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I like to play computer games. I don't watch much television or even go to the movies too much. I don't like t.v. or movies. They just don't interest me for the most part.
But for some reason I always get attacked by my friends and family for my hobby. It doesn't make sense to me because nearly every single one of the people who are putting me down watch television and movies. I know some of you other guys have noticed it as well. I see it all the time.
So what's the difference? Why is my leisure hobby a waste of time and theirs is not. Especially since I spend AT THE MOST 1-2 hours a day playing games. That's on a long day. Most days I spend less than that. Maybe just jump on to play a quick skirmish in Warhammer or something.
Not only that, but the people who are criticizing me are watching trash. MTV, American Idol, Dances With Stars, and the whole fare of what I personally consider torturous.
I know it might sound petty, but it's actually starting to bother me. I have a natural tendency to beat up on myself for things and I'm starting to not enjoy myself playing games anymore for this reason.
Can anyone make sense of their motives? I have tried and even talked to some of the people saying these things, but they still think I'm wasting my time and they are not.
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I completely understand where you coming from. Not just video games from what I have seen, I'm partial to anime too and I get a lot of flak for that from people who will spend 3-6 hours a day watching reality TV. It's just that TV is much more socially acceptable. Not just that, I think its funny when the people at my work spit out stats on the entire the Boston Red Sox club, but would look cross-eyed at anyone who is talking about their character stats. Just because sports are more socially accepted than MMOs.
"They essentially want to say 'Correlation proves Causation' when it's just not true." - Sovrath
People are stupid. What more can I say? They are often contradictory and hypocritical. All activity is a waste of time. Simply living is a waste of time. Time, or at least the concept of it, marches on no matter what we do.
It pisses me off when I hear jocks say the same thing. Video games are a waste of time, but throwing around a ball isn't? Just because you're outside doesn't make your chosen activity any better than mine.
My family is the same way. They watch television, mostly stupid television. They can't understand why I prefer to stay home and play my games. They are incapable of understanding because they lack the kind of imagination and mental capacity required for games. Consider yourself enlightened!
I am not a passive participant in my hobby. I take an active role. Most people don't see that perspective. They think games are for kids and unless you are a kid, why would you play games? They don't understand the story aspect of games, the excitement generated from them, the adrenaline rush as well as the social aspects of gaming.
EDIT: Just to keep my family off my back, I will make time for them. I will try to watch a movie with them or watch some television from time to time.
Currently playing: No MMOs. They all suck.
Simple, They do not understand why you're compelled to play games instead of doing more mainstream stuff (Although computer and console gaming is becoming very mainstream). It's in people's nature to attack what they don't understand and they lash out against it and anyone who does it. My best advise to you is do what you like and don't worry what others think about it. Your love of games is not affecting anyone but you so it's not their concern. If it really bothers you or they won't let up just throw it back at them. Tell them they are wasting their time watching TV and Movies as they don't achieve anything by doing it. At least when you beat a game you have a sense of accomplishment. When did TV ever give you that same feeling?
Edit: All hobbies are a waste of time that is why they are hobbies. It's something to do for no other reason than that you enjoy doing it.
It's in peoples nature to be jerk offs, its a fact of life a lot of people have to get used to. I suggest you stop caring about what others think and do what you want to do. That or beat down on them too, tell them to stop wasting their time on the brain number and read a book or do something that isn't sitting on a couch and wasting away. The kind of people you are describing are those who just want to make your life a little harder, they don't like seeing other people enjoy themselves so they try to bring them down.
Just remember you have limited time on this earth, spend it on what you enjoy and give no thought to what those kind of people say.
I myself enjoy laying down on my bed while listening to relaxing music and just relax, now thats a waste of time, but i enjoy it.
It's a matter of social acceptance.
This is something that's always bugged me too, somehow playing an interactive video game for 2 hours is universally seen as socially unacceptable and unhealthy, yet sitting in front of a TV watching 2 hours of soap operas isn't.
Obvious answer is that MMO gaming is no different than any other hobby, but you'll never convince a non-gamer of that. People who don't like gaming look at gaming as a waste of time in exactly the same way as you (and me) look at the whole celebrity dancing trash. It's just preference and if they're harassing you for yours, then the easy response is to harass them for theirs.
These days there is something of a solution in the form of laptops and wireless networking; it's amazing how much less agro I get just by being in the same room as my missus while she watches TV and I play MMO's via wireless.
Bah I wouldn't take what they say to seriously OP. People's perception of what is/isn't productive is merely their opinion. Last I knew hobbies were meant to be enjoyable activities that someone is engaged due to some intrinsic motivation. When I was younger things like playing the drums was considered to be a 'waste of time' by some since I wasn't playing their style of music. Just do your own thing.
MMO Vet since AOL Neverwinter Nights circa 1992. My MMO beat up your MMO. =S
Well gaming is becoming more popular but it's still labeled as a time waste. Playing games for 2 hours makes you a freak but spending the same time watching some bullcrap about paris hilton is ok.
