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PizardPizard Member Posts: 1

so i've played City of Heroes/Villians, 2moons (aka fail.) and WoW


i'm looking for a fast pasted pvp mmo... i REALLY like the pvp style of city of heroes where you have travel powers like super speed and super jump so when you pvp you're both just flying around eachother jousting and kiting eachother, great fun... only thing is, the devs of the game are all RPers so the pvp don't get much attention, this has scared most of the hard core pvpers like myself away, so the game has just turned into a community instead of an mmo...


i've been playing wow for a while and the only thing i like about it is healing in battlegrounds, but i hate how most powers require a cast time and you can't fight while on a mount, the pvp is very slow compared to what i am looking for, i was wondering if someone knew a fast pvp game like city of heroes to suggest?


any help is greatly appreciated :) thanks.


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