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Looking really good imo i cannot wait to try out the villain EAT!
Epic Villains ATs? (we sure wait a LOT longer than Heroes for Kheldians)
Needs more info. Since they haven't been nerfed ever, might be interesting characters, depend if I find any interest in playing them. :P
Can the Villains access the Roman era zone? I assume so, but it wasn't stated...
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Also, it really a great idea letting us play some of the true arachnos minions, and allowing us to rise through the ranks as one, unlocking new costumes, and new powers, depending on which branches we dicide to follow.
I'm a bit underwhelmed on the VEATs. And this, I'll remind you, is coming from someone who wasn't biting his nails waiting for them. Heck, my highest villain is still only 37, so I won't have them unlocked for a while.
They might play interestingly. I think the branching could be neat from a design perspective. But I don't think going through life as an Arachnos minion is interesting from a story perspective, at all. And there's nothing nearly as cool as shapeshifting going on here.
The rest of the issue seems ok though. I noted the Midnight Squad stuff starts in the 10-20 range. Not exactly a sparse level, and all but 1 of my many many heroes are above it. But I don't think making another alt will bother me too much. However, I'm not really motivated to jump on the "Powerset Proliferation."
To me, jumping around to different powersets was one of the excuses for running all the different ATs. I've played with everything anyway, so the fact that I can be on a Storm corruptor instead of my Storm Controller isn't exactly motivating for me.
I'm more excited by the talk of "new systems" coming in i13. I have no idea what that means, but it does sound pretty huge.
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Well, considering they were talking about Evil Kheldians being the Villain EAT this comes as an awesome surprise and why they have come so late.
Course, it does kinda pigeon hole your costume though. But then you don't you spend half the time as a flying squid or a big walking crab.
Well I waited for the villains AT's and now that there here I am stoked to play them but.....I am more excited for the UI changes personally, being able to drag items into chat windows and combine inspire's also clicking on name's to send tell's and stuff I find very kool.
i will have to wait to see the epic villain AT powersets; but, i'm hoping they're along the lines of khelds, in which case, i'll be quite happy. all i can say though, is FINALLY.
but, i do find it odd how they have a running theme of villains, essentially, being part of one huge organization; while the heroes just do whatever.
villain epic ATs, are your choice of Arachnos minions. villain epic power pools, are patron power pools, and are granted by the leaders of Arachnos.
hero epic power pools are just that - epic power pools, no storyline to obtain them, no super duper hero handing them out. hero epic ATs are aliens. again, no ties to any existing hero organization, just, they're there.
while we may complain about the villain epic pools/ATs being locked into Arachnos minions - you have to admit, someone at least did some thinking and built storylines and such for them. there's a continuity. now it's to the point that you actually can head up your own Arachnos branch.
the addition of new powersets to all ATs. while this could just be a cop-out so they don't have to make new powersets, it is still nice. perhaps MMs will get something crazy like storm summoning. i see controllers are getting plant control. while it will make unique AT builds, not so unique anymore; it's still adding variety. so this one isn't a big thrill for me (except when it comes to MMs, because if they're adding a new primary to all ATs, that means MMs will finally get another pet type~!!), it's still something new and extra.
another co-op zone of level 35-50. if you're a hero, this might not be a big deal; but um, look at the other content additions -- hero side only - hollows and the midnight squad. i say heroes only for midnight squad because of: "The Midnighters hold a secret that could bring the alien assault to an end, but without the help of the Heroes of Paragon City™ it will remain Lost forever." so at least the red side gets a little content love by way of the co-op zone.
it would really be nice to get as many low level zones on red side, as what blue has. with all the additions of the past few issues, maybe that will be next issue.
no word on base improvements. i can deal with there never being real base raids, if they'd start throwing out a few new base items each issue.
new costumes are always nice.
no word on new temporary power recipes or IO sets. i'm hoping they add at least a couple.
just a little more each issue to things like temporary power recipes, IO sets, costumes, base items, etc, would go a long way.
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
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Simunomics, the Massive Multiplayer Economic Simulation Game. Play for free.
i'm only going on what that little announcement said. i noticed it said 'most' about the pri/sec, and i was hoping that the MS stuff was misleading and that there would be new level 15-20 content red side also; but i wasn't getting my hopes up.
do you have a link for that though? thanks.
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?