To reply to another poster about the selling of game key's. Such an interesting point you bring up. Considering the fact that less then 10% of any player base purchase their account key's from a source such as Ebay. My numbers have little proof, but I think logic serves me right, to think that any other number could be conceivable just doesn't add up to me. So even if this were the case, a much smaller number would even try to do such an act in which you attempted to point out. More like .5%. Any industry will suffer from a much wider loss from other forms of theft.
Wouldn't take them long to track such a scam either, considering that person would be trying to do this multiple times, if indeed they were scamming them. Even on the first time, if they had better security they could track it. But why don't they? Because they find it 'easier' to just say no to more money.
On another point about the gold farming companies, I am sure they do attempt to scam in any way shape or form, in Wow they use online adds on websites to download key loggers through a gateway opened by a trojan of some sort. I am sure they do this in other games as well. But these criminals would not come to a website such as this to point out the trouble they had when one of their own scams didn't come through for them. They will always be there, they will always try what they can. Customers shouldn't suffer on either side because of this sort of issue. Follow through is mainly why many of these companies still exist. Sadly though even when you swat one fly, 10 replace that one.
But like I said, this isn't a physical object, it is IP. Better methods should be developed instead of 16 digit numbers or w/e to prove you bought it. Because even if a machine printed it, a man made that machine. There is always trouble that can arise, and like another person said in the fact it was my fault, I am only human. I think I deserve some slack in not knowing that I had to enter the key in a short period of time, or the fact that it may get ruined, or lost. Maybe even all of those things in the same incident. Still, maybe it is Turbines fault, they could have printed the codes onto the games case, allowing it to not get lost. Well as easy. Like I said I still have all the contents of my original box, but when I set my code on my desk to input it, i saw it was already activated, so I left it there. Things pile on your desk one small piece of paper gets lost easy.
Oh well though. I am sure you gamers in LotRO are much more organized and perfect then me. I am sure you wont have any problems with the game ever, and even when you do by some odd chance, they will swiftly, and smoothly be resolved. As for me I get added to the statist-o-meter of lost customers due to idiocy.
Oh well though. I am sure you gamers in LotRO are much more organized and perfect then me. I am sure you wont have any problems with the game ever, and even when you do by some odd chance, they will swiftly, and smoothly be resolved. As for me I get added to the statist-o-meter of lost customers due to idiocy.
No I am probably 100 fold more unorganized than you, my wife keeps me straight though.
I would do as another had recommended and talk to a supervisor, and if you really feel the need to push the envelop just file a dispute on the credit card (but let the supervisor know that is what you are planning to do first).
Oh well though. I am sure you gamers in LotRO are much more organized and perfect then me. I am sure you wont have any problems with the game ever, and even when you do by some odd chance, they will swiftly, and smoothly be resolved. As for me I get added to the statist-o-meter of lost customers due to idiocy. Good day/morning to you all, and good luck.
The sarcasm is unnecessary and unfounded.
Apparently you're upset that we all simply don't just agree with you and start damning Turbine for "wronging you".
I hold by what I and others have said... You bought the game around a year ago. You paid your money and you received the product for it - just like everyone else. The transaction was done. You lost the key. Your fault. Same if you ruined the packaging and the key was unreadable, or threw it away, or anything else - none of that is their responsibility. They are not obligated to "cut you slack" for your own carelessness. They don't need to give you any benefit of the doubt. They don't need to do anything but honor your key code when you enter it... You lost it and don't have a code to enter? Not their problem. They sold you a product with everything you needed to play. Since you're not a paying subscriber at present, they don't owe you any special service.
I worked in customer service as well, for many years in both retail and as phone support. The phone support job was for a software company who produced software with a monthly subscription - not too far off from a MMO sub in general concept. We followed the whole "customer is always right" mentality as well - but within limits.
Your faith in people to "do the right thing" and "be honest" is a lovely thought, but it's terribly naive. Based on my personal experience in customer service, customers are *seldom* right, and are often obnoxious liars. You have no *idea* of how much people would lie through their teeth on the phone - telling me they'd never use our product in several months, demanding a refund retroactively; meanwhile I had a complete history of their usage in front of me showing every single minute they'd been logged in using it, right up to that very day in some cases. When I denied them the refund, they'd act all outraged. I'd get cussed out, called every name in the book, because I wouldn't just "take their word for it" - and they were *lying*.
