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Well, as most of us all know, the MMORPG (massivley multiplayer online role playing game; for the slow ones) industry is completley sucking right now. So i say we should have a disscussion about some of the main controversial things that the makers go through when making a game. such as grinding vs questing solutions, PvP areas, and transportation.
if you have something to say try to be as elaborate as possible, use examples and explain those examples do just say "i like the PvP in star wars galaxies, i think all PvP should be that way". alot of people haven't played SWG and don't know what the PvP is like. Also if you have something to say on just one thing try thinking about the other options. try not to just post on one subject
some of the topics to discuss: (im not perfect but these are the few things i think we should talk about and share our ideas about. give some suggestions, I will add them later)
1) PvP; some types i have seen are the anywhere PvP in eve online and SWG, theres the WoW PvP where you can fight most anywhere, and then theres stuff like runescape, designated fighting zones
2) in PvP should there be full looting? or save your items?
3) death penalty; give some ideas
4) Storyline; to many MMOs have basicaly none, (when i say story line i don't meen suggest a story line but talk about how the story should be made? should it be "your a hero" or some war is going on, or just a basic background and everyone makes there own?)
5) Travel system; many people hate running to someplace, and prefer to fly or teleport but this can make a game boring, some think travel should be dificult. / disscuss
6) world chat; what are your views on this? should there be a LFG channel? give some new ORIGINAL ideas
7) payment *multiple options underneath*
a) monthly fees, be realistic, if a game is perfect it won't be free. people need to be paid, what should the rates be?
b) character creation fee? (personally i agree wait for my responce later) some people don't like these, but others do because it reduces spammer advertisers
c) premium items? should people who pay extra get better items?
d) multiple payment options? (as in pay $7 for limited acces or $10 for full world access
8) level blocking areas, what i meen by this is a level 7 can't get into a level 60 some area and level 60s can't get into some newbie zones and power level
9) Punishments, some rules: (some people don't like swearing some people do, ideas? what should punishments be for rule breakers? sometimes banning is too harsh for minor rule breaking)
10) owning houses, (as in SWG you can get your own houses in aproved zones or no, adding old houses just clutters the world)
11) crafting (some games have crafting classes, but that makes combat boring, what types of crafting skills should there be and how can we make them original and diffrent?)
i forgot some so i will add them later, please remember the point of this thats to suggest things for a new MMORPG that are DIFFRENT so we can all have a new fresh experience (i will edit spelling later sorry this was kinda rush)
so /discuss
1) PvP i believe PvP should be full world. i loved the PvP system in star wars galaxies with its guild vs guild and faction vs faction. Also you could trigger it off and on so if you didn't want to PvP at all times you didn't have to. also there were PvP events where a system wide message would say "the imperials have attacked xx and the siege will last for another 20 minutes" and you could just fly over and fight. then you could get your faction to control planets. there was even space combat. it was definatley a very fun game that i wish less people complained about...
2) I believe that there should be partial looting in PvP meening in PvP there is a chance that you will lose some of your items. it would add a risk factor in as well as a good death penalty. heres how i think it should work--- depending on the rarity of your item you would have a 0.01% chance to a 5% chance to lose it at death, the rarer the less chance to lose it. if you had a weapon that took you three weeks of grinding to find you could have it insured for a great ammount of money. if you drop it on death the person who stole the item will be marked by a bounty. then the next person who takes this bounty (given by the player that lost the item) can kill him ANYWHERE and then wire the item back to the one who lost it. BUT the bounty hunter (the person who got the item) COULD NOT use it as their own. the item would be disabled from then on till it gets back to the owner and it has no chance of being dropped on death. yes i know it seems kindof complicated but it would be fun, its basicaly adding in PvP missions
3)death penelty, to many games have too lax of a penalty if there is one at all. i like the penalty in wow, with armor getting 'broken' but the only problem is i don't think thats enough. when a person dies the person should lose any money that they were carrying. the game would then have to encorperate a bank to store money that shouldn't be lost
4) in games story lines i HATE when its like "you must be the hero" well then there are 9,000 other heros and only about 500 NPCs that need to be saved... it ruins it for me. i believe that storylines should be based on PvP factions if so then games would constantly be changed. every server would have its own specific storyline. then there could be GMs who play as generals ect. that develop the story line and basically run the faction. again i refer back to soe's SWG, they didn't have a GM but you never knew how strong one faction was, if you went to one planet you could be killed for just landing. The 'storyline' was constantly changing due to this.
5) I do like the idea of a travel system... sort of... for lower level areas you should be able to fly/teleport to these places, but i do think that people who walk should have some benifit. there should be a way to maybe buy a caravan, and with that caravan you get a few NPCs and you would travel down roads and you would randomly encount monsters that spawn specificaly for you to fight. loot would be doubled (but rare items are still very hard to find) as in you kill a frog, the frog normally drops leathry hide and a tounge. you would get two leathery hides and 3 tounges that you could then fence off for extra money. also this would add some AWSOME group pick-up quests in higher levels to just have fun with your friends.
for now i have to go, il add more ideas later, thanks for listening
Frick man i kno what you are saying. We need like a frikkin sci fi mmo. That would be super bad ass.
i am really a fun of MMO since Ragnarok.. i hope there's a game that we can use steal skill in NPC's
my points, with examples.
