Originally posted by VultureSkull Any game company that willingly chooses SOE as a publisher deserves for their game to fail as if they don't know the reputution that SOE has in the MMO world then they should not be developing games in this genre in the first place. Even though SOE has nothing to do with the developement of the game, there are hordes and hordes of players that won't touch anything SOE has an input in. As for SOE themselves i recommend that they rebrand their company and look careful at how they do business in the future, it can't be that hard to get it right!
Yup, what do you think happened to Matrix Online after SOE picked it up? A week later hordes of players complained and cancelled.
Sigil and Flying Lab Software (POBS) should have done a little more thinking, I hate to say it but POBS has some potential if SOE doesn't screw it up but POBS doesn't suit me (pvp is dull and avatar gameplay is shallow). I kept hearing about SOE might get a Marvel online MMO, dear GOD.
Back in the days I thought Electronic Arts was terrible, SOE has proven to be king of terrible.
If you ask me, Vanguard and Matrix sucked before SOE managed them, and they just continued to suck after that point. They did screw up pretty big with SWG, but I'd still play if there were people to play with.
SOE should of done the world a favor and allowed Brad "The Useless Turd" Mccquad and his gang of losers at Sigil to fail and fail hard.
At this point and time Vanguard is nowhere near the level of playability it claimed it would have at launch and it is still very much in beta mode. AoC, WAR, AION, are just few games that will destroy the player population of VG and the list of MMO's grows. I was very adamant about the state of VG pre-OPEN BETA and I tried to warn people but all the Brad/Vanguard fanboi's would not hear anything but the lies being told by Sigil and Brad. I tried to reason with people and tell them that Open Beta was just a PR move to sell pre-orders but none would listen.
In the end the fanboi's and Brad/Sigil are the ones to blame for this craptastic game. SOE is going to be the last victim in this mess despite their best efforts because they were dumb enough to keep this putrid game afloat when it should of died a still birth death at launch.
Games I've played/tried out:WAR, LOTRO, Tabula Rasa, AoC, EQ1, EQ2, WoW, Vangaurd, FFXI, D&DO, Lineage 2, Saga Of Ryzom, EvE Online, DAoC, Guild Wars,Star Wars Galaxies, Hell Gate London, Auto Assault, Grando Espada ( AKA SoTNW ), Archlord, CoV/H, Star Trek Online, APB, Champions Online, FFXIV, Rift Online, GW2.
Any game company that willingly chooses SOE as a publisher deserves for their game to fail as if they don't know the reputution that SOE has in the MMO world then they should not be developing games in this genre in the first place. Even though SOE has nothing to do with the developement of the game, there are hordes and hordes of players that won't touch anything SOE has an input in. As for SOE themselves i recommend that they rebrand their company and look careful at how they do business in the future, it can't be that hard to get it right!
Yup, what do you think happened to Matrix Online after SOE picked it up? A week later hordes of players complained and cancelled.
Sigil and Flying Lab Software (POBS) should have done a little more thinking, I hate to say it but POBS has some potential if SOE doesn't screw it up but POBS doesn't suit me (pvp is dull and avatar gameplay is shallow). I kept hearing about SOE might get a Marvel online MMO, dear GOD.
Back in the days I thought Electronic Arts was terrible, SOE has proven to be king of terrible.
You are just plain ignorant. Vanguard was in a horrible state at launch. I beta tested this turd and it was no were near ready for launch. I along with the few sane people in beta who were not kissing Brad Mccquad's arse were pleading with Sigil to hold back the launch for a month or two.
You also do not know that Sigil at the time of launch was out of cash. They had no money left to further develop this game because in the 5 years they spent developing this game they burned through 30 million dollars with only a half arsed game to show for it. I know you "Johnny come latelys" think you know it all but please do use all a favor a get a hold of some real facts. Even ex-Sigil staff have commented on the failed nature of this project and why Microsoft ditched Sigil like a bad hair cut.
As for the Matrix it was another failed game that failed prior to SOE being involved. This is why Warner Bros gave the rights to the Matrix MMO to SOE for free after SOE bought the rights to a D.C. comics IP. SOE was not even looking to acquire the Matrix Online. Warner Brothers just did not want anything to do with this failed MMO and thus got rid of it by including it as part of the deal for the D.C. comic IP rights that SOE was initially after.
I actually knew one ex-developer who worked on the Matrix and played WoW. She basically laid out that the Matrix was a failed project from its inception and it went thorough numerous changes and personnel staff up until it launched. The game was a horrid piece of trash when it launched because at was so at it's core. It had no real vision or plan whatsoever and was built to milk money off Matrix fans like most games created out of movie IP rights.
