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I was in beta and live for over two years. Left after the holo grind and just befor the NGE. How is SWG doing now? I was a Master Arch and Droid Engr for most of my play time trying to build our server.
Any comments on the game would be appriciated.
Click my sig, use the trial first.
Get yourself off the station, spend at least 1 hour on the ground before making up your mind. Don't spend any money until you decide that you like the NGE game.
Thank you Salvaje, I will look at your link and do the trial. I still have fond memories of SWG but from what I have read so far there looks to be a lot of changes since I left.
Thanks again
They have, and not for the better. That's why I'd rather you not be out any money while deciding.
Lots of people come back and try out of curiosity/nostalgia. I don't want to see SOE pocketing $15 from people who do this if they come back, try it, get disgusted and leave again after a few hours/days.
So it's best to take advantage of the trial.
Moudeeb, my guess is you probably have an available trial to use. Simply check your account status. If it says "pending" then you have some free time to try the game.
The game now has levels, no more sandbox. The populations are extremely low. My advice, and obviously the advice of others...
Do NOT spend a dime on this game, use the Free Trials you have and make up your mind.
Tecmo Bowl.
Go to - I recommend playing on chilastra or any other high pop server, But chilastra because I play on it and the community is fun
Account has been stolen, why would someone want to steal my account?
I have pretty much the same experience as you. I came back just last week to try out the state of game. I have to say I've never seen such a depressing state of affairs in an MMO before.
The game is unrecognizable. The graphics are the same, but everything else has been changed/gutted/simplified. And by simplified I mean the interface is actually more of a nightmare to setup to a usable state due to their horrible idea of trying to make it FPSy, but the choice of classes and the customization of those classes have been decimated. Most of the new content is bugged. There are more jedi's than any other characters. My actual gameplay, after spending a day trying to get the interface to behave, was very much like I remember, but the characters are for the most part, weaker than they were. HAM is gone, It's now Health and Action, the stats system is completely different.
The game is on its last legs and the jokers at SOE are humming and hawing about what they're going to do about the ghost town servers. They're still charging 30 to 50 dollars to transfer characters between servers! I think they're trying to smother the last hangers on so they can shut down the project entirely. There's no other explanation for this continued nightmare environment. For god sake, don't spend a nickel on the game. Get your trial time on your vet account and just walk around, marvel at the incompetence. Took me about 3 days to realize the game was a lost cause.
I deleted all my characters, I have no desire to relevel again (did that with my 3rd character slot when NGE came out). It's my way of having no intention of going back.
The character transfer costs are absolutely outragenous, and the chances of losing your valuable items are fairly high for the cost. Most other games charges you between $10-25 with everything, and sometimes free transfers.
I have pretty much the same experience as you. I came back just last week to try out the state of game. I have to say I've never seen such a depressing state of affairs in an MMO before.
The game is unrecognizable. The graphics are the same, but everything else has been changed/gutted/simplified. And by simplified I mean the interface is actually more of a nightmare to setup to a usable state due to their horrible idea of trying to make it FPSy, but the choice of classes and the customization of those classes have been decimated. Most of the new content is bugged. There are more jedi's than any other characters. My actual gameplay, after spending a day trying to get the interface to behave, was very much like I remember, but the characters are for the most part, weaker than they were. HAM is gone, It's now Health and Action, the stats system is completely different.
The game is on its last legs and the jokers at SOE are humming and hawing about what they're going to do about the ghost town servers. They're still charging 30 to 50 dollars to transfer characters between servers! I think they're trying to smother the last hangers on so they can shut down the project entirely. There's no other explanation for this continued nightmare environment. For god sake, don't spend a nickel on the game. Get your trial time on your vet account and just walk around, marvel at the incompetence. Took me about 3 days to realize the game was a lost cause.
I really don't believe you did try the game. At the very least, you didn't put effort into trying to try the game.
Obraik, what "effort" SHOULD a person try to put forth to "enjoy" a game?
For God's sake, if a game is NOT fun why should it be up to a paying customer to go OUT OF THEIR WAY to make it fun?
You have denied association to SOE for a long time now but you have got to be kidding me with some of your comments? It's up to SOE/LA to give US a fun game, not up to US to seek out what little fun there can be in their game.
Blizzard doesn't ASK the customers to search for fun, you log on to WoW and it is for the most part at least somwhat enjoyable.
