lol at ppl working that cant afford this only people that has a minor excuse is the youngsters still living at home with no work thats a big hurdle to overcome. i mean 50 bucks is not a lot of money in one go and the game prob wont go for more than 20$ a month and if ppl still like the game after 30days included time you will pay 20$ with no problem.
I'm inclined to agree with this.....$50 certainly isn't what it used to be. Hell when I was younger you used to be able to buy a new car for $1. That is of course when I was walking 50 miles to school through 30 foot snow drifts, up hill both ways.
Based on other forms of entertainment the $50 initial cost and $15 a month after your free month, It's really a pretty good deal. Providing the game isn't a POS. A little research after the NDA lift or release can just about guarantee a good purchase though.
lol at ppl working that cant afford this only people that has a minor excuse is the youngsters still living at home with no work thats a big hurdle to overcome. i mean 50 bucks is not a lot of money in one go and the game prob wont go for more than 20$ a month and if ppl still like the game after 30days included time you will pay 20$ with no problem.
I'm inclined to agree with this.....$50 certainly isn't what it used to be. Hell when I was younger you used to be able to buy a new car for $1. That is of course when I was walking 50 miles to school through 30 foot snow drifts, up hill both ways.
Based on other forms of entertainment the $50 initial cost and $15 a month after your free month, It's really a pretty good deal. Providing the game isn't a POS. A little research after the NDA lift or release can just about guarantee a good purchase though.
That's the rub. It's not the $50 in the here and now, but the over all scheme of it. While yes, to some $50 bucks may not be enough, some of us, having preordered games before, have gotten hosed, and all recently and back to back. Look at the following few years: AO, Fury, POTBS, Vanguard, DnL, etc. its not just $50 for one item, but a slew of them. And compound that with a mortgage, living in one of the most expesnsive places in the US (long Island, NY), going for my PhD, having a 1 year old, and still paying for utilities, food, GAS (grumble), and other day to day expenses, $50 CAN be alot in the larger scheme, especailly with the absolute shoddiness of todays mmorpgs.
Funcom MAY or MAY NOT release a good game, but if you had nothing to go on by their track record, then you would definitely stay away from this game 6-12 months in, look at AO. A somewhat decent game, but only after months of fixing it. Most of us are now burnt out on high hype, expectations, and then receiving the product in a half finished, broken state, does not justify a preorder of $50-100. Most are now skeptical of companies making huge claims and never delivering.
And if you were to listen to other people who have played the beta, you would know there are huge and serious bugs and performance issues. Will they get resolved prior to the launch. I hope. But how many times, in how many games, can we say "it's still only Beta" and how many times have the consumer been right? I can only name a small number,less than 3, off the top of my head, who's beta was really rough and then polished it up really fast for launch. Do i think funcom can do this? No. AO showed us that. But the question then posed is how long into launch will we see these fixes and performance increases?
It really bothers me to see post after post of people complaining about having to pay for a game. I had to pay $50 for such and such mmo and it was bad. My i am naive but i have bought alot more non mmorpg that sucked for $50. It also bothers me how everyone thinks that a game should be perfect on day one. With mmo it is the nature of the beast there are gonna be problems for the first few months. There has never been an mmo with did not have problems at launch (yes even WoW had alot of issues for the first few months.) It also bugs me how much everyone seems to complaign. Fine you did not like the game who cares. Do you really need to post 50 posts say ing the same thing over and over. Would not matter so much if it had constructive critisms, but the whining gets to be a bit much. I will be honest i have played most all of the major mmos and they all have things i like and dislike. Some have done better and som things than others but everyones rants really do not help anyone. If you really want to blame a game for ruining the genre ya really should look at WoW. Ever since they had there success everyone thinks that can have the same thing too.
lol at ppl working that cant afford this only people that has a minor excuse is the youngsters still living at home with no work thats a big hurdle to overcome. i mean 50 bucks is not a lot of money in one go and the game prob wont go for more than 20$ a month and if ppl still like the game after 30days included time you will pay 20$ with no problem.
