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I hate visitng Age of Conan forums. There is no pvpers there left, jsut a bunch of hateful carebears that say pvpers dont deserve any rewards from PVP. No loot, nothing. Nevermind they can just gankbang a raid boss and take all their loot. What kills me they do the same crap, the same dance, the same dance routine everytime and keep getting loot.
The carebears have ruined yet another MMO
I think I'm gong to wait on Warhammer Online like most other pvpers
Anyone else bailing? When will they announce pvp rewards for the FFA PVP server? What is point of rolling on an FFA PVP server, get killed left and right, and not get any loot whatsoever for PVP? We just gonna level like 10x slower then the normal servers
Wait let me get this right your bailing because of.... some forum posts about a game in beta and about an element of the game that hasn't been released yeat?
If its about loot wait till they announce whats going on there. The Beta PvP has just gone up last week, and there is 3 months till launch for balancing and such like.
Oh by the way Good Luck with Warhammer and its Loot:
Warhammer Devs said death penalty will be very light.
People at only-war forums voted 70% supporting "no penalty" at all.
Go figure.
AoC devs have always, I mean always have been in favour of some form of looting, I dunno how long you been following the game, but I can refer to stuff 2 yrs back. Its all about balance and decision of implementation. They have said they hope to maybe have some form of looting whether 1 item, 3 items, backpack items etc etc.
There are dealth penalties and consequences already, along with that will come the decision on looting types for different server types in the next 2 months.
If your going to get worked up over some posts about something you havent tried yet, and potentially miss something that could potentially be your dream come true.... then, well, Thats just nuts.
How can something be ruined before you know its been spoilt or not???
So PvP and PvE levels are seperate, but its harder to get a PvP level as opposed to a PvE level. Its going to take a very very long time to get max level in PvP. You also loose PvP Experience when you die in PvP as well as gain it. By the way, whats levelling go to do with looting??
The best way to start out a death penalty system is have a % chance of losing loot. Lineage II does this when a Pker gets killed theres a high chance of losing loot and when they get killed by mobs when not in pker mode. I think AOC needs to find out a way so that certain players will have a higher chance of losing loot then other players and have some players know they arnt going to lose any loot yet. . This will make PvP way more rewarding.
Which PvP system do you prefer:
Add up all the looting types to No loot and it balances out.
Point is can't please everyone, sacrafices havent to be made in a mmorpg
Love you to death Avery, but I've been following this game as long as you have, and maybe even longer, considering I used to work at Blizzard. I think you r a real asset to this community, and I love reading your posts. That being said, I have to blow you out of the water here because everything u just stated is false.
I can refer two years back as well, and one thing I can tell you is.. this game, in every single aspect, is nothing like it was intended to be 2 years ago. The combat system has been changed 5 times to my knowledge, crafting.. well lets just say AoC has alienated crafters all together. You've already replied to such threads so I wont waste your time refreshing your memory on that one. PvP has changed multiple times, and classes have changed multiple times.
The truth is.. as of the VERY LAST state of the game announcement, developers OPENLY ADMITED that they DID NOT KNOW how their PvP looting system and blood money system would work. Or even if the blood money system would be in place.
Now dont get me wrong Avery, I am looking forward to this game as much as you are and I love what I am seeing, but at least be honest with the author of this thread. You dont know what PvP will be like, because not even devs know yet. If they dont know 3 months before launch, then 1 of 2 things are going to happen.. it wont launch in 3 months, or it will launch and the system will be thrown together last second. You know it, and I know it.
That being sai dI agree with Avery in most everything he says, and I will agree with ihm on this as well.... play the damn game man. Don't troll around here asking questions and expecting to hit the holy grail of answers.. none of us truely know. Play if yourself, and decide for yourself. At least then, you'll get factual information thats tangible.
Sorry I'm not saying there will be full looting or other types at all, all im trying to say is that they have made a preferance for some form of looting right up until last month. Yes they don't know how it will 'pan' out yet, but I didn't say it was in or out.
Out of those Community Q&A videos it was actually me who asked Gaute whats going on with Looting and server types.
Off camera I was told yes they are still looking at how it will be presented.
All im saying is don't jump ship because something hasn't or has been announced just yet.
Yes there are things like blood money and loot types to work out still, sorry if I gave a different impression?
I enjoy your posts too mahierl, but where did I go wrong?
To SandboxGod :
In this poll 2152 people voted:
60% asked for some form of PvP loot (player loss)
40% asked for either some sort of gain or no loot at all
Can the OP please direct us to the thread that convinced him towards what he claims?