If someone is going to pay monthly to SEARCH for fun then they have SERIOUS issues, or they work for SOE.
Tecmo Bowl.
SOME of YOUR comments are LUDICROUS, you DONT log INTO the game and IMMEDIATELY have fun, you have to FIND something ENJOYABLE to do, be IT PVP, PVE. IF you log INTO the GAME and expect it to be CRAP, then you'll find you DON'T enjoy IT.
ALL obraik was saying, IS that THE guy probably WANTED to report it WAS crap.
And IF you ENJOY wow so Much, you know where to GO.
Account has been stolen, why would someone want to steal my account?
SOME of YOUR comments are LUDICROUS, you DONT log INTO the game and IMMEDIATELY have fun, you have to FIND something ENJOYABLE to do, be IT PVP, PVE. IF you log INTO the GAME and expect it to be CRAP, then you'll find you DON'T enjoy IT.
ALL obraik was saying, IS that THE guy probably WANTED to report it WAS crap.
And IF you ENJOY wow so Much, you know where to GO.
Wow, you are easily amused... SOE is laughing their way to the bank knowing that you guys are so willing to subscribe for so little in return. Heck, I might develop an MMO called CRAP ONLINE and offer bugs, no content, no fixes, bad UI, bad combat, and extreme class restricitions, then I will charge you to play it, per month, and I'll have dead servers but actually charge you to transfer to a somewhat populated server knowing full-well that most of your items may not transfer with you.
CRAP ONLINE might make me a little bit of money as long as I have subscribers like you to give me an easy $15 per month.
Tecmo Bowl.
I log in and have fun everytime, there has never been a time in the games history where there has been motre content added as quickly as what is going on now in the game.Some players in my guild are still wading through content from 2 publishes ago and the latest content publish hit TC before the weekend.
From what it sounds like you want directed content like WoW instead of "sandbox" content like is presented in the current form of SWG. I suppose if you like your game with the training wheels on WoW is your game of choice.
Content? They are adding stuff to keep you busy GRINDING.
There is no major content being added... Small encounters and badges to keep players somewhat busy until they can add more minor encounter and badges...
Nothing "new" or worthwhile, just some questing to keep you busy and keep you paying $15/month...
Tecmo Bowl.
Content? They are adding stuff to keep you busy GRINDING.
There is no major content being added... Small encounters and badges to keep players somewhat busy until they can add more minor encounter and badges...
Nothing "new" or worthwhile, just some questing to keep you busy and keep you paying $15/month...
And what exactly was the extent of content additions during pre-CU? And what was the purpose of having the ability to freely change your skill boxes? And what was the purpose of making unlocking a Jedi first an unknown type and number of professions mastered and then a series of quests and experience exchange for credit toward Jedi? And what was the purpose of making Jedi experience the slowest to accrue resulting in macro-grinding? Should I give other examples of how pre-CU grinding was really no different than NGE grinding?Content? They are adding stuff to keep you busy GRINDING.
There is no major content being added... Small encounters and badges to keep players somewhat busy until they can add more minor encounter and badges...
Nothing "new" or worthwhile, just some questing to keep you busy and keep you paying $15/month...
And what exactly was the extent of content additions during pre-CU? And what was the purpose of having the ability to freely change your skill boxes? And what was the purpose of making unlocking a Jedi first an unknown type and number of professions mastered and then a series of quests and experience exchange for credit toward Jedi? And what was the purpose of making Jedi experience the slowest to accrue resulting in macro-grinding? Should I give other examples of how pre-CU grinding was really no different than NGE grinding?In pre-cu you would grind for the skills you wanted personally. You had 250 points to put into the skills of your choice to make the character that you personally wanted. In the NGE you grind to reach a level of a class that developers want you to have. You have 9 choices. Your grinding to be a level 90 medic in the NGE VS. grinding to be whatever you want to be in pre-cu. where you had many choices. Its different. Pre-cu was better in that area..from a gamers point of view. Choice is always better for gamers from my point of view. Especially when grinding is concerned, if it has to be in time-sink form, then allow players to have choices so they can sink their time into a character they want.
See you in the dream..
The Fires from heaven, now as cold as ice. A rapid ascension tolls a heavy price.
Content? They are adding stuff to keep you busy GRINDING.