I'm inclined to agree with this.....$50 certainly isn't what it used to be. Hell when I was younger you used to be able to buy a new car for $1. That is of course when I was walking 50 miles to school through 30 foot snow drifts, up hill both ways.
Based on other forms of entertainment the $50 initial cost and $15 a month after your free month, It's really a pretty good deal. Providing the game isn't a POS. A little research after the NDA lift or release can just about guarantee a good purchase though.
That's the rub. It's not the $50 in the here and now, but the over all scheme of it. While yes, to some $50 bucks may not be enough, some of us, having preordered games before, have gotten hosed, and all recently and back to back. Look at the following few years: AO, Fury, POTBS, Vanguard, DnL, etc. its not just $50 for one item, but a slew of them. And compound that with a mortgage, living in one of the most expesnsive places in the US (long Island, NY), going for my PhD, having a 1 year old, and still paying for utilities, food, GAS (grumble), and other day to day expenses, $50 CAN be alot in the larger scheme, especailly with the absolute shoddiness of todays mmorpgs.
Funcom MAY or MAY NOT release a good game, but if you had nothing to go on by their track record, then you would definitely stay away from this game 6-12 months in, look at AO. A somewhat decent game, but only after months of fixing it. Most of us are now burnt out on high hype, expectations, and then receiving the product in a half finished, broken state, does not justify a preorder of $50-100. Most are now skeptical of companies making huge claims and never delivering.
And if you were to listen to other people who have played the beta, you would know there are huge and serious bugs and performance issues. Will they get resolved prior to the launch. I hope. But how many times, in how many games, can we say "it's still only Beta" and how many times have the consumer been right? I can only name a small number,less than 3, off the top of my head, who's beta was really rough and then polished it up really fast for launch. Do i think funcom can do this? No. AO showed us that. But the question then posed is how long into launch will we see these fixes and performance increases?
Multiple valid points in your post.
It isn't so much the cost of paying for something you want to do. It's the feeling of getting screwed over when the game is shit. I touched on this exact thing in this post from a little while ago.
I think some mistook the title but that is exactly what I was talking about. Purchasing a game only to find out it was quite simply released too early. PotBS was the last time I pre-ordered and I honestly should have known......It was my own fault. I just got caught up in the hype for a minute.
I think the trend is changing on buying an unfinished product or paying at release for beta testing. Funcom is a public stock and there for will answer to its stock holders if they make a bad enough busniess decesion that hurts there stock.
" Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Those Who Would Threaten It " MAGA
It really bothers me to see post after post of people complaining about having to pay for a game. I had to pay $50 for such and such mmo and it was bad. My i am naive but i have bought alot more non mmorpg that sucked for $50. It also bothers me how everyone thinks that a game should be perfect on day one. With mmo it is the nature of the beast there are gonna be problems for the first few months. There has never been an mmo with did not have problems at launch (yes even WoW had alot of issues for the first few months.) It also bugs me how much everyone seems to complaign. Fine you did not like the game who cares. Do you really need to post 50 posts say ing the same thing over and over. Would not matter so much if it had constructive critisms, but the whining gets to be a bit much. I will be honest i have played most all of the major mmos and they all have things i like and dislike. Some have done better and som things than others but everyones rants really do not help anyone. If you really want to blame a game for ruining the genre ya really should look at WoW. Ever since they had there success everyone thinks that can have the same thing too.
Everything you said here is just plain wrong.
If you have bought a lot of games that suck, that makes you the fool, not the rest of us.
It is not the "nature of the beast" for MMOs to release in terrible shape. There is a huge difference between "a few bugs" and the sort of travesty inflicted upon the people who bought games such as Vanguard and Horizons. CoH had a GREAT launch. WoW's launch was marred by having too few servers, but the game itself was brilliantly polished.
WoW didn't ruin anything. It's people like you who keep giving money to half-assed attempts that are ruining the genre.
Ive been playing MMos since day 1 of UO. Ive been in a lot of betas. The 1 thing all good games have in common that bad games dont is that he beta testers are always active. It makes sense, they like it so they play it. Bad games, on the other hand, struggle to get testers to play.