Some threatened to sue. Some threatened with the BBB. Some, like you, went on related forums and slammed us, accusing us of ripping them off, telling people not to do business with us because we were thieves and scammers - and their entire claim was based on lies! Some had their banks call us up with them on the phone, demanding a refund, until we explained the situation; then the Bank rep, now knowing both sides, would agree with us and explain to their client that we were doing nothing wrong and that they were owed nothing.
Some would tell us flat out that they'd been trying to use our product in violation of their license terms, but still demanded their money back when it didn't work as they wanted. And on and on and on. So, I'm sorry, but I've got novels worth of experience under my belt proving that people are all too willing to lie about anything to get what they want and *rarely ever* deserve the benefit of the doubt.
That is why at the company I worked for, we had policies that we stuck to regardless. We didn't argue. We didn't call them out on their lying (as tempting as it was). We didn't get into an argument. We simply explained the policy to them, that it was irreversible, dealt with the cursing, and threats and demands to "talk to the supervisor", and that was that.
For the record, I've been in very a very similar situation to the one you're describing on the customer side as well; a couple times actually... and it ended up the same way. I was left "empty-handed". It sucks, yes, but I'm not going to go onto some forums to "warn people" about it. I screwed up - not them. They don't owe me anything.
You've had your say. You'll never support Turbine again. Point made.
"If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road, and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
Your faith in people to "do the right thing" and "be honest" is a lovely thought, but it's terribly naive. Based on my personal experience in customer service, customers are *seldom* right, and are often obnoxious liars. You have no *idea* of how much people would lie through their teeth on the phone -
Worked 2,5 years at customer service of a large cell phone provider back at my carreer starting years.
90% of callers flatout LIE to our faces (ears). It is pathetic. Moreover, it is bad for the seldom few ones, who are actually honest, but can't prove their truth. If that company would have given the benefit of trust for all customers, they'd have gone bankrupt in a blink of an eye.
There is absolutely nothing to hold against Turbine or their customer service in this particular case. Sorry, economic life does *not* work on trust!
Denial makes one look a lot dumber than he/she actually is.
To reply to another poster about the selling of game key's. Such an interesting point you bring up. Considering the fact that less then 10% of any player base purchase their account key's from a source such as Ebay. My numbers have little proof, but I think logic serves me right, to think that any other number could be conceivable just doesn't add up to me. So even if this were the case, a much smaller number would even try to do such an act in which you attempted to point out. More like .5%. Any industry will suffer from a much wider loss from other forms of theft. I guess this refers to my remarks. First I do not call you a liar, I do not know you. I only point out the fact that Turbine should have doubts to any general claims like that. Second, .5% is your guestimate, and other people here with experience about customer services seems to suggest a way higher %. Third, if Turbine gave you a key, and the fact is made known, I would bet that 1000000 callers will slam their door making an identical claim or some kind of variant. Wouldn't take them long to track such a scam either, considering that person would be trying to do this multiple times, if indeed they were scamming them. Even on the first time, if they had better security they could track it. But why don't they? Because they find it 'easier' to just say no to more money. How can they identify you from a scammer. You provided a claim that is impossible to prove or refute.
On another point about the gold farming companies, I am sure they do attempt to scam in any way shape or form, in Wow they use online adds on websites to download key loggers through a gateway opened by a trojan of some sort. I am sure they do this in other games as well. But these criminals would not come to a website such as this to point out the trouble they had when one of their own scams didn't come through for them. They will always be there, they will always try what they can. Customers shouldn't suffer on either side because of this sort of issue. Follow through is mainly why many of these companies still exist. Sadly though even when you swat one fly, 10 replace that one.
