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What the hell is this? Why do people want this in their games ( mostly asian games from what I've seen )? Someone explain this phenomenon to me, as I just do not understand it at all. Even from a role-play standpoint, it's creepy.
Newsflash: Gorgeous Glenda Greatknockers is in reality Puny Peter Palmbeater.
I can't really say. I mean I'm neither for it nor against it. It doesn't affect me one way or the other so I don't really pay any attention to it. But what about actually couples who play together, I'm sure they wouldn't mind getting married in the game.
i agree with Takingtheday..just neither for it nor against it...however, i guess many guys want to set up the marriage system in the games in order to build some steady relation with'sup to the players..
There's nothing necessarily wrong with it in a roleplaying context, but since there really are no RP-heavy MMOs, it's something more worthwhile and acceptable on a MU*. If you have a persistent world with long-term characters, it's only natural that you'll end up having characters getting involved with each other. Of course, this is only really the case if the game isn't ridiculously combat-heavy to the exclusion of all else.
As an RP element, it's fine. As an excuse to go somewhere and type-fuck, it's a bit pathetic.
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I have to say that since my time in UO, I've seen people date, marry and break-up online. I've seen a married (in real life) couple marry other people (for RP reasons) in an MMO game. I've see some crazy shit from the RP crowd. I've actually seen people find their true love through an MMORPG and online dating. Hell, my best friend married a girl he met on AOL and they are great together and I love them both.
I can never have an online relationship though. It may seem shallow but I preffer an actual woman over pixelated ones. No offence intended to girls that visit this forum, some of you are great people.
It seems a little strange, I'll grant you, but it's not that big of a deal. I attended an in game wedding once when I was playing EQ. I remember thinking to myself, "Why are these two people doing this?" Then again, I think playing a character of the opposite sex is kind of silly too, but whatever rocks your boat.
Good thread... very thoughtful topic to dwell upon. I've had my share of witnessing stuff like this happening. I've never been sure if these online couples were couples outside the game as well, but nonetheless I feel that whatever makes you happy. As far as I go, I personally would absolutely love to date a woman who enjoyed MMORPGs, because it would make online gaming more fun (of course). Now meeting people on the internet is another story. I, for one, am very slow to trust somebody even in real life, so online is almost out of the question unless I see myself really having a great time questing/roleplaying with someone for a good amount of time. However, before even putting any feelings into someone I've never seen or met before, I'd make sure I know if I was talking to a man or woman (via phone). Lol I'm talking very long-term due to my trust issues (2 or so years of playing with the woman).
So yea, on the for/against it scale, I say I'm about a 7 out of 10, 0 being totally against, 10 being totally for it. Besides... it's fun watching someone else get married in a game. It adds to the roleplaying element.
It's like this... Regardless of whether or not the devs take the time to program a system for marriage, people will perform and maintain virtual marriages within the game. I don't see why a dev should waste time working on a system for marriage when the players are perfectly capable of pursuing and managing the issue themselves. Whether or not it's good, bad, or creepy is irrevalent.
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No offense or anything, but it sounds like a dumb idea.
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I never really had a problem with it. I had a few in game friends get married in EQ. The GMs would even change your last name so they were the same if you got married. I went to a couple weddings and they were actually kind of fun
I did know someone whos 15 year old daughter was in our guild and they didnt have a problem with her getting married twice. I thought that was a bit creepy.
I don't like it. As a roleplayer, I believe the inclusion of marriage mechanics does not encourage properly played out interpersonal development of a character. It doesn't necessarily discourage it, either...but I prefer the Ryzom way, which involves a GM performing the ceremony according to the lore of whichever Atysian race(s)/religion(s) the bride and groom / groom and groom / bride and bride choose.
Which brings me to the other reason I dislike marriage mechanics: They're usually heterosexual-only.
In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on August 13, 2008.
I wonder what Conan would have to say about non-heterosexual marriages... :P
I've seen it, marriage in video games. Makes me want to throw up. I have nothing against same-sex marriage but when it's in a video game and both are male but one claims to be a female and the other party just accepts it and agrees to an ingame marriage...
Look i don't even know where to start really. I hope all games in the future lack an actual marriage system for the sake of the players sanity. If people want to roleplay out an ingame wedding in a game that doesn't support it then you'll see me there swords swinging, guns blazing, etc. I'm going to be there and I'm going to tear that wedding up!
It can add dynamics to stories revolving around the characters, especially when the characters are (very, heh) evil, and it can also be a way for a RL couple to further share a hobby together.
I don't think that there's anything inherently wrong with it, but I do think that it would be fairly odd to attend a wedding that my character had nothing to do with.
Marriage worked fine in Matrix online. I was like a Mormon in that game.
I seen alot of on-line relationships in many games threwout the years. I am not personally real big on it. I see it can often cause drama n generally alot of stress to an otherwize fun game. If it a r/l couple I am all for it.
I don't mind it really. Whatever floats your boat I say. If someone wants to marry someone, let them!
Back in SWG there was a husband and wife duo in my guild who played together and were married in the game as well, outside of that I find it kind of strange. But then again some people like their RP I guess. And yeah, lots of drama comes with it, but it adds entertainment.
How can you have an issue with it? The worst thing that happens to you is that a name on your friends list gets changed or if the game devs suck you'll have a messed up name on your list.
I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.
I have played MMO's for over 10 years, and have probably seen just about every situation there is to see. In-game marriage is a total non-issue compared to other behaviour I have witnessed
As a matter of fact, as governor of the state of California, Conan has said that the people who want to ban gay marriage are wasting everyone's time, and he will always oppose such an amendment.
Make sure you bring a few friends to help you "tear it up"
But then being EQ there really wasnt anything you could do to the wedding but be annoying. And there really isnt anything we could have done to you, except put you on everyones friends list so we could check to see where you were all the time and train the hell out of you.
I play MMO s with my wife we play together %99 of the time. We would never get married in a game or to other people. I could care less if people do it but i personally don t see why. Hell being married in RL is enough for any man or women to handle don t need to do lists in a game as well
I personnaly hat this feature in many games I dont see why people want that. Zorvan made a good point by saying you only see those things in japanese grinders. Most of those grinding games ask money from you in real life before you can mary your girlfriend in game. Are japanese people that pathetic. Yes they are, withouth a doubt!
I think I find it odd rather than creepy, I mean what is the point when most MMOs don't allow you to even sleep properly in a bed built for one, let alone two? I suppose most folks substitute a killing spree for a honeymoon anyway.
In games like EQ2 where it is easy to change surnames, couples could use names like 'Mr & Mrs Fluffy-Bunny-Kins' are whatever takes their fancy. When the inevitable divorce happens, at least all the items in your shared house are clearly marked for ownership, unlike in RL!
It all just seems a bit redundant to me, but Live & Let Live etc.
If you can't "Have your cake & eat it too", then how can "The proof of the pudding be in the eating"?
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