Ill give examples of good games:
I was in WoWs beta and the testers almost never logged off it seemed. We knew about bugs, we didnt care. I played a Hunter and Lock, niether class had talents in beta and I still loved them. The testers, while they loved the game feared release because they knew it would be immensly popular. I noticed some backahanded testers trying to say the game wasnt ready for release in an effort to get the game to themselves for a bit more time. Every single beta tester I knew planned on buying the game.
Ive been signed up for AoCs beta for a LONG time. Since late 2006, which is much longer than most. I never got in. This weekend was a 15k pvp weekend and I signed up early, didnt get in. I know some people who are beta testers. They admit to bugs abound, but they still love logging in. They say other beta testers they play and love logging in. My friend, as well as his friends all plan on playing after release.
On the other hand,
I signed up for Vanguard's beta very late. I was done playing WOW and looking for something to play. I got in like 3 days after signing up. I told my friends I was gonna try, they signed up and boom they got in almost immediately.
I got in Potbs beta very early. I had fun for a bit, I tested as best I could. I was not sure if i was gonna play after release because I just didnt know if I would enoy playing it for very long. Not because of bugs, but because it just got boring vey quickly. They had a system where beta testers could get friends in easily.
I just dont see the same problems coming out of beta that I saw in games that had less than spectacular launches and had trouble keeping thier numbers. In fact, i see the exact opposite. I see beta testers enjoying themselves.
I will be honest i will did not play CoH at launch. I did play play WoW at launch. It had more issues then just not enough servers. WoW did ruin the genre. They mad a game that for the most part a dead person can play. They made it so overly simple there is not that much thinking involved just hours and hours of doing the same thing over and over. After WoW huge numbers everyone wanted to make or change there game to be super simple in hopes of getting WoW like numbers. Everyone now thinks in order to be a success ever game must have millions of subscribers and if they do not they are flops. No one gives games the chance to build a following. Look at games like Eve online. It started with a fairly modest player base but has steadly grown. Although it would be interesteing to see how many actual people play not just accounts since everyone i know who plays has at least 2 accounts. I also said that i have spent alot of money on single player or traditional multiplayer games that i wish i had not but even the ones i did like how many really had more than 20 hours worth of gameplay. look at mmo's where people play 20+ hours in one week and hundreds of hours over a life cycle of the game. How many of people buy an mmo like vanguard and still probably still played it for at least 20 hours. MMO i would say are probably the hardest and most expensive games to make. They require constant changes and balancing and one small change effects the entire rest of the game. For ever person that trashes an MMO ther are people that love them as well. There is no way to please everyone.
I don't take anyone's opinion seriously about AoC unless they are in beta. Even then, I have to take everything with a grain of salt because a beta by definition, is not a finished product.
Honestly, what attracted me to this game first and foremost is the innovative class designs. Sure they didn't reinvent the wheel on everything, but they've taken an interesting spin on the typical archetypes. The combat system is another draw. I want a game where more skill is involved, particularly as a dps class.
Of course there's the little things that make or break a game. Bad interface, excessive loading times, extreme linearity, etc. That's all part of the polish.
I'm pretty much depending on this weekend and the discussion from open beta to make a final decision. I have the game preordered, but if I'm still up in the air about it.
It's good to be excited about a game, but unless you've played the game, your opinion on whether the game is good or bad is pretty meaningless.
The main concerns this game has are the excessive loading times between zones, and the fact that on a normal gaming machine you have to turn settings down to such a low level that the game looks 3 years old, and that's on a gaming machine nevermind an average PC.
Hopefully they will sort this out in the few weeks left or prepare for the worst vanguardesque release period.
Now if only this opinion applied to every game, not just AoC. Thus it won't cut down on the naysayers, neither will it stop the people who bury anyone who brings up a negative point with cries of troll. But I can get used to that I suppose. This game has things that I think should concern people, and it concerns me on a level when they just don't care. But to each his own. Wish AoC the best.
-------------------------------------- A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
If you can't afford something DON'T BUY IT... Its pretty simple. If you won't pay $15 month for a game membership then don't. If your computer cannot run a game cause its old or a pos, don't buy the game.
Where is the confusion here?