What has the world come to?
I stand tall for what I like doing. Which is gaming and watching anime. Those are my hobbies. Operative word being h-o-b-b-y. As in, I do it for fun.
If someone tries to put me down I get pissed and calmly tell them that "we are born, we die and everything else in between doesn't matter". BAM! They shut up completely and respond afterwards with "jeez, no need to get that deep".
Just try and come up with your own way of defending what you love. I'm still surprised at the ignorance of people, so it feels good when you manage to make them think outside their little boxes and put everything in perspective ;-)
Good luck.
As stated earlier, people are stupid. Most rarely make an effort to try to understand anyone but themselves.
Just look at driving: People getting pissed at someone else and start screaming about how they're terrible drivers, etc... instead of realizing, hey, maybe he / she was just caught up thinking about something like we all do from time to time.
Like most here have already said, if you enjoy it, it's not a waste of time. Some people enjoy things I would consider a waste of time, but am I an inconsiderate jerk and tell them that? No. I don't tell my wife that her candle making is a waste of time and I see absolutely no point in it because I know she enjoys it.
I used to hear that sort of thing a ton but now that MMOs are becoming mainstream I get it less often.
However I would gladly hear that crap again if I could go back to the days when MMOs had a smaller community. There are just too many young kids and people who lack basic etiquette on most of the games now. (nothing wrong with kids it is just that I would rather play with people my own age)
In my opinion it was worth it to constantly hear "an online game? huh? this is what you do for fun?" but log on and play with people who can spell words. It is very hard for me to find like-minded players nowadays.
any hobby can sound good if you compare it to watching TV... TV is the ultimate waste of time. anyone insulting someone playing video games and suggesting T fukin V as a better option is just... too funny to be taken seriously.
put TV aside in this argument. it's mindless trash that dumbs down the population as intended. In a half hour sitcom, almost half of that is commercials!! repetetive enough to drive you insane.
Now compare video games to real hobbies. sports for example. someone playing basketball everyday is doing tremendous things for their body. maybe they even get good enough to play in the NBA and actually make money with this hobby. There are actually video game competitions out there. seemingly becoming more popular so it's possible to make money playing video games with enough practise. But compare the benefits of practicing hours on a video game, to hours running around outside being active.
Maybe health isn't that important for you. To the OP, you play a couple hours a day. that's fine, you shouldn't feel guilty at all, and it should make you laugh when people say man... what are you doing?!!! you coulda been watchin deal or no deal!!!
Reading is another hobby. your just as inactive as when playing a video game, but your exercising your mind. You are usually learning something while reading, depending on what you read. Reading can inspire you, and sometimes even change your life completely. Can a video game inspire you to change your life for the better?
I'm not saying video games are a completely bad hobby. couple hours a day, you can have some fun, compete with other people. It can be quite enjoyable. They just aren't really leading you towards anything.
We have been grinding forever. We are grinding hours away watching shows, then we go out, buy the DVD set, and watch them all over again. We go to work and grind hours away trying to make money and make ends meet. We grind calories and (hopefully) fat cells when we walk around and work out. We grind down our brain cells when we drink enough alcohol.
Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!
War_Eagle, forget about what others say. I myself enjoy playing games and watching movies when I got time for it. I have a perfect girlfriend who has no trouble understanding that I've been a gamefreak or nerd all my life and it's my way of escaping reality and kill stress. She knows I like to stay awake a bit longer than her and it's ok - as long as I'm there for her and she don't have to worry where I am. Damn, even though she doesn't play games herself, she knows what "grinding" means and what's the difference between EQ2, WOW and Oblivion.
Back in the days I had my part of the youth where every day is a party: you try to f*ck everything that moves and laws are meant to be broken. But eventually it all gets boring, you get older and start using your head. You start giving more value to lazy days. You start hating hangovers and throwing money down the drain. Like in my case - I started playing more games on evenings and weekends, watched movies, went to sauna, listen music and relax.
While playing games is the biggest hobby of mine, I also do lots of audio/video editing, 3D-design, webpages etc. stuff for school projects so it adds EVEN more time spend on my computer. Good thing I got a dog that is very important to me and makes sure we go out at least 3 times per day for a walk, no matter what kind of weather it is.
And yeah, my parents and friends watch all kinds of useless sh*t on TV too. For example Big Brother/Idols/etc-series.(Or add any known TV-series) They all talked about it, I tried to watch it but honestly, I rather live my own life than stare hours in a week what someone does.
When the time comes and I get children, I rather have them using computers, playing games, use internet the way they want (with some limitations of course) as long as they do have some other hobbies, get exercise and don't get socially disconnected. Everything they can do with computers&games on their free time is more productive than for example watching some sh*tty, mainstream reality-shows, sports or soap operas that TVs are full.