1. Make combat exciting, and dangerous.
eg. bad combat - WoW press hotkey 1, then hotkey 2, then 3, and 1 again, and mob dies.
good combat - DAoC Having to attack from the side/rear of mob to get off situational attacks.
mobs that stun/mez/fear/bleed/poison/are stealthed ... etc ....
2. Make world immersive/dangerous.
eg bad - _o_ of _arcraft - static mobs, that really have no chance in actually being able to kill you, and that you can just run away from.
If u can go from lvl1-max level without dying(assuming you dont do anything stupid) thats a boring game imo.
good - EQ - forgot the name of the zone, but that forest off east commons that if u tried to run thru there at night
was like running the gauntlet, sometimes u made it, sometimes u didn't.
Random badass mobs that roam around and stomp on ppl eg. Sand Giant from EQ oasis.
3. Make character creation AND advancement more involved.
its going to be your avatar for the next couple of years(assuming the game isn't another POS like everything thats been released for the last 5yrs+)
It makes players more connected to their characters and combined with good immersion/danger
will keep players interested in the game.
Does anyone know how to make a mmoRPG anymore?
I just quit a MMO today. Been playing with it off and on since the summer of last year. Why? PvP gone crazy. So here's some suggestions from someone who loves gaming, but not the crap that can fill it...
1. PvP needs to be in it's own universe. Don't mean in a seperate server, but they can only attack other PvP players, since now it's about who buys what to kill who. The average player won't spend hundreds of dollars on store goods, only for some punk to kill them and loot them of ALL of it. Also, makes zero sense having a level 100 player decking level 1 players from behind and unarmed (this is over abused in games now).
2. Storylines need to fit the game. Quests need to have something more to it than 2 sentences. If you must slay a dragon to obtain an orb of power, at least add what/when/where/why you need to kill the dragon for it. If folks can't spend 5 minutes reading the story, they really shouldn't be playing any MMO!
3. Elaborate crafting for crafters. This is often wanted by players, as no other genre offers this option. For fighters they can just by-pass this part of the game, but those wanting to make and sell things, they want a detailed crafting system equal to what is put into making guilds itself -- as it's their guild!
4. Do away with coinage as money. Too many gold eBay sellers that ruin the game, as you know no one can get millions in gold without months of hard work!
5. No more camping bosses for loot. Simply tired of fighting with campers wanting to take epic gear/loot, over and over and over, while you just need to finish once.
6. NO game store. The game I quit is pushing it too new extremes, and even made an area for high levels that can only survive by spamming store perks. If you can't get it in the game, getting outside of the game also ruins the immersion factor.
7. Artwork that's appropriate for the game. If it's Medieval, don't add anime props. Armor/weapons/buildings/clothing/themes needs to look like it came from the 12th century.
8. Language needs to be appropriate for the setting. As in #7, text needs to read similar to Old English (we can't read readily Canterbury Middle English, so something similar that Modern English readers can understand can suffice).
9. Any epic gear can't be had but once, so it won't be traded and sold again. You earned it, it's not some trade good.
10. Experience tied to achieving something that can't be angled to get an advantage. Grinding has macros to cheat; if the game has regular monster spawns folks will grind them for XP to level. Randomize things, so cheats can't readily game the system.
11. Subscriptions should allow players to retire for awhile, and restart later (life does intercede and folks can't keep up with their characters all of the time, nor feel paying $15+/mon for not playing). The database space for a player doesn't cost that much to store.
12. Don't limit space and load. Either one or the other. If you limit both, you force players to have m-a-n-y ALTs (and alts hurt gameplay, and taxes the system resources).
13. Death penalities can be many types, but in no shape or form, if he game has a store, that store items are dropped loot. Personally perfer the death penalty to be loss of XP, as you died because of a lack of it. That makes players choose combat wisely, which should be the case anyway.
14. Newbie levels need to be totally protected, if they exist. No exceptions. If this includes cities, don't give guilds extra perks to turn a city into a PK zone -- it will be abused.
15. Logging out protection. You don't lose items if your connection fails (yes, this can be abused, but it's better than hundreds or thousands losing hard earned items for no fault of their own -- server fails; ISP nodes can get too congested; or a CMTS frontend can blow).
16. Offer folks a home (yes!), that they can outfit themselves. This is such a nice perk that folks will work the grind to create their dream estate.
17. Require eating, drinking and sleep. Your character can gain rest when you're offline -- to encourage folks not grinding for 24hrs. This will make pubs and inns worthwhile, with folks actually buying mead, ale, beer, and wine for a purpose -- not just for some quest or show.
18. Allow merchants to have shops. Real shops that has their personal wares for sale. Be it a little lean-too for low level merchants, to a full retail shop for high end merchants.
19. Allow fighters to mix and match clothing. Not just wear one set of armor, for example. Some armor has better stats that a character needs (faster hits; or better defense; or lighter in weight).
Ack, have 10001 more ideas!
.:| Kevyne@Shandris - Armory |:. - When WoW was #1 - .:| I AM A HOLY PALADIN - Guild Theme |:.
My perfect MMO would contain these elements:
1. One character per account.
2. No levels, skill-based like the original SWG or UO.
3. The ability to be a non-combatant crafter or social.
4. Player-housing and cities.
5. No gear dependancy.
6. FFA combat/looting with consequences.
This is just a repost from 'The Ultimate MMO Survey thread but since I did more than just take the survey, I guess all of this information is better suited for this thread. :
BOYCOTTING EA / ORIGIN going forward.