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Yup I'm stoked to try the game but must admit that my wife will make life tough if there isn't a toggle to turn off the nudity or at least censor it some. To put it bluntly I'm not supposed to see breasts anywhere else real or not. Is there something like that in AoC? I personally totally respect there vision to keep things real to the Conan universe but from a sales perspective I can't see somehting like that not being put into the game even though we know it'll do well enough to make a go for itself. I mean if it was put in more copies would be sold. So common folks what's the word I haven't heard?
If your wife will not let you look at cartoon breasts you have bigger issues than playing video games.
thers no nipples that ive seen sofar.. so it shoudlnt be a problem just tell her its a paint on bra or som shit..
There will be nipples in the final client. There will also be a nudity toggle too I believe, just as there will be for gore.
so she is fine with heads getting cut off but not with nipples?
under video or interface cant remember there is a "gore" toggle which will shut of gore nudity blood
Thats for sure. My wife thought they were well done.
Well I havent been keeping up so much on AOC lately, but I remember reading a months ago that the NA version was going to be censored, and the EU version was not. IE in NA the female toons would wear bikini tops (albiet probably skimpy), and the EU breastages would be sans covering.
That's why I will be playing the EU version.
Maybe this has changed?
Amazing CGI toons: &
Yep N.A version is the full version, everything in. No Censor.
I love options. And I love realism. Easily-offended people be damned.
I love AoC.
Man people are weird ,ok soo it's not "OK" to see nipples/boobs but it's completly ok to see heads cut off,dismembered bodies ,blood spluring everywhere... call me
Does your wife make you remove your member and leave it at home when you go out with the boys?
Sheesh, my wife buys me stuff with boobs
i wanna see boobies... and i gotta agree with yzf600 if yer old lady don't like you lookin..there's something amiss with yer misses....fuck codependancy
Might just be me....
Are we not adults? Last time I went to the movies and saw an R-Rated film....I didn't flip out and spakcle my keyboard.... old are we?
Are video game boobies really gonna take up all that time?
That Guild Wars 2 login screen knocked up my wife. Must be the second coming!
It's a video game guys....a video game....remember that.
Yeah i'm going to have to say you need to sit down and have a talk with the wife. Unless you are out really playing with some other chicks boobs out there, there shouldn't be a problem. I mean hell, my wife wants me to see other girls boobs sometimes so i'm not bugging her all the time lol. As said before though there will be an off button for this feature, but honestly i find it more artistic as opposed to people who see it as "OMG BBS!" lol.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
rofl my wife like's boob's and me to
I feel sorry for the OP
You're breaking my immersion!
Sounds like people are 'Making a Mountain out of a Molehill' to me!
If you can't "Have your cake & eat it too", then how can "The proof of the pudding be in the eating"?
Take the Hecatomb? TCG What Is Your Doom? quiz.
I still don't get the " -not full nudity" part, I haven't heard that said for the EU version or what exactly they meant by that, or if the EU will be " -not full nudity" too, it's confusing any clues on that from anyone? It stills sounds like they might cover something from the NA version, not sure.
the whole nudity thing is a bit scary. i could understand if it was more prominent on npc's(although to much would come off gimmicky) but, i'm afraid its just gonna be the immature people stripping down every time they go into town. i expect it'll be bad for the 1st month or two then maybe the novelty will wear off.
I fully support nudity in the game; however, I am not looking forward to the guys that say, "Show us yer bewbs," and actually expect to see them.
I would say more, its amazing that your wife cares about it but more that you care if your wife cares about it. Maybe thats why i dont have wife , i prefer not to transform in a slave.
Just tell her you will be unfaithful to her with the first cartoon you find in game! That you will masturbate with it!
Blade with whom i have lived, blade with whom I now die. Serve right and justice one last time. Seek one last heart of evil. Still one last life of pain. Cut well old friend. Then farewell!