There is no major content being added... Small encounters and badges to keep players somewhat busy until they can add more minor encounter and badges...
Nothing "new" or worthwhile, just some questing to keep you busy and keep you paying $15/month...
And what exactly was the extent of content additions during pre-CU? And what was the purpose of having the ability to freely change your skill boxes? And what was the purpose of making unlocking a Jedi first an unknown type and number of professions mastered and then a series of quests and experience exchange for credit toward Jedi? And what was the purpose of making Jedi experience the slowest to accrue resulting in macro-grinding? Should I give other examples of how pre-CU grinding was really no different than NGE grinding?Well, first and foremost in Pre-CU the player had CHOICE.
We had the choice of what to do, what skill to level, how to level it, and to make our character anything we wanted him/her to be.
I rarely got bored "grinding" un Pre-CU because I knew that I had freedom. The NGE sticks you in a restricted linear path, and you simply grind your way to a high level, with very little uniqueness.
The NGE took away freedom and never gave it back. Almost EVERYTHING in way of content SOE has added since the NGE the Pre-CU offered in a better way.
Sure the Pre-CU lacked content, as does the NGE. But it offered freedom. The NGE will NEVER offer that.
Tecmo Bowl.
In pre-cu you would grind for the skills you wanted personally. You had 250 points to put into the skills of your choice to make the character that you personally wanted. In the NGE you grind to reach a level of a class that developers want you to have. You have 9 choices. Your grinding to be a level 90 medic in the NGE VS. grinding to be whatever you want to be in pre-cu. where you had many choices. Its different. Pre-cu was better in that area..from a gamers point of view. Choice is always better for gamers from my point of view. Especially when grinding is concerned, if it has to be in time-sink form, then allow players to have choices so they can sink their time into a character they want.
I was there, I know how it worked. And my topic was grinding, not whether the classless system was better. Pre-CU grinding was not really any different than NGE grinding. Just look at all that existed. Just look at Dant MO or Lok grind groups, or holo-grinds, etc. I was specifically addressing the comment that NGE adds content to make people grind more, but yet, that was what we did pre-CU when there wasn't any content. At least now you get something for your grind. Bottom line IMO is that pre-CU had the same time sinks.If you want to bring up where the game is different, then go ahead, but I'm probably not going to disagree.
This is the difference. My grind was my grind, not that of gormless developers who had not an ounce of imagination or joi de vivre in their vapid soulless corporate bodies.
CH, Jedi, Commando, Smuggler, BH, Scout, Doctor, Chef, BE...yeah, lots of SWG time invested.
Once a denizen of Ahazi
We had the choice of what to do, what skill to level, how to level it, and to make our character anything we wanted him/her to be.
I rarely got bored "grinding" un Pre-CU because I knew that I had freedom. The NGE sticks you in a restricted linear path, and you simply grind your way to a high level, with very little uniqueness.
The NGE took away freedom and never gave it back. Almost EVERYTHING in way of content SOE has added since the NGE the Pre-CU offered in a better way.
Sure the Pre-CU lacked content, as does the NGE. But it offered freedom. The NGE will NEVER offer that.
You can still be whatever class you want in NGE via the respec NPC. Now, I'm not here to argue which is better or worse. I'm just here to say that regardless of how horrible people think the game is, I personally find it ironic that they are saying it is horrible for the same things that existed pre-CU.For the record, that highlighted sentence is utter nonsense. Pre-CU offered a better version of Restuss? Oh, that's right, battlefields were deactivated. Pre-CU offered better elite encounters? Oh, that's right, Krayt's, DWB, squall cave, force crystal caves etc were such wonderful dungeons and encounters compared to the dozens of instances and other encounters now. Pre-CU space was better than NGE? Yeah, I never wanted elite NPC ships to battle in space either. Pre-CU crafting was better? Yeah, no crafter would have ever wanted to be able to reverse engineer skill tapes for weapons, armor, and clothing like they can now. Pre-CU collections were better? Yeah, there was the NS arband, rare paintings, mando armor, jetpacks, etc, but now there is even more on top of that. Oh, and how about those great pre-CU quest lines? I think you get my point, but I am sure you will argue it...
You weren't around during pre-CU were you?