To mahierl2005:
We will be playing the finished game, not the concept game. Perhaps people will not find in their satisfaction what the final product will be compared to what they thought it will be a few years back. But that's ok, not everything is ever included and not every idea plays good in practice.
This is not a bash towards Darkfall, but there you have a game that people find great in concept as well. As long as games remain in that development stage, gamers think they found their perfect game. Implementation is everything though.
Naw Avery, your awesome. You didnt go wrong per say, I just think they are a little more lost in this than you think they are. And hey, maybe your right! I just thin they really dont know what it is they want to do, I am concerned it will be thrown together at the last second. I suppose this , however, also concerns you as well.
In any case this game has heaps of hype and hype wasn,t good for tiles last year, and what follows this hype is the ager of people expecting the best, and well i hope this game will be good, because lol i prob will end up buying it I think that people will hate it...
Still though I am looking forward to Stargate Worlds... not too much hype, good staff, and...
*crosses fingers* good game.
To sh4dowst4lkr:
Stargate worlds looks great ... in concept.
I've been registered over there at AoC for 2 years but I cant take it anymore. The pve'ers keep saying we dont derserve any loot from pvp whatsoever. I mean no rewards period. I hate that community so much now (no, I havent been banned or anything)
I hate their indecision. pirates of burning sea told us what they were planning years before release. Not that i play the game, but just followed it with some interest.
Why wont they tell us anything? There is so much fighting about looting on those forums.
The pve'ers know they're getting raiding. Why dont we know anythng?
I was interested in WAR because at least you get rewards from PVP I saw in the podcasts. Random loot, city loot, give me something if I cant have player loot. Dont wanna raid, please god knowes I'ma PK every pve'r that asks me over and over
<edit> Thanks I never did vote on that poll I read some folks talking bout it
Hm, my guess is the pve'ers must be the most vocal cause I swear every thread I read there is like 10 haters for every pvper that wants looting / rewards
Did they at least confirm pvp rewards via Battlekeeps? I dont want to get owned by raiders WoW used to be like that and it sucked so hard getting pimped by some raidfer that just mouse clicks one or two buttons
BUT, you say you want to get -SOMETHING-. You do know that you will get XP for PvPing, right? It#s seperate from PvE XP and will allow you to rise 20 more PvP levels, which will give you access to special PvP Feats and Abilities so you can further customize your character and build it to suit your PvP needs. Likewise, you can lose PvP XP when dying in PvP (not in PvE), so I wouldn#t say there is -nothing- there.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
Yep it also concerns me too, because my guild is playing on an RP PvP server, so same as a PvP server just with the RP element (another concern!).
I related to the dev's that it might be a mistake not to try and cater for the "harder core" PvP, aka those that want loot. That there is a need out there for this. For me especially soaking up the info ~ since the start of the year in any conversation especially in recent video's / presentations they seem to position the game as having "hardcore elements" it would be better to get some clarification on this sooner than later (last minute)
For me personally I'm not into full loot, its just from hanging around here its obvious there is a growing demand for this type play. Even if not Full loot, at least something more than just "blood coin" right.
I would be happy with say maybe 3 items of gear or something like that and a proportion of any crafting components held on that person at the time of death.
As I understand from what Athelan says, the Beta PvP server type just went live. I would expect them, from feedback to come to a definitive in around say start / middle of April forsure.
Its a big question, one that quite a few people will be effected by -
"cool there are PvP servers"
"yea but we don't know how its going to work out yet"
I mean they say Hyboria is a grim, harsh world, naturally one would think there would come dangers in player vs player and not a wimped out coin loot (in my opinion)
My first PvP experiences were risk / reward related, I'd like to see a good balance between the two in AoC, and not a last minute thrown together setup, because the devs were in two minds. Would be nice to have things right, from the 'get go'.
You have to realise that the people on the forums are not indicative of the people that will play the game. You'll always get a skewed overview, either towards one or the other direction. Until you hear what the rules for the end servers will be, it's too early to decide in my opinion. In any case, no commitment was made unless we buy the game.
How hard it is to code a player loot system anyway as opposed to, say, crafting.
gratz carebears bad luck PvP'ers i guess
but i really dont see it as a bad pvp system at all..i find it unique
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds
-Solid non level based game
-Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
The problem with polls like are above is not that the PVEers are more vocal, i actually think PVPers are more vocal, there are just more PVEers.
I am primarily a PVEer that dabbles a little in PVP, and i say that the PVEers should shut the hell up. You have a game that was really focusing on PVP and PVEers start whinning and soon it is not so PVP anymore. I really hate the narrowminded people that think every game should be exactly what they want.
