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ARCH is opening recruiting for Age Of Conan.
The ARCH community would like to announce that we are now recruiting for Age of Conan. To apply visit the site below. Site is still under going changes in anticipation of the Conan release but is up and fully functional.
Who is ARCH? ARCH is an ADULT multinational multi game guild focusing on team PvP and PvE MMO play.
We are a 3 year old community with a core membership of battle hardened players. We are currently sailing in Pirates of the Burning Sea enjoying a 122 wins to 24 loses port battle record.
What can we offer you other guilds can't?
100 player Ventrilo server. (this will be increased as needed)
Fully functional active website.
Forums plastered with useful information on the games we play.
Strong leadership with a proven record of victory.
Organized military style PvP.
Adult atmosphere made up of people from all countries and all walks of life.
What are we looking for?
Adult active players that want to have fun while winning.
18+ is a must for your age.
What are our plans for Conan?
We plan to play on the normal PvE servers.
We plan to have a fully built guild city asap in game after it launches.
We plan to have and hold onto a keep in the border kingdoms asap.
More info to come, please feel free to PM me via these forums if you have any questions.
ARCH has finalized the rank system for AoC. We feel this is an interesting system that provides plenty of opportunity to the rank and file.
This will be the rank system for AoC. There will actually be user groups assigned to these ranks in the forums soon so as to separate the PotBS and AoC ranks and user groups.
I (Judge) shall be the Legatus. I shall appoint the Centurions “after” the game goes live. The first election for Tribune shall be 30 days after the game launches. Until this point all current ARCH members shall be at the rank of Legionary. There will be no secretary leaders in this rank system, appointments made by me will be based on performance. No amount of time in the guild or seniority will apply. The Centurions shall be commanding on the battle field and shall be picked based on command ability, seeing the big picture, success and over all ability to lead including being someone the rank and file will follow.
Legatus Legionis (Legionary Commander, Commanding Officer): The overall Legionary commander. This post was generally appointed by the emperor, was a former Tribune and held command for 3 or 4 years, although could serve for a much longer period. In a province with only one legion, the Legatus was also the provincial governor and in provinces with multiple legions, each legion has a Legatus and the provincial governor has overall command of them all.
Tribune: (Tribuni Angusticlavii)
(This will be an elected position that rotates monthly and will serve as second in command as an Executive Officer) This tribune was appointed by the Emperor or the Senate. He served as second in command of the legion, behind the Legate.
Legionaries and up may apply to be accepted into the monthly election process for Tribune. These elections shall be held at the site via a poll. The Tribune will be a hard job and not to be taken lightly. You are essentially the guild leader when the Legatus is absent. The Legatus will be delegating many jobs to the Tribune including keeping the roster updated, handling disciplinary actions when needed, making sure we are battle ready for sieges, scheduling raids and will be the go to guy for ANY in game questions or needs of the guild.
If a Centurion or Optio is elected Tribune he will be temporarily replaced like so. If a Centurion is elected his Optio takes his place for the duration of his term as Tribune and this Optio shall pick some one to serve under him as his Optio. If an Optio is elected then that Optio’s Centurion shall pick a new Optio to serve under him for the duration of the Optio’s term as Tribune. There are NO term limits on the Tribune position.
Centurion: (5 of these to start but that could increase to as many as 10 depending on our battle field needs and population)They will be the backbone of the professional army and were the career soldiers who ran the day to day life of the soldiers as well as issuing commands in the field. (Ran the day to day life of the soldiers) this means handling ANY in game logistics and needs of the guild. Centurions are APPOINTED by the Legatus Legionis.
One per centurion as second-in-command to the centurion. Same amount of Optio as Centurions. They will be appointed by the Centurion from within the ranks to act as his second in command at his sole discretion.
The heavy infantry that was the basic military unit of the ancient Roman army in the period of the late Roman Republic and the Roman Empire.
The basic new private recruits and foot soldiers.
Guild Name: ARCH
Guild Website:
Main Time Zone: All
Guild Leader or Recruiter: Judge
About Us: ARCH is a 3 year old Adult, multi game, multi national guild.
Guild category (PvE,PvP,Raid,Other): PvP, PvE, Raid, In that order.
Roleplay: If you desire it.
Voice: Ventrilo
Recruiting members status: Open recruitment of Adults (18+)
AoC Guild Hall thread:[url][/url]
Server type: PvE, we want to use the Border Kingdoms as our PvP grounds.
New info::::
Although we are a multinational guild we will be playing on the North American servers. Europeans can order the NA version of the game from here
If you use the DHL delivery service you should receive it in 3-5 days. It cost a little more but through our investigation this is one of a few sites that will deliver the NA version to Europe and one of the few that offer a timely delivery.
Good luck and hope to see you in Hyboria.
Newly finished front page to the site, go take a look. It shows what classes we are recruiting and what ones we are not. This will be in a constant state of flux as we get new people.
19 Days to go until release (well pre-order play), are you ready?
People roll in daily, we have more than enough to build a player city and be a major presence on what ever server we choose. Once the game goes live and we start actively recruit in game I suspect we will have several hundred members. This will be in addition to our 100+ we currently have.
Good bunch of people from all over the world, always looking for more. very organized , Vent server, website. Came check us out.
a bunch of us are waiting on the open beta to start, couple more hours
Good to see ya round here Dae. Our numbers are getting very big come one come all, the bigger the better.
We are getting nice and phat now, keep those applications coming.
Having gamed with ARCH in Potbs I know they are a good bunch to game with. They are well organized, and know how to adapt to what is taking place in the game. The members I have been around have been fun to game with.
We will be pushing hard at getting a city built, and a keep going as quickly as possible. We will be very active in PvP for those who enjoy it. For those who are more PvE inclined we will be moving into raiding as quickly as possible.
If you are looking for a solid guild to join ARCH is a great choice.
Excellent folks and great knowledge is the best of the best here.
ARCH is the best society I have ever had the pleasure of playing with.
If playing with a totally adult guild is what your looking for, you will be happy with ARCH.
ARCH seems like a good bunch so fr. They've been helpful i answering my questions as well as being very organised, I really cant complain. Check them out, they're a good crowd.
See you all on the 17th.
ARCH shall be playing on the DAGOTH server for those who wish to join us there.
Guild formed, City spot booked, Potain instance number ONE BABY!
Ok folks launch is so close many of you can taste it. Come join us on Dagoth for a totally adult membership that will have its guild city built within a few days.
Shamless bump.
Over one hundred active members now with our city being build. 4 buildings up and running.
Adults killing kiddies since 2005 and having fun doing it.
Hi folks just wanted to say having a ball here with ARCH and i believe we've got almost all the major buildiing ujp and are looking at the walls on are teir 1 city. Come check it out.
Tier one nearly complete. Come one come all.
Tier one city COMPLETE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tier two Keep up and rest of the tier two city on the way.