Would we really be looking for programmers if the game was ground up designed for Xbox? It's designed for the PC first and foremost, always has been, and will be continued to be supported well into the future. Gaute has said before the Xbox360 will follow after the PC release and this will be a while after"
As far as I know, yes.
Unfortunately, yes we will have to put up with the Xbox kiddies, but not for awhile after PC is released hopefully.
Just want to say firstly, that its unknown if Xbox360 players will be on the same server right now. That was unknown as end of Jan 2008.
Secondly, for all those people who think that the delay was to put out the Xbox version at the same time as the PC version - your wrong.
The game is a PC game first and foremost.
Thirdly, would Funcom really be advertising for Programmers for Xbox 360 right now?
Here is what a Dev told me:
" http://funcom.easycruit.com/intranet/oslo/vacancy/160288/27115?iso=gb
Would we really be looking for programmers if the game was ground up designed for Xbox? It's designed for the PC first and foremost, always has been, and will be continued to be supported well into the future. Gaute has said before the Xbox360 will follow after the PC release and this will be a while after"