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hi i play flyff alot and have got bored im now looking for a mmorpg but can not find anything i like. final fantasy XI looks like my kind of game and i have a few questions.
1.will i get bored the community nice
3. whats the monthly price in £ and is it worth it
4.can i play it in the uk
thx iz8086
I have been playing FFXI for a bit now and i gotta say i have fell for the game. It is awesome its not like a Hold-hand game like some of the others MMO's which i kinda like. And it always has something new to offer cause Square Enix is always updating it which is a good thing.
1.will i get bored: nope....maybe a little for the first few levels though the community nice: last time i played it was nice hehe
3. whats the monthly price in £ and is it worth it: £9
4.can i play it in the uk: yes u can hehe im from the uk
1. You wont get bored. Theres plenty of quests to do, even at low lvl. As you get higher up, theres plenty of missions that will keep you coming back for more.
2. The community is great. Theres very few people that think they're better than you, and pretty much everyone is willing to help you.
3. In US, its 12.95, but in the UK, its around 9
4. Yes. You can play it pretty much ANYWHERE
RIP: Masamunex - 75PLD/37WAR Ramuh
We will rise again from the ashes. To take over Vana'Diel.
Well, my ginormous signature should give it away, but I voted "Love it". In my opinion, based on the stupidly long list of MMOs I've played, it's the only one I keep coming back to and, occasional breaks notwithstanding, I'll likely be playing it 'til they turn the servers off.
1.will i get bored
That depends on you. Might sound like a non-committal/cop-out answer but it's true. There's a degree of ownership in how much someone does or doesn't enjoy anything, really. That said, how much you put into FFXI will very much determine how much you get out. It's cliche', yes - but true.
The people I know who have been playing the game the longest and are still enjoying it, even after 4+ years, split up their time between various activities. For example, at any given time I can ask 10 people on my friends list what they're doing, and they'll almost all come back with a different response. "Leveling" is only one of those responses.
Conversely, those I know who burn out and stop playing much more quickly (within a couple months, tops, usually) are those who tend to focus on leveling as fast as they can to end-game, and little else. Incidentally, the people you'll see bashing the game after they've burned out, feeling cheated / betrayed / whatever, most often seem to fall into this category. They're somehow dismayed that they burned out after doing the same thing non-stop and blame the game for their own choices.
I'll say this... In my very strong opinion, anyone only concerned about leveling and end-game should just not bother with picking up FFXI. They'll never "get" what the game is about, and what it isn't about is a "race to the finish line". What it is about is a virtual online world with myriad things to do, of which leveling and end-game are only a small part. If you can appreciate that, explore all the game offers and really embrace that, get involved with the community and split up your time, chances are you'll do fine. the community nice
Like any community, online or off, it has its idiots. But for the most part the community is very nice. The way people treat you is very much dependent on how you carry on among them. Also, reputation carries pretty quickly in FFXI.
3. whats the monthly price in £ and is it worth it
This has been answered in other posts. All I'll say is, it's the best bargain for the money you'll ever spend content-wise. You'll not run out of things to do for a *long* time. Again, this is contingent on how much you want to get out of it.
Unlike certain other MMOs where after a brief run to end-game, your sub fee goes towards letting you play the same end-game content over and over again ad nauseum, in FFXI there's always something new to try.
Even after 4+ years, people I know still haven't even touched a good amount of the content - and SE keeps adding more.
4.can i play it in the uk
You sure can
Here's a pre-emptive "Welcome to Vana'diel!" should you decide to play.
Have fun!
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
thank you everybody
Pretty much what WSIMike said.
The thing about community with FFXI that i absolutely love is that you don't have 10 characters. You have 1 that can just change jobs. Why is this important? Because it's far closer to a real life situation. You cant just go on a rant, build a new toon and noone know who the hell you are. Here, if you go on a rant, word gets around quickly and you get avoided like the plague. You'll learn when you have to delete your moderately leveled character and create another that, perhaps you should be nicer .
Word spreads fast in Vana and after you play for about 6-8 months, your reputation will start to proceed you. Up to you what it'll say.
Also, yes, you can play in the UK and the great thing is, you'll play with Japanese and American players too all on the same server. And icing on the cake is it's cross platform too. PC, Playstation, and XBox, all co-habitate on the same servers as well. So you can play on your PS2 in the UK, while I Play on my PC in the US, while WSIMike (for example only) plays on 360 in Japan. A great and novel idea if you ask me.
EVE - Sharvala
FFXI - Shazamalicious
Guild Wars - Xavier Lucifer & Charlize the Necro
"Ranged...stuck...tree...15 random words... suck... noob fanboy... I MAKE GUIDE!"