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I don't know if this topic has been brought up yet or not, but what classes do you think are going to be the prime PvP classes? Clearly assassin, but what else?
I think it all depends on the scenario. You can play your assassin all you want but if others spec for stealth detection and you happen to slip up as you're sneaking you're just as dead as anything else. I'm really hoping that the pvp in this game will be more geared toward someone who is patient and sees the big picture rather then just focusing on the caster, running in, spamming a bunch of buttons and getting away without a scratch.
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
Well, one thing I want to add about what I like about this game is the diversity of the classes. As they've (Funcom) stated, they're trying to make all their classes some way or another a type of "hybrid", so that no class is somewhat better at completing a task for a group than the other. So far they seem to be accomplishing that, through the various interviews over each class and their descriptions of each.
But in my opinion, although the game is trying, it's going to be very difficult to break the mold. Like almost all MMORPGs, there are classes designed for PvP and classes designed for PvE. The hybrid classes usually serve well as PvP classes as they have a better survivability rate and more diversitility when needed. These classes fail in PvE because they don't perform a certain task to the best of their ability. For example, mage classes are, in all MMORPGs generally, the best ranged damage dealers out there, so they are very sought out for group play in PvE, as they do one certain task best. The same goes for the priest classes, as their main goal is to heal and they can do it the best. But they fail in PvP because they lack any sort of diversity when the time calls for it. You can't just constantly heal yourself without having a damage output to win in PvP. And you can't just deal damage without having any defenses to win in PvP either. You need a little of both damage and protection of some sort (be it healing, armor, dodging, etc.). This is because the majority of PvP is solo play, it's as simple as that. Though, considering the game seems to have a huge focus on player-made city raiding, these classes might prove useful in PvP, as it will be team efforts to take over/defend a city.
Assassin, Herald of Xotli, Dark Templar, and the Tempest of Set seem to be the more solo-oriented classes, therefore they'll probably be the easiest to play when it comes down to end-game solo PvP. The Bear Shaman would probably be an extremely valuable group player, PvE and PvP wise. The ranger might be decent too, depending on it's abilities (yet we still know little yet). The Barbarian as is seems to have little protection, along with the demonologist and necromancer. Guardians, Conquerors, and Priests of Mitria seem more like group play PvE classes if you ask me. But I'm sure the game will find a way to allow any class you play to serve a valuable purpose in PvP, as the game definitely seems to going for a more balanced approach to it's classes. There's my full two cents!
If only SW:TOR could be this epic...