IMO, the reality of this situation (and I will use hardware for an example) is people are to lazy to figer out if they're PC will run something before they buy it and or listen to the bone head at the store lie to them to make a sale. In which case you deserve to get pwn'd, if you don't know enough about computers to figer something like that out on your own OR your fricken lazy to put a little effort into learning something about your computer, then go buy a game console.
Don't confuse a players ability, with a class being Over Powered.
If you can't afford something DON'T BUY IT... Its pretty simple. If you won't pay $15 month for a game membership then don't. If your computer cannot run a game cause its old or a pos, don't buy the game. Where is the confusion here? IMO, the reality of this situation (and I will use hardware for an example) is people are to lazy to figer out if they're PC will run something before they buy it and or listen to the bone head at the store lie to them to make a sale. In which case you deserve to get pwn'd, if you don't know enough about computers to figer something like that out on your own OR your fricken lazy to put a little effort into learning something about your computer, then go buy a game console.
Agreed, too many people want the answers handed to them when it comes to their PC's.
Im not agreeing or disagreeing with you per say. Ive been playing MMos since day 1 of UO. Ive been in a lot of betas. The 1 thing all good games have in common that bad games dont is that he beta testers are always active. It makes sense, they like it so they play it. Bad games, on the other hand, struggle to get testers to play. Ill give examples of good games: I was in WoWs beta and the testers almost never logged off it seemed. We knew about bugs, we didnt care. I played a Hunter and Lock, niether class had talents in beta and I still loved them. The testers, while they loved the game feared release because they knew it would be immensly popular. I noticed some backahanded testers trying to say the game wasnt ready for release in an effort to get the game to themselves for a bit more time. Every single beta tester I knew planned on buying the game. Ive been signed up for AoCs beta for a LONG time. Since late 2006, which is much longer than most. I never got in. This weekend was a 15k pvp weekend and I signed up early, didnt get in. I know some people who are beta testers. They admit to bugs abound, but they still love logging in. They say other beta testers they play and love logging in. My friend, as well as his friends all plan on playing after release. On the other hand, I signed up for Vanguard's beta very late. I was done playing WOW and looking for something to play. I got in like 3 days after signing up. I told my friends I was gonna try, they signed up and boom they got in almost immediately. I got in Potbs beta very early. I had fun for a bit, I tested as best I could. I was not sure if i was gonna play after release because I just didnt know if I would enoy playing it for very long. Not because of bugs, but because it just got boring vey quickly. They had a system where beta testers could get friends in easily.
I just dont see the same problems coming out of beta that I saw in games that had less than spectacular launches and had trouble keeping thier numbers. In fact, i see the exact opposite. I see beta testers enjoying themselves.
Yup, all the AoC beta people I have encountered are loving this game, bugs or no bugs. Everyone raves about WoW but on release and for a LONG time it was loaded with bugs, class problems and ZERO end game content.
Based on other forms of entertainment the $50 initial cost and $15 a month after your free month, It's really a pretty good deal. Providing the game isn't a POS. A little research after the NDA lift or release can just about guarantee a good purchase though.
Based on other forms of entertainment the $50 initial cost and $15 a month after your free month, It's really a pretty good deal. Providing the game isn't a POS. A little research after the NDA lift or release can just about guarantee a good purchase though.
Funcom MAY or MAY NOT release a good game, but if you had nothing to go on by their track record, then you would definitely stay away from this game 6-12 months in, look at AO. A somewhat decent game, but only after months of fixing it. Most of us are now burnt out on high hype, expectations, and then receiving the product in a half finished, broken state, does not justify a preorder of $50-100. Most are now skeptical of companies making huge claims and never delivering.
And if you were to listen to other people who have played the beta, you would know there are huge and serious bugs and performance issues. Will they get resolved prior to the launch. I hope. But how many times, in how many games, can we say "it's still only Beta" and how many times have the consumer been right? I can only name a small number,less than 3, off the top of my head, who's beta was really rough and then polished it up really fast for launch. Do i think funcom can do this? No. AO showed us that. But the question then posed is how long into launch will we see these fixes and performance increases?