PvP was everywhere you went, player cities, Theed, Mining outpost, Bestine/Anchorhead, hell even in the middle of Dath and Endor at times and this was even common on low populated servers. At least we didn't have to deal with buggy ass instances and NS Elders were an extordenary challenge back then, you obviously never fought one wielding a stun baton and force choked you at the same time eh? JTL was untouched from November 2004 to Janurary 2008. There was decay and it brought back customers, there was an economy, crafted weapons and armor were actually useful, need I say more? Pre-CU wasn't loot-based, this is what we call "sandbox", figure out what that means.LOL broken quote lines.
In pre-cu you would grind for the skills you wanted personally. You had 250 points to put into the skills of your choice to make the character that you personally wanted. In the NGE you grind to reach a level of a class that developers want you to have. You have 9 choices. Your grinding to be a level 90 medic in the NGE VS. grinding to be whatever you want to be in pre-cu. where you had many choices. Its different. Pre-cu was better in that area..from a gamers point of view. Choice is always better for gamers from my point of view. Especially when grinding is concerned, if it has to be in time-sink form, then allow players to have choices so they can sink their time into a character they want.
I was there, I know how it worked. And my topic was grinding, not whether the classless system was better. Pre-CU grinding was not really any different than NGE grinding. Just look at all that existed. Just look at Dant MO or Lok grind groups, or holo-grinds, etc. I was specifically addressing the comment that NGE adds content to make people grind more, but yet, that was what we did pre-CU when there wasn't any content. At least now you get something for your grind. Bottom line IMO is that pre-CU had the same time sinks.If you want to bring up where the game is different, then go ahead, but I'm probably not going to disagree.
Just saying in pre-cu people were focused on the end result of the grind because it was something that they themselves had created. So the grind wasnt looked at under a microscope like the NGE because there is less interest in the end result. You get to be what some guy thought of. So the focus switches to the grind and picking it apart. I think its a sign of uninteresting level 90 classes, but I dont play so I dont know really. Yes there was a grind in both, but people didnt pay attention to the grind as much because the reward was what they thought of. Thats why people complain about the grind now that didnt mind it before.
See you in the dream..
The Fires from heaven, now as cold as ice. A rapid ascension tolls a heavy price.
Actually, I do not play now and my join date is 9/3/2003. I played pre-Jedi, pre-holos, pre-cities, pre-mounts, pre-speeders, pre-JTL, post-JTL, new JTL, pre-CU, CU, hologrind, pre-CU NS and new NS, old village, new village, and NGE, actually, I've at least played SWG during every period of time in it's existence.
I didn't say everything was better now. What I said was that the previous poster was wrong in stating everything in pre-CU days was better than any improvements made during NGE. Since NGE came out, it has slowly improved to the point where the parts of pre-CU and CU that were poor are actually good. Outside of SOE actually implementing NGE, the period of time that we call NGE has actually had decent improvements. I'm not just talking about returning things that existed in pre-CU or CU days, I'm talking the actual implementation content with meaningful rewards, experience, and storyline.
Don't get me wrong either, there are aspects of pre-CU I miss: the classless and levelless characters, meaningful HAM combat system, the wound system, some aspects of decay (although I did not like the way it worked in SWG then), etc. The biggest thing, of course, was the community that was lost with CU and worse, NGE. But there was a lot I didn't like, especially toward the end of pre-CU: the buffs, the skill tapes system (Reverse engineering is sooo much better in retrospect), the way armor worked, the growing Jedi population, the mission grind at MO, etc. If I had my way, I would have the combat of pre-CU, the buffs and healing of CU, the levelless classless system of pre-CU, the armor and weapons of CU, the creature AI of CU (after they revamped them and gave specials), the crafting of CU with some aspects of NGE (expertise), and the content of NGE. I'd also make the expertise of NGE (tweaked) into essentially the Elite Mastery Professions we had hoped to get at some point in pre-CU and CU.
Actually, that is a good point, and I agree.
They decimated the game. No idea why people are arguing about the wisdom of the changes they made because that debate is over. The new system is so utterly facile that even the hardcore fans have thrown up their hands and moved on. I joined the largest guild on my old server during my trial time and that consists of maybe having 5 guys on on the weekends.
They ditched a sandbox system in lieu of an _utterly_ debased linear system and there actually are people here defending it. The internet will dredge up the one person who'll bitch about a sunny day, the one who will defend puppy kicking. It's the tyranny of the idiot.