AC was/is THE game. I'd love to go back to that day! Skill-based is so much better than Class-based. I hate so much a game where you go into a town and find that there are only 4 different types of characters around. I don't get it, how is this enjoyable? The whole point of an MMO is to have an alternate life that you put the effort into and created yourself! Its yours, its not some lil copy of a template created by the devs. If you want that, go to korea please, it must be a required course in school to learn how to make these or something. Its more fun to create your character into what you want it to be rather than watch your character walk down a path created for it (oh my, seems a lil religious here ha). Some people have been saying that games are not meant to be tedious and just supposed to be easy and fun. How old are you? do you put forth any effort into anything? Like are you playing the right genre here? Go back to consoles please. Skill-based games ARE fun. I guess we just have two different types of people here. I myself am an individual that would rather play with a character that I created myself with the given ingredients over a character that has been created for me but I just created the name. Trust me I've played both.
That is YOUR view, not mine. To me, MMORPG (and any games) is about consuming content put in by the developer. MMORPG has the advantage (over SP games) by a) having 10x more content and you can coop with other players. I like my life in the real world just fine and I don't need an alternate one.
I am 41 and I put effort into my work (scientific research). If I want a real challenge, I work (off hours at home too). When I play a game, I want relaxing entertainment. Easy is good. Console games are also good. Since MMORPGs are going in this direction, I will take it too. BTW, there are plenty of people like me. There are lots of gamers in my company.
There's no restrictions on what stats can be stacked with what (although there are restrictions on what stats certain wearables can accept) so there is quite alot of combiantions you can build for your character depending on how you like to play him/her.
Classes help shape the game world and deliver content. If you didn’t want the developers to be doing this you would be “playing” second life, the fact that you are not means that despite what you say you are looking you still want to have the things that character classes deliver.
IMO this is why classless (and PvP + looting) games tend to struggle. People think they want something but can’t step back and look at the macro impact those features have on the game. These are features that have to fit within the macro vision for the game. They have game wide impact and if your game isn’t designed from the ground up to handle them they will ruin it.
The game wide decisions required to accommodate them, in turn have other impacts on gameplay. In addition to the features themselves you need consider what these other impacts are, and whether you will enjoy them. It’s even more important for developers to consider them and frankly most don’t.
That is YOUR view, not mine. To me, MMORPG (and any games) is about consuming content put in by the developer. MMORPG has the advantage (over SP games) by a) having 10x more content and you can coop with other players. I like my life in the real world just fine and I don't need an alternate one.
I am 41 and I put effort into my work (scientific research). If I want a real challenge, I work (off hours at home too). When I play a game, I want relaxing entertainment. Easy is good. Console games are also good. Since MMORPGs are going in this direction, I will take it too. BTW, there are plenty of people like me. There are lots of gamers in my company.
Although SWG used to cover both fields (skills and stats), it still has a large variety of stats to choose from that you can build into your suits (currently at 132,
There's no restrictions on what stats can be stacked with what (although there are restrictions on what stats certain wearables can accept) so there is quite alot of combiantions you can build for your character depending on how you like to play him/her.