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large world/pvp/mob int/leveling/death pen

spiritofelrispiritofelri Member Posts: 1

Anyone out there with broad knowledge of MMOrpg's available? I hope there's one that has some of the play quality of the text based MUDs:

With WoW i was really unimpressed with how small the world is and how basic it is. No hard to find secret areas, no secret doors or locked doors, no difficult to reach areas or riddles to solve. I'm hoping to find an online world... not an online backyard.

I would really like to find an MMO with intelligent PvE. I'm sick of the standard aggr or non-aggr. Maybe mobs with personality or challenging intuition.

I like PvP, either anywhere or faction based.

I also hope to find a place where leveling is difficult and takes time. And where there are real penaties for dying.

I'm not picky about graphics. D&D online has many of these qualities, but it's campain based.

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