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I just picked up the game. I'm 4 months late to the party and every surname known to man has been taken. Most of the people with popular surnames probably don't even play anymore. Unique first / last name combinations would have made much more sense.
In beta - a lot of people asked for unique call-signs to fit with the military theme rather than unique lastnames.
That didnt happen.
The reason for a unique name per account is so that people are held responsible for their actions. In TR you cant hide from your actions behind a character with a different name like you can in other games.
None of which helps you pick a name. I sometimes if the name I want is taken swap a 0 for the O. So Shad0wmage instead of Shadowmage.
With only one unique name per account that actually increases to chances a name will be free. Whether you find that name to be suitable for a last name is a different subject.
It's better then Vanguard which goes by first name. Though I do agree, it should be unique first and last name if for nothing else but role playing reasons. At least they give us the option to use a last name though. Such a simple thing, you'd think more games would put it in.
First name/ last name combo might indeed be a idea now that i think about it.
A tip i often use is to spell names backwards, this can be my own name(s) or name's of my favo musicians/artists/developers/actors or sometimes even now don't really have to guess what my real last name
Walker...Texas ranger..?? Is that you??
during beta you were stuck with the last name you chose, at least now you can delete all your toons and choose a different lastname
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.