But like I said, this isn't a physical object, it is IP. Better methods should be developed instead of 16 digit numbers or w/e to prove you bought it. Because even if a machine printed it, a man made that machine. There is always trouble that can arise, and like another person said in the fact it was my fault, I am only human. I think I deserve some slack in not knowing that I had to enter the key in a short period of time, or the fact that it may get ruined, or lost. Maybe even all of those things in the same incident. Still, maybe it is Turbines fault, they could have printed the codes onto the games case, allowing it to not get lost. Well as easy. Like I said I still have all the contents of my original box, but when I set my code on my desk to input it, i saw it was already activated, so I left it there. Things pile on your desk one small piece of paper gets lost easy.First its your fault to lose it, no argument about that. Second Turbine has to establish beyond doubt that you actually lost it, and that it was not stolen by someone else who then started an account. Well its impossible to establish that beyond doubt. Third even if they trust you, why would they be responsible for your mistake? By all likelihood, even if you really lost it, unless you remember the code (nonsense, you do not) so that they nullify that code, the code will be sitting somewhere, and someday, any day, someone might stumble upon it and create a game account. Do you think its fair for Turbine to suffer a financial loss (a game account, or $50) b/c you lost that precious little code? Oh well though. I am sure you gamers in LotRO are much more organized and perfect then me. I am sure you wont have any problems with the game ever, and even when you do by some odd chance, they will swiftly, and smoothly be resolved. As for me I get added to the statist-o-meter of lost customers due to idiocy. We are trying to reason with you, and explain to you why we think Turbine is acting fair. We understand your loss, you made a mistake and lost $50 worth, it hurts. That does not translate immediately to someone else needing to take up the losses and reimburse you in full. Why do you need to be so cynical when people understand your problems but not able to help you. After all, they do not owe you, you pay they delivered and its all square. If you bought a hamburger and then left it on the table for hours and a dog walked by and ate it, do you think you can claim a new one as replacement? Good day/morning to you all, and good luck.
Um, c'mon, 90%? That is hardly realistic. My father has had plenty of trouble with horrible service and charges that weren't stated up front in the contract. Yes he aswell does not do business with that cell phone company, because they, themselves are in some way or another acting as criminal as people who steal power.
Just because the people you remember are the people that acted the worst on the telephone, had the worst plea, and w/e. That alone doesn't mean that all those customers that you fail to remember are non-existent. Truth anymore is so arguably a lie in the first place these days. Marketing aims to confuse and trick those that simply fell through the cracks in society, driving them to welfare. While honest hardworking, even intelligent people pay taxes to keep those people alive. So we can end up serving their marketing campaign in the end.
Even these games are designed for intrigue, and mindless tasks. We end up being slaves of the mind, commonly bound to our desks to grind out our existence in a world that has some odd appeal to it, whether it be the IP they decided to use. Maybe the company has a good rep of developing such great IP's. What ever the matter, we become used, and eventually these liars, these cheaters. They were all created by us.
The worst part is the fact you back these companies, their policies. You try to prove that they have all the legitimacy that an honest service would warrant. I find this odd, because I know that the company I work for obviously has some of the worst motives in human history. Why? Oh because John Doe needs to pay his mortgage.
I don't understand what you're trying to prove though guys, I mean. I have every right to come to a forum and tell people of how I saw the service I received. The simple fact that I bought IP, and the one thing proving that I bought it is a number makes sense to you? Like I have said time and time again, IP is something you engage in, something you can't put your hands on. Though they treat it with their policies as if you can, with their numbers.
My point still is, and has always been. If they would have taken the time to help me with my trouble, they would STILL have a paying customer, someone that went to sites and said. Wow I just received the best service I think I have had in a long time. They would ultimately make more money by helping me out.
Sorry to say, this will be my last post in this topic. Thanks everyone for your opinions, thanks for your thoughts. Good luck and farewell.
Sorry if it looks like some kind of hype booster, but no I was hoping to play LotRO again, since I preordered it at beta. I played for a few days after launch, and was still active in another game, my PC couldnt make the game look like what it should be like at the time. So I continued playing the other game and forgot to use my key. I moved soon there after and thought I had kept the key somewhere. After looking every where for the key just recently and having no luck at all, I thought, Oh well I am sure some one over at turbine understands such problems and will be able to help me.
So I send in a series of emails thinking they can aid me, oh no, they want me to go buy the game again, so I tell them that I paid for it once, I as a customer paying for IP should never have to pay for such an item twice. Because as it is, its something not physical. But no they reply saying they have no way of verifying if I actually paid for the game, Yeah...calling me a liar? Whats with that. So I simply tell them they will not recieve any business from me in the future. Because simply put, they didnt even try to let me prove I purchased the game from Eb games online. All they care about is proving that I didn't.
