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Paroxysmus9Paroxysmus9 Member Posts: 4

I started my MMO career back in 2002 shortly after graduating high school and got lured into EverQuest, excellent game had my woes with Sony having the GM's give false promises when it came to player issues and unresolved enviroment issues but oh well... I still think EQ was one of the best out there, I'm sure many will agree and many will disagree, but to me it was like a first love nothing will ever compare. On to the rant!

Now... I got into WoW when it was first release played off and on, the game never grabbed me by my nether region and swung me around till I begged for mercy and questioned my sexuality seducing me back for more domination... So I quit.. Experimented with other not so great online games such as DDO, Conquer, Phantasy Starcrap, the blasphemous pile of junk called dungeon runners, anywho the list goes on and in comparission they all SUCK.

Now like EQ WoW released an expansion, tales of extremely epic fights new world content... a new charactor and 70 levels later I relized that was just time wasted... I relise why so many people have many charactors, it's too easy to level and theres NOTHING to do at end levels... Ooo we can raid, spend an hour and kill some crap if the army of 12 year old boys aren't blowing out your ear drums on ventrilo from their prepubscent howls of excitment.

Where is the next generation of MMO's that are supposed to roll up all the predicesors in a big ol phatty and smoke them. Where you get an offer to a group on the other side of the world but can't make it cause there's not a wizard near by to hook you up with a teleport, so you have to decline cause you don't want to spend 6 hours TRYING to run across the world. A game where you get a grinding group, and have a great time chatting and having fun not worried about getting ninja looted by some soccer mom trying to get her enchanting up. How about competition??? Where the hell is the competition? Racing for a world spawn was the ultimate and caused so much hate, respect and fear in the game world. Now you see some one decked out in good gear it just means they have a lack of a real life or a really expensive bot that queues them up for pvp event every 20 minutes.

I need a new game that's not so user friendly it feels like you have your hand held the entire time. A game that understands multi player means you need to rely on others, not solo your way to the top. A game that gets you riled up about guilds on other servers. I need a game that's more addictive and hardcore than heroin.  A game that's minority is not max level.. I need a game that's a lifestyle.. Where showering only happens on the way to your psych meeting for an unusual addiction..


*sigh* in all honesty, I don't think the gaming industry will ever be as awesome as the 2nd gen MMO's. Too many companies competeting to give the game everything a player thinks they want and missing out on what made the genre awesome. And with WoW dominating the scene like a fat man on a ham sandwhich I doubt that any one will ever be able to out advertise or get the needed fan base required.


Some one direct me to the nearest comic book store so I can 14 year old pwn n00bs with my l33t back hand of doom.


  • MaurizioMaurizio Member UncommonPosts: 162

    ok First just wanna say, as much as you may have liked the 2nd gen MMO;'s nothing compairs  to the 1st Genearation, anyone played UO back then and there was another MMO before that i forgot its name but all you hear these days are nothing but good things about them.

    So anyway you want a more compeditive MMO, I warn you though, getting into an MMO with meaning behind it and fact that the minority is not all Ubers, you are stepping into a lack of graphics type game compaired to what you are used to playing.

    With that said im going to suggest Wurm online, the minority is actually the ubers and even they are not so uber. Skills are hard and very important, there is no set templates you need to follow as its all open and you can gain as many skills you want, but speculization is important as i have already mentioned that there is not a single maxed out char with fighting skill. Anyway theres alot more to it as well, you may want to check it out but keep an open mind if you do try it out, there is a lack of animations, there are a few bugs, nothing too major though, game play is very fun. So good luck to you.

  • MarleVVLLMarleVVLL Member UncommonPosts: 907

    Same. I was a EQ player as well, and left when PoP came out.

    I'm at Wurm now and I really enjoy it, so I suggest it as well.


    MMO migrant.

  • A7XFanA7XFan Member Posts: 20

    I would suggest StarQuest Online.

    While it does not have the pretty graphics of all those games you mentioned since it is developed by a small independant company, the gameplay itself makes up for it.

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