It really bothers me to see post after post of people complaining about having to pay for a game. I had to pay $50 for such and such mmo and it was bad. My i am naive but i have bought alot more non mmorpg that sucked for $50. It also bothers me how everyone thinks that a game should be perfect on day one. With mmo it is the nature of the beast there are gonna be problems for the first few months. There has never been an mmo with did not have problems at launch (yes even WoW had alot of issues for the first few months.) It also bugs me how much everyone seems to complaign. Fine you did not like the game who cares. Do you really need to post 50 posts say ing the same thing over and over. Would not matter so much if it had constructive critisms, but the whining gets to be a bit much. I will be honest i have played most all of the major mmos and they all have things i like and dislike. Some have done better and som things than others but everyones rants really do not help anyone. If you really want to blame a game for ruining the genre ya really should look at WoW. Ever since they had there success everyone thinks that can have the same thing too.
Based on other forms of entertainment the $50 initial cost and $15 a month after your free month, It's really a pretty good deal. Providing the game isn't a POS. A little research after the NDA lift or release can just about guarantee a good purchase though.
Funcom MAY or MAY NOT release a good game, but if you had nothing to go on by their track record, then you would definitely stay away from this game 6-12 months in, look at AO. A somewhat decent game, but only after months of fixing it. Most of us are now burnt out on high hype, expectations, and then receiving the product in a half finished, broken state, does not justify a preorder of $50-100. Most are now skeptical of companies making huge claims and never delivering.
And if you were to listen to other people who have played the beta, you would know there are huge and serious bugs and performance issues. Will they get resolved prior to the launch. I hope. But how many times, in how many games, can we say "it's still only Beta" and how many times have the consumer been right? I can only name a small number,less than 3, off the top of my head, who's beta was really rough and then polished it up really fast for launch. Do i think funcom can do this? No. AO showed us that. But the question then posed is how long into launch will we see these fixes and performance increases?
Multiple valid points in your post.It isn't so much the cost of paying for something you want to do. It's the feeling of getting screwed over when the game is shit. I touched on this exact thing in this post from a little while ago.
Titled: Would you pay to beta test AoC?........
I think some mistook the title but that is exactly what I was talking about. Purchasing a game only to find out it was quite simply released too early. PotBS was the last time I pre-ordered and I honestly should have known......It was my own fault. I just got caught up in the hype for a minute.
I think the trend is changing on buying an unfinished product or paying at release for beta testing. Funcom is a public stock and there for will answer to its stock holders if they make a bad enough busniess decesion that hurts there stock.
Everything you said here is just plain wrong.
If you have bought a lot of games that suck, that makes you the fool, not the rest of us.
It is not the "nature of the beast" for MMOs to release in terrible shape. There is a huge difference between "a few bugs" and the sort of travesty inflicted upon the people who bought games such as Vanguard and Horizons. CoH had a GREAT launch. WoW's launch was marred by having too few servers, but the game itself was brilliantly polished.
WoW didn't ruin anything. It's people like you who keep giving money to half-assed attempts that are ruining the genre.
Im not agreeing or disagreeing with you per say.
Ive been playing MMos since day 1 of UO. Ive been in a lot of betas. The 1 thing all good games have in common that bad games dont is that he beta testers are always active. It makes sense, they like it so they play it. Bad games, on the other hand, struggle to get testers to play.
Ill give examples of good games:
I was in WoWs beta and the testers almost never logged off it seemed. We knew about bugs, we didnt care. I played a Hunter and Lock, niether class had talents in beta and I still loved them. The testers, while they loved the game feared release because they knew it would be immensly popular. I noticed some backahanded testers trying to say the game wasnt ready for release in an effort to get the game to themselves for a bit more time. Every single beta tester I knew planned on buying the game.
Ive been signed up for AoCs beta for a LONG time. Since late 2006, which is much longer than most. I never got in. This weekend was a 15k pvp weekend and I signed up early, didnt get in. I know some people who are beta testers. They admit to bugs abound, but they still love logging in. They say other beta testers they play and love logging in. My friend, as well as his friends all plan on playing after release.
On the other hand,
I signed up for Vanguard's beta very late. I was done playing WOW and looking for something to play. I got in like 3 days after signing up. I told my friends I was gonna try, they signed up and boom they got in almost immediately.