I am glad to see you had little to no trouble with there CS, I was not so fortunate. Oh and sorry if I misquoted the original preorder price. I am not too worried about that anymore
I love how some people seem to attract trouble and then blame others for it. So after you f'ed up, somehow Turbine's customer service, after only one incident, is horrible. Doesn't sound like a very accurate sample size.
In my 7 years of MMO playing, I have had exactly 1 issue in which I had to deal with customer service/GM. That was SWG. I had a character stuck in world geometry. Within 15 minutes I was free.
Take responsibility for your mistakes and stop blaming others for them.
_____________________________ Currently Playing: LOTRO; DDO Played: AC2, AO, Auto Assault, CoX, DAoC, DDO, Earth&Beyond, EQ1, EQ2, EVE, Fallen Earth, Jumpgate, Roma Victor, Second Life, SWG, V:SoH, WoW, World War II Online.
Games I'm watching: Infinity: The Quest for Earth, Force of Arms.
No really the worst customer service rep I have ever dealt with in my life. I will never purchase another Turbine game. Farewell to all who do. Know that if you have an account issue you will more then likely not get any help with your trouble.
See the folks at Turbine have a hard time with the concept of the customer is always right. Hope your game key isn't defective or lost. They simply want to charge you again to play the game. Worst 60 dollars I have ever spent. Oh well, see you all in better games, such as AoC.
I don't know exactly if the CS rep was wrong or not but I can tell you first hand, the customer is not always right and that business philosophy is long gone. Las Vegas is a prime example of this and they will not cater to your average joe anymore. Alot of businesses have wised up and they try and weed out customers that feel they are owed something extra simply because they have chose to use your service or product. I have my own business and I am extremely focused on taking care of my good customers and NOT serving those high maintenance customers because at the end of the day, they are the first to jump ship to competition because in their mind the grass is always greener from another company.
At the end of the day, you try and take care of as many people as you can, as best you can. There are going to be people that slip through the crack, but if you lucky, the people that do slip through the crack are people you would likely have not retained in the first place.
hopefully you have better luck with AoC and maybe they will have the dream team as far as customer service goes.
Wait a minute. You're bitching because you lost the key and they won't issue a new one? Give me a break! Why the hell should they give you a new key? Even if you could prove that you bought the game, there's no way to prove that you didn't actually use the key or sell it. If they would do what you want them to, then anybody with a receipt could call them up and demand a new key. That's just off the charts ridiculous, and even more so for you to be acting all butt hurt about it.
~~~ Currently Playing ~~~ LOTRO- Guardian Wrymstrum & Lore-master Stabler on Nimrodel.
Conan- Zoltar <Angels of Death> Guardian on Stormrage.
Wait a minute. You're bitching because you lost the key and they won't issue a new one? Give me a break! Why the hell should they give you a new key? Even if you could prove that you bought the game, there's no way to prove that you didn't actually use the key or sell it. If they would do what you want them to, then anybody with a receipt could call them up and demand a new key. That's just off the charts ridiculous, and even more so for you to be acting all butt hurt about it.
I don't understand what you're trying to prove though guys, I mean. I have every right to come to a forum and tell people of how I saw the service I received. The simple fact that I bought IP, and the one thing proving that I bought it is a number makes sense to you? Like I have said time and time again, IP is something you engage in, something you can't put your hands on. Though they treat it with their policies as if you can, with their numbers.
Wait a minute.. Did I miss something?
Did anyone here say you couldn't come to a forum and state your case? Not that I've seen. Many of us, myself included, have expressed empathy for your situation. None of us have told you "GTFO". We simply don't *agree* with you. Not one person has stated that you don't have a right to post here about it, though. How do you even come to that conclusion? You're starting to sound a bit like you have a victim complex.
As for using a number to prove you purchased the product... You didn't have the number, you didn't have the receipt. You had nothing but "your word" as proof that you bought it... and almost a year ago at that. That was the entire premise of your original post - that as good customer service they should have taken you at your word. And that is what we are all disagreeing with as it's an unrealistic thing to expect from any company.