Games I've played/tried out:WAR, LOTRO, Tabula Rasa, AoC, EQ1, EQ2, WoW, Vangaurd, FFXI, D&DO, Lineage 2, Saga Of Ryzom, EvE Online, DAoC, Guild Wars,Star Wars Galaxies, Hell Gate London, Auto Assault, Grando Espada ( AKA SoTNW ), Archlord, CoV/H, Star Trek Online, APB, Champions Online, FFXIV, Rift Online, GW2.
Not only that, when SOE got ahold of MxO, they merged servers which increased lag, they locked out some zones from access from the playerblase and didn't really fix much.
Not only that, when SOE got ahold of MxO, they merged servers which increased lag, they locked out some zones from access from the playerblase and didn't really fix much.
MxO sucked anyways. who cares what SOE did to it. It didnt do much for itself already.
Sigil and Flying Lab Software (POBS) should have done a little more thinking, I hate to say it but POBS has some potential if SOE doesn't screw it up but POBS doesn't suit me (pvp is dull and avatar gameplay is shallow). I kept hearing about SOE might get a Marvel online MMO, dear GOD.
Back in the days I thought Electronic Arts was terrible, SOE has proven to be king of terrible.
If you ask me, Vanguard and Matrix sucked before SOE managed them, and they just continued to suck after that point. They did screw up pretty big with SWG, but I'd still play if there were people to play with.
SOE should of done the world a favor and allowed Brad "The Useless Turd" Mccquad and his gang of losers at Sigil to fail and fail hard.
At this point and time Vanguard is nowhere near the level of playability it claimed it would have at launch and it is still very much in beta mode. AoC, WAR, AION, are just few games that will destroy the player population of VG and the list of MMO's grows. I was very adamant about the state of VG pre-OPEN BETA and I tried to warn people but all the Brad/Vanguard fanboi's would not hear anything but the lies being told by Sigil and Brad. I tried to reason with people and tell them that Open Beta was just a PR move to sell pre-orders but none would listen.
In the end the fanboi's and Brad/Sigil are the ones to blame for this craptastic game. SOE is going to be the last victim in this mess despite their best efforts because they were dumb enough to keep this putrid game afloat when it should of died a still birth death at launch.
Games I've played/tried out:WAR, LOTRO, Tabula Rasa, AoC, EQ1, EQ2, WoW, Vangaurd, FFXI, D&DO, Lineage 2, Saga Of Ryzom, EvE Online, DAoC, Guild Wars,Star Wars Galaxies, Hell Gate London, Auto Assault, Grando Espada ( AKA SoTNW ), Archlord, CoV/H, Star Trek Online, APB, Champions Online, FFXIV, Rift Online, GW2.
Game(s) I Am Currently Playing:
GW2 (+LoL and BF3)
You are just plain ignorant. Vanguard was in a horrible state at launch. I beta tested this turd and it was no were near ready for launch. I along with the few sane people in beta who were not kissing Brad Mccquad's arse were pleading with Sigil to hold back the launch for a month or two.
You also do not know that Sigil at the time of launch was out of cash. They had no money left to further develop this game because in the 5 years they spent developing this game they burned through 30 million dollars with only a half arsed game to show for it. I know you "Johnny come latelys" think you know it all but please do use all a favor a get a hold of some real facts. Even ex-Sigil staff have commented on the failed nature of this project and why Microsoft ditched Sigil like a bad hair cut.
As for the Matrix it was another failed game that failed prior to SOE being involved. This is why Warner Bros gave the rights to the Matrix MMO to SOE for free after SOE bought the rights to a D.C. comics IP. SOE was not even looking to acquire the Matrix Online. Warner Brothers just did not want anything to do with this failed MMO and thus got rid of it by including it as part of the deal for the D.C. comic IP rights that SOE was initially after.
I actually knew one ex-developer who worked on the Matrix and played WoW. She basically laid out that the Matrix was a failed project from its inception and it went thorough numerous changes and personnel staff up until it launched. The game was a horrid piece of trash when it launched because at was so at it's core. It had no real vision or plan whatsoever and was built to milk money off Matrix fans like most games created out of movie IP rights.
Games I've played/tried out:WAR, LOTRO, Tabula Rasa, AoC, EQ1, EQ2, WoW, Vangaurd, FFXI, D&DO, Lineage 2, Saga Of Ryzom, EvE Online, DAoC, Guild Wars,Star Wars Galaxies, Hell Gate London, Auto Assault, Grando Espada ( AKA SoTNW ), Archlord, CoV/H, Star Trek Online, APB, Champions Online, FFXIV, Rift Online, GW2.
Game(s) I Am Currently Playing:
GW2 (+LoL and BF3)
Not only that, when SOE got ahold of MxO, they merged servers which increased lag, they locked out some zones from access from the playerblase and didn't really fix much.
MxO sucked anyways. who cares what SOE did to it. It didnt do much for itself already.