block function on trolls.
any modern day conspiracy theory is fundamentally, just like a cult or religion. if you have tolerance for yours, have tolerance for theirs.
that was a wild video with the sumerians. so george bush 43rd president, is sumerian descendant. cool
-I will subtlety invade your psyche-
The main problem with Ron Paul is is stance on Iraq and in a broader sense, foreign policy. He blames America for 9/11 and says Iraq was a mistake and we should leave immediately. That's pretty much the worst message you could pick as a Republican candidate.
Playing: Ableton Live 8
~ ragequitcancelsubdeletegamesmashcomputerkillself ~
OP = Moron and because all these conspiracy theorists suck. So many of them, they have nothing better to do or drinking some water that is making them dumb or something. I hate these types of people. Especially the 911 theorists, what total morons and I hope I never run into one in RL cause I might just need to concrete them and throw them in the ocean.
I never encourage anyone to tolerate ignorance, you should discourage it and tell people they are wrong. Leaving it free and tolerating it just proves your ignorance.
Ah yes, witness our new Orwellian order. A world where investigation, learning, and thinking are the territory of the ignorant.
That has got to be one of the dumbest statements I have seen by someone in an attempt to be condescending and clever. I'll say the same thing to you as I did to admriker (essentially), you don't have a corner on the intelligence market, stop acting like you do. We are not preventing you two from expressing your opinion, but please, please, remember that your thoughts on a subject, no matter how well founded in your mind, will be opposed by others whose opinion is just as valid as yours. And please stop ramming your cliche condescending remarks down our throats when we disagree.
Sounds pretty close to being right.
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
That has got to be one of the dumbest statements I have seen by someone in an attempt to be condescending and clever. I'll say the same thing to you as I did to admriker (essentially), you don't have a corner on the intelligence market, stop acting like you do. We are not preventing you two from expressing your opinion, but please, please, remember that your thoughts on a subject, no matter how well founded in your mind, will be opposed by others whose opinion is just as valid as yours. And please stop ramming your cliche condescending remarks down our throats when we disagree.
Request denied.
Ron Paul SUCKED at advertising? I thought he just SUCKERED a bunch of lemmings into giving him their money for no reason at all.
Funny how all those people posting all those.... "Ron Paul is the new Jesus. Ron Paul is good. Ron Paul, net neutrality AAAAAHH" ....post dissapeared once they noticed there are real canidates running and they got their bank statements in the mail.
"There's no star system Slave I can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the Galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now."
Boba Fett
Oh look everybody, its big text! Thats how you know its a thoughtful commentary. Anyway, just think about those sorry saps that gave money to Clinton/Obama. Seriously, why not just toss your money into a fire? The corporations have the election contributions covered guys. As with all aspects of our modern democracy, your participation is no longer required. And your contribution is certainly not meaningful or useful.
You sound like a distraught Ron Paul supporter. You also sound like somebody who hasnt read this whole thread. My "big text!" is in relation to En1gma's post, where he uses "big text!" in relation to Ron Paul.
Back to reality. "Donating" money to the person you support is of personal prefrence, whatever makes you feel safe from terrorism. But when a canidate has gone around flaunting and announcing he has raised more money from supporters and donations than anybody ever, blah blah, and then does NOTHING, not a single fucking thing with it, then somewhere down the road you missed the turn.
Shit, at least Hillary and Obama are doing something with all their donations. Obama is getting huge "Change" signs put up everywhere he walks, and Hillary is getting mayors and govenors to nod their heads in agreement wherever she goes.
"There's no star system Slave I can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the Galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now."
Boba Fett