There are plenty of PVE games on the market and there are not too many real PVP games out there. PVPers should get a couple games.
Can we please get back to the days where MMOs were built for a smaller niche type crowds! We need diversity in the genre again and not all these cookie cutter games coming out that look just like the last one.
Now about PVP in AOC. I always thought it would be a good compromise if you could say "Tag" three items as unlootable on you body. And if someone kills you they can take one item (not tagged) and all of your coin, maybe even some bag stuff. That gives the PVP killer something for his effort and you are still able to save your most prized possessions.
And if that is too rough for you then dont play on a PVP server and if on a PVE server dont go out in the borderlands.
Considered how PvP aimed this game is, and how much funcom have done to make it very pvp focused, I doubt it'll end up the way your socalled "Pve carebears" want it But if you go ahead and base wether you should play or not, on some random forum posts, made by people who are more pve focused, then you should really learn to sorten out your priorities. Just ignore them, that simple, if all ignored them, they wouldn't have anyone to discuss with, except themselves. I too am tired of 90% being pve based, and I hope AoC will bring so much more to the pvp world.
Wow giving up before you even try it out.
But please go play WAR. I mean it.
Last I checked A certain time slot will be alotted for that "Massive Seige" to take place... in other words they wont be able to raid it at 3:00am while everybody AFK...
Honestly Sandbox... I think its better not to have the loot thing; coming from a PvP'er... As far back as I can remember the looting player thing never really worked out... and if it did, it wasnt because you could loot the good stuff.
Remember Diablo? or the Everquest PvP servers? Rmember all the Lying, backstabing and the fake "Set up groups" (Invited, and then killed you) Now I dont know if you ever played these games or If this game will even have some of the same situations but the bottom line is the uglier side of online gaming shows it face...
and I cant think of one game that done it right
TL out
I agree, AoC is more and more becoming a carebear game. Cant really understand that anyone calling himself a PvP:er is waiting for AoC or even Warhammer? Hardcore PvPers is waiting for the only real PvP-game under development, Darkfall.
Right now, it appears the carebears on the AoC forums keep saying we shouldnt get ANYTHING (emphasize NOTHING) for pvp on the FFA server. They claim they have fun just killing each other pointlessly all day long. This makes no sense too me. Notice they all pretty much admit they love raiding
What will there be to fight over on the FFA Server if there is no loot? How will Guilds have meaningful wars that see a meaningful end? I'm talking about the FFA server, where war will be everywhere not just the BK
Unlike those PVE based games you just mentioned Age of Conan actually has a chance to have some really epic PVP.
For end game PVP I really want to be able to get some sort of PVP reward (At least earn money to pay a crafter, something to trade). I guess they are just planning for PVP at Border kingdoms. I think they got that planned out. But whats going to make FFA server standout?
People are still against loot? Hasn't anyone noticed how ridiculous in-game economies are to begin with? And how much more ridiculous and perhaps, pointless, the game's economy becomes without it?
Without loot this is just another disposable MMORPG in which you burn through content until you're maxed out, have all the "stuff," and then move on to the next grind. This is the Carebear Cancer.
Hope you got your things together. Hope you are quite prepared to die. Looks like we're in for nasty weather. ... There's a bad moon on the rise.
I'm not going to bother tearing apart your logic in the thousand ways I can. Instead, I'm going to ask you a question, and then give you a single statement.
Is this a gear based progression game? IF so, player loot can never work. Any server which has it will be a ghost town....with only the players who started it when it opened left playing. The ONLY truly full loot PvP games that ever found any success were NOT full on gear based progression. EVE, for instance, does not require you to have a capital ship in order to be both useful and needed in a PvP encounter. You can use a run of the mill tackler and be awesome.
One more thing, player looting is not needed to create a solid economy. You need item decay, and harsh ones at that. A shield, for instance, aught not survive a few thousand battles. All player loot does is keep the same items in circulation in a different way. Its no better than an auction system for combating bad economies. At the end of the day, items staying in circulation (along with money being constantly pumped into it) is what ruins an economy....NOT the lack of player looting. How dumb one needs to be to actually think otherwise is beyond me.
Hateful care bears? I think you'll find the people that are most hateful are the pvpers...
I'm all for pvp but I hate gankers, griefers and such doesn't really bother me either way. Just stop attacking people who play differently to you.
But if you want to be attacked then: You obviously have some anger problems so therefore that must be why you like pvp, especially if you are already jacking it in..oh well :P