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Ive been searching off and on for this type of game for a long time. I played Diablo 2 for about 3 years and World of Warcraft for a little over 3 years now. WoW is incredibly boring now, i sit in LFG channel hoping something will happen for hours.
*What im looking for is a game with fair graphics quality, preferably 2D with quality like Diablo 2.
*Fast-paced combat like diablo. Not having to target the enemy then cast spells, but spam spells in a direction and pray my accuracy was good.
*But i want a much larger "MMO" world, as 8 players limits the fun/team play.
*No actual healer like on WoW, but maybe a class that can do light healing to barely keep a friend alive.
*Preferably "factions" rather than everyone in 1 town, and outposts or castle that can be captured as "pvp objectives" but this doesnt matter that much to me.
*No body looting because thats BS.
*Items can drop from bosses and regular mobs in instances or zones.
*Casters shouldnt run out of mana fast, or they should have a "quick mana regen" ability to heal their mana rather than sit for 30 seconds to drink like on WoW.
*Solo leveling and questing.
*Not soloable Boss killing, but take a group of people. Part of where Diablo 2 became no fun was when 1 person could solo Baal in a 8 player game... wtf.
If you know any game like this please let me know. I need a game i can love and look forward to playing and not be addicted to. Id also like it to not be ran by a huge company, but instead a small group of people or individual programmer.
I don't think you'll find exactly what you're looking for, but your two best bets are Mythos and Dungeon Runners.:
Mythos is currently in closed beta, so you'll have to beg somebody for a key. Mythos, btw, is made by the same developers who originally coded Diablo (ex-Blizzard employees). Mythos, IMO, is Diablo 3. Since Mythos is in beta, it's free. After Beta, it'll be F2P with a Microtransaction system (supposedly there will be no gameplay benefit to using the microtransactions, though)
Dungeon Runners looks like WoW, style-wise, but plays like Diablo. It's all instanced Dungeons and content can be soloed or grouped. Personally, i prefer it's camera over a straight-up isometric view like in Diablo or Mythos. Dungeon Runners' best asset, though, is it's wicked sense of humor. It's damned funny. DR is f2p with fairly unobtrusive advertisements or $5/month for no ads and a few extra benefits (extra bank space, for example).
I play both (gave away all my Mythos keys, sorry) and like both, but I personally think DR is more "fun". Give either a whirl.