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Video Game ADD

Hi.   I have a problem.  I am addicted to video games as many of you reading this may as well be. I have an impressive  collection of games dating back to the primitive  video games that got me hooked like Myst and Zork, to the latest cutting edge games like Crysis, The Witcher, Elder Scrolls IV etc. I am currently raising a baby girl as a stay at home dad, so i usually have plenty of time on my hands to snuggle up with one of my many games and rap away on my keyboard.   Many of you would be thinking by now " so what is the problem then?  Sounds great."  Well, the problem is that I cant seem to finish a game.......

I have spent litterally thousands of hours playing role playing games such as final fantasy and xenosaga.....and i am embarassed to say ....never finished one game...not one.   I just download the end cut scenes from the interenet. I mean how sad is that? what kindof of self respecting gamer hasnt fricking finished Final Fantasy VII. Oh but  I have 3 of each Master Materia a gold chocobo and ive beaten Ruby and Emerald weapon......what the @&;%$ is wrong with me. This is how i treat most of my games.

Today alone I played 1 hour of baldurs gate 2,  30 mins of The Witcher, 20 mins of Crysis multiplayer, The Age of Conan tech test for the 3 hours it was up, 30 mins of BioShock ( i think I might be close to the end though),  and yes....started another game of Final Fantasy VII. Oh throw in about 30 mins of minesweeper and Mah Jong. ( does the New York times Crossword puzzle count?)

How can someone adore video games as much as I yet have no control over his/herself when it comes to finishing a stupid game. Do they make Video Game ridilin or something? please help me.....


  • OrthedosOrthedos Member Posts: 1,771

    There is no point in finishing a game.  As for MMOs its almost impossible to finish it, as there are so many things to do (aside from the grinders).

    Play while you enjoy the game, and move on when you no longer want to log on.

  • paulscottpaulscott Member Posts: 5,613

    I think that's the reason you're on a MMO forum.  the games don't end and there's always someone to mess around with when you get bored.

    I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.

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