Anyway, you've stated that you're moving on, so best of luck to you.
"If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road, and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
Sorry if it looks like some kind of hype booster, but no I was hoping to play LotRO again, since I preordered it at beta. I played for a few days after launch, and was still active in another game, my PC couldnt make the game look like what it should be like at the time. So I continued playing the other game and forgot to use my key. I moved soon there after and thought I had kept the key somewhere. After looking every where for the key just recently and having no luck at all, I thought, Oh well I am sure some one over at turbine understands such problems and will be able to help me.
So I send in a series of emails thinking they can aid me, oh no, they want me to go buy the game again, so I tell them that I paid for it once, I as a customer paying for IP should never have to pay for such an item twice. Because as it is, its something not physical. But no they reply saying they have no way of verifying if I actually paid for the game, Yeah...calling me a liar? Whats with that. So I simply tell them they will not recieve any business from me in the future. Because simply put, they didnt even try to let me prove I purchased the game from Eb games online. All they care about is proving that I didn't.
I am glad to see you had little to no trouble with there CS, I was not so fortunate. Oh and sorry if I misquoted the original preorder price. I am not too worried about that anymore
I don't know the law in other countries, but in Denmark you have to have proof of purchase to make the claim you're making.
In all honesty I think Turbine is just as poor as the next MMO publisher. I have had one good experience with Turbine (bought two copies of Dungeons & Dragons: Online, one was for some reason not legit, I wrote them and got a new one after supplying the defective one, no problem) and one poor experience (their subscription service charged me after I had cancelled Lord of the Rings: Online, only after sending in several copies of their account system showing that I cancelled and statements from my bank saying the money had been withdrawn and waiting four (4) months did I receive a refund) so I'd say they are just as honest and just as crooked as every other gaming publisher.
I have had problems with NCSoft, SOE, Turbine (Codemasters), and CCP earlier. Never with Blizzard but I consider that a coincidence, not a conclusion for anything - I'm propably owed a big screw-over
To reply to another poster about the selling of game key's. Such an interesting point you bring up. Considering the fact that less then 10% of any player base purchase their account key's from a source such as Ebay. My numbers have little proof, but I think logic serves me right, to think that any other number could be conceivable just doesn't add up to me. So even if this were the case, a much smaller number would even try to do such an act in which you attempted to point out. More like .5%. Any industry will suffer from a much wider loss from other forms of theft.
Wouldn't take them long to track such a scam either, considering that person would be trying to do this multiple times, if indeed they were scamming them. Even on the first time, if they had better security they could track it. But why don't they? Because they find it 'easier' to just say no to more money.
On another point about the gold farming companies, I am sure they do attempt to scam in any way shape or form, in Wow they use online adds on websites to download key loggers through a gateway opened by a trojan of some sort. I am sure they do this in other games as well. But these criminals would not come to a website such as this to point out the trouble they had when one of their own scams didn't come through for them. They will always be there, they will always try what they can. Customers shouldn't suffer on either side because of this sort of issue. Follow through is mainly why many of these companies still exist. Sadly though even when you swat one fly, 10 replace that one.
But like I said, this isn't a physical object, it is IP. Better methods should be developed instead of 16 digit numbers or w/e to prove you bought it. Because even if a machine printed it, a man made that machine. There is always trouble that can arise, and like another person said in the fact it was my fault, I am only human. I think I deserve some slack in not knowing that I had to enter the key in a short period of time, or the fact that it may get ruined, or lost. Maybe even all of those things in the same incident. Still, maybe it is Turbines fault, they could have printed the codes onto the games case, allowing it to not get lost. Well as easy. Like I said I still have all the contents of my original box, but when I set my code on my desk to input it, i saw it was already activated, so I left it there. Things pile on your desk one small piece of paper gets lost easy.
Oh well though. I am sure you gamers in LotRO are much more organized and perfect then me. I am sure you wont have any problems with the game ever, and even when you do by some odd chance, they will swiftly, and smoothly be resolved. As for me I get added to the statist-o-meter of lost customers due to idiocy.
Good day/morning to you all, and good luck.
No I am probably 100 fold more unorganized than you, my wife keeps me straight though.