Hmm, and I envy the dads that can play MMORPGs with their son or daughter. "You go fishing with your kid and have some father-son time while WE go slay a dragon and save the Realms!" How cool is that? I can't think of a better way to share experiences with your loved ones. (Not saying fishing sucks, I like it too.)
Everythings all right as long as they don't end up like those over / aggressive / weight kids who hate sunlight, smell funky, b*tch about everything and can't climb stairs without a heartattack. The Internet generation.
I also know the common though: "gaming = waste of time / childish / etc." and after a while you start filtering out the idiotic comments like that. I'm not sure what to think if a person spends all his free time growing tomatoes in his backyard or fixing some rusty old cars. How in the hell is his hobby better than mine? It just doesn't make any sense. I guess it's the old "They don't know how to use computers etc. modern technology is scary"-thing.
Uh I dunno, I get lost in my thoughts. All I can say to you is "stop thinking what others think and live only for yourself." After you realise the whole sentence in a right way, you understand the other peoples opinions don't mean sh*t. They aren't any better themselves.
*Yawn* Ok I gotta hit the bed now. There is a chance I edit this text tomorrow once I'm working with full capacity again. Sorry for typos etc. Good luck to you War_Eagle and other gamers! Don't let the enemy bring you down!
Hobbies that aren't accepted by the main stream will always be shunned and ridiculed by the majority of people unless you live in a liberal family or group of friends. I live in the Bay Area in California and over here people are relatively tolerant towards those with 'odd hobbies'.
It's a survival defense. Anything new is potentialy harmful and must be taken cautiously. In a few generations if playing videogames hasn't been harmful to our health and reproduction it will be accepted.
Just tell them that your brain needs more stimulation than TV shows can provide.
That's what I say and it's the truth.
when I meet new people and they get wind that I, a 37 year old plays video games daily for hours on end, I get the same crap.
usually its a chuckle and sometimes people have the nerve to try and be demeaning. I keep a straight face and ask "so, how do you spend your time when you get home from work?".
its funny how quickly the table turns after I ask that question. Like someone else pointed out, most people are hooked on TV reality shows or shows like "Lost" or other garbage.
"so, you spend your time watching other people play out there lives directed by network conglomerates? Good for you!"
There can be issues with gaming though, such as detatching yourself from your family or real life friends. You gamers should really make every attempt to go out and spend time with people no matter how close you are to your next level or epic. I find myself making a conscious effort to drop what Im doing immediately when my girlfriend asks for my time no matter what. Unfortunately, shes slowly moving out of her gaming phase so I sort of lost my gaming buddy for the time being.
any way, dont let the sheep bother you.
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a robot foot stomping on a human face -- forever."
I like that.
All Rights Reversed
I completely agree. The only TV I do watch is either the History Channel, Science Channel, Fox News, and some anime shows on Adult Swim. I can't stand watching reality shows of any kind, I just find them too stupid.
Yeah the truth is they really just don't understand. They don't see video games as socially acceptable yet and they're actually being close-minded about it.
20 years ago, comic books were a waste of time or evil, now comic book movies make the most money
40 years ago, television supposedly sucked out your brain and turned you into a potato, now it's fine
60 years ago, people were ridiculed for having their nose in a book too much, bookworm was an insult
Our hobby is just the latest in a long line of new things that aren't accepted as normal by the last generation. I mean, when Elvis first showed up, people claimed he was corrupting children and all that, now people call him "The King".
The sad fact is that our hobby will continue to be plagued by these problems for a long time. People still remember a time when there were no video games, and they like to hold on to their past memories. Our hobby will finally gain acceptance when everyone has grown up with video games being a common household word. Essentially we just have to wait until the people who still don't get it (*cough*Hillary*cough*) die out.
"Because it's easier to nitpick something than to be constructive." -roach5000
I usually just shrug it off. Frack 'em.
The first and only time my wife ever made a snide comment about my gaming, I reminded her that she had friends whose husbands spent 25+ hours a week in bars and then went off every other weekend to hunt or fish. My hobby is relatively inexpensive and keeps me in the home. I don't play when the kids are awake or if she wants to watch television with me.
And she's aware that all she needs to do to get me to turn it off is suggest an activity I enjoy more than gaming.
I am 62 years old and have been playing some type of computer games since 1978. I have raised two children and I put them on a computer as soon as they learned to talk. They played lan based games and mmo's with me. It was a real blast.
They are now 23 and 25 years old. One has a masters in Mechanical engineering and the other has a degree in computer design.
I am glad they were on the computer with me instead of frying their brains on TV.
People are stupid. Nuff said.
Sorry, I haven't had time to read the whole topic, but this happened to me as well. And actually I think they do it unintenionally, it's like many said, as stupid as it might sound, what we don't know we fear, I've had friends who have been TV whores, and then they have tried X360 at someones place, bought it, and now they also abandon the tv more often for an intense match of CoD4 etc.