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Armour Guide

Snake3yesSnake3yes Member Posts: 11

Does anyone know of a free armour / weapons guide? Ive only been playing 4 days and ive gathered that composite armour is great, but i have no clue what any of the stats really mean and how they affect me. Things I would like to know are:

  • What sort of price you should be paying.
  • What the stats actually mean.
  • Which armour is worth getting and which isn't.
  • Same questions again for weapons.




Incidently on a side note this game is brilliant, even without the other players I could happily play it on my own for 6months and not get bored, theres loads to do! The community is great aswell, ive been given a £10k loan so I can buy a speeder, ive hardly paid for any of my skills yet and ive been fully healed from disease for free coz i was  n00b! image

People rant that the game is nothing like star wars.....rubbish. If you've watched the films, read all the books and know the story behind everything in the game its brilliant to actually go there and see it in 3D image  I for one am thouroughly enjoying myself and im playing it with no plan, no money making schemes and no direction, im just letting the game take me where it will and it rox image






  • Originally posted by Snake3yes

    Does anyone know of a free armour / weapons guide? Ive only been playing 4 days and ive gathered that composite armour is great, but i have no clue what any of the stats really mean and how they affect me. Things I would like to know are:

      Not many SWG players browse this here site. In addition to my info, I suggest you check out the SWG site at

    • What sort of price you should be paying.

     SWG is a 90% player economy controled game. Prices in cities on the same planet can be different. Prices on different planets can be drastically different. Prices on different servers for the same armor can/will be drastically different.

    • What the stats actually mean.

     FIRST you have to get to know the stats for your character. For example, if you have strong Mind pool, but avarage health.....then you look for armor that relies on strong mind, and not much on health. (That is just an example.)

    • Which armour is worth getting and which isn't.

     The best armor for 1 person's character is not necessarily the best armor for your character. Also, the exact same type of armor can be different, depending on how the crafter who made it customized it. Elite raw materials (usually found by an elite miner), Elite high level crafter, Elite high level smuggler (to slice it), all combine to make the highest quality armor customization for each person's character.

     For example it is possible to see "lower level" guns that are better than "higher level guns". Same with armor. Because of how much player input is involed in its crafting.

     I will say this general rule about armor though:

     1. Body (torso) armor is the most important and needed piece to have.

     2, Next would be Helmet.

     3. Next would be boots.

     4. Then gloves.

     It is very possible to get by without ever using boots and gloves. And even a helmet sometimes. YOu can even store them, then pop on the other armor pieces if you are starting to lose a battle, or you notice a NPC aims/hits more often headshots, or legshots. etc,

    • Same questions again for weapons.

     Same answers apply. FIRST get to know the stats for your character. If you are a Mon-Calamari with a strong mind pool, but weak action pool (just for example) you will then search for weapons that use up a lot of mind pool, but not much action pool.

     If you are a Trandoshan with weak mind pool, but strong action pool, you search for weapons that use up a lot of action pool, but not much mind pool.

     In addition, get armor/weapons that cator to your profession. For example, for my Miner, I have a superstrong mind pool and action pool, but not much health. I have a blaster that uses up a lot of mind pool. My armor uses up a lot of mind pool. But I rarely engage in combat. And when I do, it's mostly suppression fire so I can run away/escape. So I rarely wear full armor. But someone who is a hardcore PvP, or PvM, will want to have body armor, helmet, and maybe boots, at minimum.

     And, in SWG, you can mix many armor types together which adds even more stratagy. image 




    Incidently on a side note this game is brilliant, even without the other players I could happily play it on my own for 6months and not get bored, theres loads to do! The community is great aswell, ive been given a £10k loan so I can buy a speeder, ive hardly paid for any of my skills yet and ive been fully healed from disease for free coz i was  n00b! image

    People rant that the game is nothing like star wars.....rubbish. If you've watched the films, read all the books and know the story behind everything in the game its brilliant to actually go there and see it in 3D image  I for one am thouroughly enjoying myself and im playing it with no plan, no money making schemes and no direction, im just letting the game take me where it will and it rox image




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  • Snake3yesSnake3yes Member Posts: 11

    Now thats what you call a reply!

    Thanks very much for that, very helpfull!




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