I got in Potbs beta very early. I had fun for a bit, I tested as best I could. I was not sure if i was gonna play after release because I just didnt know if I would enoy playing it for very long. Not because of bugs, but because it just got boring vey quickly. They had a system where beta testers could get friends in easily.
I just dont see the same problems coming out of beta that I saw in games that had less than spectacular launches and had trouble keeping thier numbers. In fact, i see the exact opposite. I see beta testers enjoying themselves.
I will be honest i will did not play CoH at launch. I did play play WoW at launch. It had more issues then just not enough servers. WoW did ruin the genre. They mad a game that for the most part a dead person can play. They made it so overly simple there is not that much thinking involved just hours and hours of doing the same thing over and over. After WoW huge numbers everyone wanted to make or change there game to be super simple in hopes of getting WoW like numbers. Everyone now thinks in order to be a success ever game must have millions of subscribers and if they do not they are flops. No one gives games the chance to build a following. Look at games like Eve online. It started with a fairly modest player base but has steadly grown. Although it would be interesteing to see how many actual people play not just accounts since everyone i know who plays has at least 2 accounts. I also said that i have spent alot of money on single player or traditional multiplayer games that i wish i had not but even the ones i did like how many really had more than 20 hours worth of gameplay. look at mmo's where people play 20+ hours in one week and hundreds of hours over a life cycle of the game. How many of people buy an mmo like vanguard and still probably still played it for at least 20 hours. MMO i would say are probably the hardest and most expensive games to make. They require constant changes and balancing and one small change effects the entire rest of the game. For ever person that trashes an MMO ther are people that love them as well. There is no way to please everyone.
Walls of text are too hard to read and are generally ignored.
Could you please put some effort and separate what you say into paragraphs? Thanks.
Right on !
I don't take anyone's opinion seriously about AoC unless they are in beta. Even then, I have to take everything with a grain of salt because a beta by definition, is not a finished product.
Honestly, what attracted me to this game first and foremost is the innovative class designs. Sure they didn't reinvent the wheel on everything, but they've taken an interesting spin on the typical archetypes. The combat system is another draw. I want a game where more skill is involved, particularly as a dps class.
Of course there's the little things that make or break a game. Bad interface, excessive loading times, extreme linearity, etc. That's all part of the polish.
I'm pretty much depending on this weekend and the discussion from open beta to make a final decision. I have the game preordered, but if I'm still up in the air about it.
It's good to be excited about a game, but unless you've played the game, your opinion on whether the game is good or bad is pretty meaningless.
The main concerns this game has are the excessive loading times between zones, and the fact that on a normal gaming machine you have to turn settings down to such a low level that the game looks 3 years old, and that's on a gaming machine nevermind an average PC.
Hopefully they will sort this out in the few weeks left or prepare for the worst vanguardesque release period.
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
Now if only this opinion applied to every game, not just AoC. Thus it won't cut down on the naysayers, neither will it stop the people who bury anyone who brings up a negative point with cries of troll. But I can get used to that I suppose. This game has things that I think should concern people, and it concerns me on a level when they just don't care. But to each his own. Wish AoC the best.
A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Order of the White Border.
If you can't afford something DON'T BUY IT... Its pretty simple. If you won't pay $15 month for a game membership then don't. If your computer cannot run a game cause its old or a pos, don't buy the game.
Where is the confusion here?
IMO, the reality of this situation (and I will use hardware for an example) is people are to lazy to figer out if they're PC will run something before they buy it and or listen to the bone head at the store lie to them to make a sale. In which case you deserve to get pwn'd, if you don't know enough about computers to figer something like that out on your own OR your fricken lazy to put a little effort into learning something about your computer, then go buy a game console.
Don't confuse a players ability, with a class being Over Powered.
Agreed, too many people want the answers handed to them when it comes to their PC's.
Yup, all the AoC beta people I have encountered are loving this game, bugs or no bugs. Everyone raves about WoW but on release and for a LONG time it was loaded with bugs, class problems and ZERO end game content.
I think the OP is right