Well since you would play on the Euro servers I can't speak for them, but in the groups I've been in so far on the US servers I've never heard anyone call someone a noob or a moron. Not that it may happen just hasn't happened in any of the groups I've been in.
If you want RP and not in a guild you're probably going to have to make a PUG group yourself and specify RP preferred. On the US servers I've seen some PUGS in the LFG window that said something like "WW, RP preferred", but there are RP guilds out there.
But as for "a lot" of people roleplaying, no not that I've seen. I don't know if DDO has an unofficial roleplay server.
Not sure about the EU servers, but Thelanis is sorta the unofficial RP server on the U.S. side w/ Sarlona a second place. Most RP'ers tend to stick in their own groups (which is totally understandable) so I do not have much contact with them. However, as to the N00B, and moron comments, not so much. Really hasn't been my experience that DDO's playerbase is nearly as retarded as say my experiences in Guild Wars....
everyone is constantly speaking of groups and guildchat . isnt there an open world chat or is it just a looking for group chat and then go into the dungeon ?
No one really uses general chat that much, that I've seen (of course I rarely have it open anyways). You can do other things in DDO if you want, PVP, solo, auction house, etc. but the primary function of the game is to play D&D Online...meaning form a group of adventures and go on an adventure.
Right the game is about getting a group and adventuring not going out petting the farm animals, milking the cows, crafting some leather boots and finding a nice spot to watch the sunset.
Not that I dislike that, there's a reason I play other games in addition to DDO, I like having an actual world to be in and things to do.
RP? Seems to mostly be in /say in taverns and such that I've seen. I do tiny bits of very light RP in guild chat, otherwise I keep it to /say or /emote.
But the DDO community is pretty mature, in both attitude and age. Haven't found any annoying children like I would in WoW/GW/XBL.
everyone is constantly speaking of groups and guildchat . isnt there an open world chat or is it just a looking for group chat and then go into the dungeon ? anything to do in ddo except going into dungeons?
There is a world general chat and this is where you'll find occasional players roll playing, but it is not a common site. DDO lacks a lot of tools to facilitate good rollplaying in an MMO. Namely, there's an virtual absence of Emotes that causes character based roll play from existing. If animations for emotes were added to the game I suspect a LOT of people who wouldn't normally view themselves as "roll players" would beging using them and thus help instill the RP into the G.
Honeslty, not really. Being that you're using "dungeons" as a loosely generic term in relation to killing mobs and getting treasure, it applies across the board. If you are asking if there are other areas to explore rather then a confined dungeon, then yes. The outdoor explorer areas get better the higher the level of the zone.
As it stands, if you want good Roll playing I would sugest Star Wars Galaxies for plethora of A+ quality emotes in the game. You'll just have to get past the absolutely horrible game play experiances...
edit: Just wanted to comment on the Maturity level of the DDO community - overall better then SWG, Guild Wars & WoW. DDO is one place where you're not likely to have someone berate you for wanting to rollplay a character. It's possibly due to the player base understanding that D&D birthed RollPlayingGames.
Well since you would play on the Euro servers I can't speak for them, but in the groups I've been in so far on the US servers I've never heard anyone call someone a noob or a moron. Not that it may happen just hasn't happened in any of the groups I've been in.
If you want RP and not in a guild you're probably going to have to make a PUG group yourself and specify RP preferred. On the US servers I've seen some PUGS in the LFG window that said something like "WW, RP preferred", but there are RP guilds out there.
But as for "a lot" of people roleplaying, no not that I've seen. I don't know if DDO has an unofficial roleplay server.
.. .... .- - . - .-. --- .-.. .-.. ... .-- .... --- .-. . .--. --- .-. - .-.-.-
Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate.
Not sure about the EU servers, but Thelanis is sorta the unofficial RP server on the U.S. side w/ Sarlona a second place. Most RP'ers tend to stick in their own groups (which is totally understandable) so I do not have much contact with them. However, as to the N00B, and moron comments, not so much. Really hasn't been my experience that DDO's playerbase is nearly as retarded as say my experiences in Guild Wars....
Euro servers are pretty mature, never come across any naming calling, you will however need to join a RP guild if you want to RP a lot.
everyone is constantly speaking of groups and guildchat . isnt there an open world chat or is it just a looking for group chat and then go into the dungeon ?
anything to do in ddo except going into dungeons?
No one really uses general chat that much, that I've seen (of course I rarely have it open anyways). You can do other things in DDO if you want, PVP, solo, auction house, etc. but the primary function of the game is to play D&D Online...meaning form a group of adventures and go on an adventure.
Right the game is about getting a group and adventuring not going out petting the farm animals, milking the cows, crafting some leather boots and finding a nice spot to watch the sunset.
Not that I dislike that, there's a reason I play other games in addition to DDO, I like having an actual world to be in and things to do.
RP? Seems to mostly be in /say in taverns and such that I've seen. I do tiny bits of very light RP in guild chat, otherwise I keep it to /say or /emote.
But the DDO community is pretty mature, in both attitude and age. Haven't found any annoying children like I would in WoW/GW/XBL.
There is a world general chat and this is where you'll find occasional players roll playing, but it is not a common site. DDO lacks a lot of tools to facilitate good rollplaying in an MMO. Namely, there's an virtual absence of Emotes that causes character based roll play from existing. If animations for emotes were added to the game I suspect a LOT of people who wouldn't normally view themselves as "roll players" would beging using them and thus help instill the RP into the G.
Honeslty, not really. Being that you're using "dungeons" as a loosely generic term in relation to killing mobs and getting treasure, it applies across the board. If you are asking if there are other areas to explore rather then a confined dungeon, then yes. The outdoor explorer areas get better the higher the level of the zone.
As it stands, if you want good Roll playing I would sugest Star Wars Galaxies for plethora of A+ quality emotes in the game. You'll just have to get past the absolutely horrible game play experiances...
edit: Just wanted to comment on the Maturity level of the DDO community - overall better then SWG, Guild Wars & WoW. DDO is one place where you're not likely to have someone berate you for wanting to rollplay a character. It's possibly due to the player base understanding that D&D birthed RollPlayingGames.