I would do as another had recommended and talk to a supervisor, and if you really feel the need to push the envelop just file a dispute on the credit card (but let the supervisor know that is what you are planning to do first).
The sarcasm is unnecessary and unfounded.
Apparently you're upset that we all simply don't just agree with you and start damning Turbine for "wronging you".
I hold by what I and others have said... You bought the game around a year ago. You paid your money and you received the product for it - just like everyone else. The transaction was done. You lost the key. Your fault. Same if you ruined the packaging and the key was unreadable, or threw it away, or anything else - none of that is their responsibility. They are not obligated to "cut you slack" for your own carelessness. They don't need to give you any benefit of the doubt. They don't need to do anything but honor your key code when you enter it... You lost it and don't have a code to enter? Not their problem. They sold you a product with everything you needed to play. Since you're not a paying subscriber at present, they don't owe you any special service.
I worked in customer service as well, for many years in both retail and as phone support. The phone support job was for a software company who produced software with a monthly subscription - not too far off from a MMO sub in general concept. We followed the whole "customer is always right" mentality as well - but within limits.
Your faith in people to "do the right thing" and "be honest" is a lovely thought, but it's terribly naive. Based on my personal experience in customer service, customers are *seldom* right, and are often obnoxious liars. You have no *idea* of how much people would lie through their teeth on the phone - telling me they'd never use our product in several months, demanding a refund retroactively; meanwhile I had a complete history of their usage in front of me showing every single minute they'd been logged in using it, right up to that very day in some cases. When I denied them the refund, they'd act all outraged. I'd get cussed out, called every name in the book, because I wouldn't just "take their word for it" - and they were *lying*.
Some threatened to sue. Some threatened with the BBB. Some, like you, went on related forums and slammed us, accusing us of ripping them off, telling people not to do business with us because we were thieves and scammers - and their entire claim was based on lies! Some had their banks call us up with them on the phone, demanding a refund, until we explained the situation; then the Bank rep, now knowing both sides, would agree with us and explain to their client that we were doing nothing wrong and that they were owed nothing.
Some would tell us flat out that they'd been trying to use our product in violation of their license terms, but still demanded their money back when it didn't work as they wanted. And on and on and on. So, I'm sorry, but I've got novels worth of experience under my belt proving that people are all too willing to lie about anything to get what they want and *rarely ever* deserve the benefit of the doubt.
That is why at the company I worked for, we had policies that we stuck to regardless. We didn't argue. We didn't call them out on their lying (as tempting as it was). We didn't get into an argument. We simply explained the policy to them, that it was irreversible, dealt with the cursing, and threats and demands to "talk to the supervisor", and that was that.
For the record, I've been in very a very similar situation to the one you're describing on the customer side as well; a couple times actually... and it ended up the same way. I was left "empty-handed". It sucks, yes, but I'm not going to go onto some forums to "warn people" about it. I screwed up - not them. They don't owe me anything.
You've had your say. You'll never support Turbine again. Point made.
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
I use a perm. marker to put my key on the cd.
Worked 2,5 years at customer service of a large cell phone provider back at my carreer starting years.
90% of callers flatout LIE to our faces (ears). It is pathetic. Moreover, it is bad for the seldom few ones, who are actually honest, but can't prove their truth. If that company would have given the benefit of trust for all customers, they'd have gone bankrupt in a blink of an eye.
There is absolutely nothing to hold against Turbine or their customer service in this particular case. Sorry, economic life does *not* work on trust!
Denial makes one look a lot dumber than he/she actually is.
Um, c'mon, 90%? That is hardly realistic. My father has had plenty of trouble with horrible service and charges that weren't stated up front in the contract. Yes he aswell does not do business with that cell phone company, because they, themselves are in some way or another acting as criminal as people who steal power.
Just because the people you remember are the people that acted the worst on the telephone, had the worst plea, and w/e. That alone doesn't mean that all those customers that you fail to remember are non-existent. Truth anymore is so arguably a lie in the first place these days. Marketing aims to confuse and trick those that simply fell through the cracks in society, driving them to welfare. While honest hardworking, even intelligent people pay taxes to keep those people alive. So we can end up serving their marketing campaign in the end.
