Haha thanks I was wondering didn't I writeup a blog on this
Now we just need someone who is not 100% behind sandbox games vs linear games to write up the same thing but in their view so we can compare the two.
I do agree with you that sandbox games offer alot more options. But back in the good old days even your classic PVE games like EQ had sandbox elements in them. EQ was about leveling and yes it was a grind (all games are, some just try to pretty up the grind to make it not look like grind) but it was in no way as linear as the PVE games that come out today are. I always saw EQ as a bit of a hybrid of the two styles and i really liked that. The new games like WoW and LoTRs are nothing like that, they are 100% linear quest driven games that may not actually prevent going your own way they certainly dont encourage it.
Haha thanks I was wondering didn't I writeup a blog on this
Haha thanks I was wondering didn't I writeup a blog on this
Now we just need someone who is not 100% behind sandbox games vs linear games to write up the same thing but in their view so we can compare the two.
I do agree with you that sandbox games offer alot more options. But back in the good old days even your classic PVE games like EQ had sandbox elements in them. EQ was about leveling and yes it was a grind (all games are, some just try to pretty up the grind to make it not look like grind) but it was in no way as linear as the PVE games that come out today are. I always saw EQ as a bit of a hybrid of the two styles and i really liked that. The new games like WoW and LoTRs are nothing like that, they are 100% linear quest driven games that may not actually prevent going your own way they certainly dont encourage it.
Haha thanks I was wondering didn't I writeup a blog on this
Now we just need someone who is not 100% behind sandbox games vs linear games to write up the same thing but in their view so we can compare the two.
Would be fun to read the point-of-view from an EQ1 vet dont wait why not put up a blog? I'd read it so you'd have one poster :P