Even these games are designed for intrigue, and mindless tasks. We end up being slaves of the mind, commonly bound to our desks to grind out our existence in a world that has some odd appeal to it, whether it be the IP they decided to use. Maybe the company has a good rep of developing such great IP's. What ever the matter, we become used, and eventually these liars, these cheaters. They were all created by us.
The worst part is the fact you back these companies, their policies. You try to prove that they have all the legitimacy that an honest service would warrant. I find this odd, because I know that the company I work for obviously has some of the worst motives in human history. Why? Oh because John Doe needs to pay his mortgage.
I don't understand what you're trying to prove though guys, I mean. I have every right to come to a forum and tell people of how I saw the service I received. The simple fact that I bought IP, and the one thing proving that I bought it is a number makes sense to you? Like I have said time and time again, IP is something you engage in, something you can't put your hands on. Though they treat it with their policies as if you can, with their numbers.
My point still is, and has always been. If they would have taken the time to help me with my trouble, they would STILL have a paying customer, someone that went to sites and said. Wow I just received the best service I think I have had in a long time. They would ultimately make more money by helping me out.
Sorry to say, this will be my last post in this topic. Thanks everyone for your opinions, thanks for your thoughts. Good luck and farewell.
In my 7 years of MMO playing, I have had exactly 1 issue in which I had to deal with customer service/GM. That was SWG. I had a character stuck in world geometry. Within 15 minutes I was free.
Take responsibility for your mistakes and stop blaming others for them.
Currently Playing: LOTRO; DDO
Played: AC2, AO, Auto Assault, CoX, DAoC, DDO, Earth&Beyond, EQ1, EQ2, EVE, Fallen Earth, Jumpgate, Roma Victor, Second Life, SWG, V:SoH, WoW, World War II Online.
Games I'm watching: Infinity: The Quest for Earth, Force of Arms.
Find the Truth:
At the end of the day, you try and take care of as many people as you can, as best you can. There are going to be people that slip through the crack, but if you lucky, the people that do slip through the crack are people you would likely have not retained in the first place.
hopefully you have better luck with AoC and maybe they will have the dream team as far as customer service goes.
Wait a minute. You're bitching because you lost the key and they won't issue a new one? Give me a break! Why the hell should they give you a new key? Even if you could prove that you bought the game, there's no way to prove that you didn't actually use the key or sell it. If they would do what you want them to, then anybody with a receipt could call them up and demand a new key. That's just off the charts ridiculous, and even more so for you to be acting all butt hurt about it.
~~~ Currently Playing ~~~
LOTRO- Guardian Wrymstrum & Lore-master Stabler on Nimrodel.
Conan- Zoltar <Angels of Death> Guardian on Stormrage.
Exactly my point, and put in full force. :-)
Wait a minute.. Did I miss something?
Did anyone here say you couldn't come to a forum and state your case? Not that I've seen. Many of us, myself included, have expressed empathy for your situation. None of us have told you "GTFO". We simply don't *agree* with you. Not one person has stated that you don't have a right to post here about it, though. How do you even come to that conclusion? You're starting to sound a bit like you have a victim complex.
As for using a number to prove you purchased the product... You didn't have the number, you didn't have the receipt. You had nothing but "your word" as proof that you bought it... and almost a year ago at that. That was the entire premise of your original post - that as good customer service they should have taken you at your word. And that is what we are all disagreeing with as it's an unrealistic thing to expect from any company.
Anyway, you've stated that you're moving on, so best of luck to you.
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
I don't know the law in other countries, but in Denmark you have to have proof of purchase to make the claim you're making.
In all honesty I think Turbine is just as poor as the next MMO publisher. I have had one good experience with Turbine (bought two copies of Dungeons & Dragons: Online, one was for some reason not legit, I wrote them and got a new one after supplying the defective one, no problem) and one poor experience (their subscription service charged me after I had cancelled Lord of the Rings: Online, only after sending in several copies of their account system showing that I cancelled and statements from my bank saying the money had been withdrawn and waiting four (4) months did I receive a refund) so I'd say they are just as honest and just as crooked as every other gaming publisher.
I have had problems with NCSoft, SOE, Turbine (Codemasters), and CCP earlier. Never with Blizzard but I consider that a coincidence, not a conclusion for anything - I'm propably owed a big screw-over