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I was just wondering, if I was to play an assassin on a RP-PvP server, would it still be considered as "ganking" someone if I killed them while they were vulnerable. Since it is in an assassins nature to attack their target while they least expect it, be it while they are ready for a fight, or not.
Because I wouldn't want to be known as a "ganker" if I went out into the world with the purpose of finding people, and "assassinating" them.
This has just been on my mind. No big deal or anything
Osahar Ismassri
Conscript of King's Guard
To me Rp-Pvp means "Everything goes".
After you kill them just say "in the name of crom" or something and its roleplaying
I hereby reply in the name of Crom!!!!
if you're roleplaying an assassin, what do you care if they call you a griefer? have fun!
Well.. if you want to look at it like that. An assassin is someone that gets paid to kill someone, and someone that runs around killing for fun is a serial killer or in the mmo world a ganker. I've always wondered about the sociological aspect of mmos and how it relates to people that enjoy collecting pieces of their victims in games etc.... makes me wonder...
Art imitates life....Ok, now I'm just freaking myself out eek..
Big difference between "griefing" and "ganking".
Gank a person once, fair game, no matter what the circumstances. Kill him again if he goes after you.
Stay at the same spot to camp and generally make his life miserable...that's griefing in my eyes and that's when no Assassin RP can compensate anymore. *shrugs*
Ganking, go for it! It's a brutal world. People should expect getting jumped when they're careless.
Griefing. No go. That just ruins the game for someone on an entirely Out of Game basis.
But hey, just my 2 cents. ^^
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
Absolutely not. It may be called "PKing" or Player-Killing if we are talking about it being used outside of the Battle-Grounds or even the Border Lands, but it is definitely not "Ganking". Unfortunately that term has lost its true meaning with less and less MMORPGs being developed with FFA PvP. Nobody likes to die in an un-fair fight while out trying to gather resources or complete a quest. However, if you chose to play on a FFA PvP server you have also consented to expect this kind of thing. Personally I look forward to this kind of constant danger myself. Makes even the boring stuff a hell of a lot more exciting.
Actually, now that I think about it, Ganking doesn't really exist with FFA PvP Servers. I had a definition all ready to go, but suddenly realized I was defining a "Griefer", not a Ganker. In FFA PvP, when you attack someone with no interest in fighting you (no matter the level difference) it is called PKing. However this is only the case when the PK receives some sort of reward, whether loot or experience, from killing you. Griefing is when someone kills another player who is lower in level, but provides no reward. Griefing especially includes ruining your gameplay(killing your or messing up your questing/resource gathering some other way) while using game limitations to prevent you from either "running away" or striking back.
Ganking doesn't really apply, or if it does, it is not such a Taboo. In Realm vs Realm or Faction vs Faction games like WoW it simply meant attacking or killing someone in an unfair fight. Either by being a much higher level or using much greater numbers. This doesn't really apply for an FFA PvP game. Because FFA is a choice from the very start.
Sorry if it seems like I repeated anyone, when I started the reply no one else had replied. It just took my awhile to put my views on this into words.
All i know is that in Vanguard the most fun times i ever had were with the FFA PvP server. Back when they had people and wernt empty 24/7.
Thats what kills ffa lack of people.
I just hope the death penalty is good.
On a side note, I did notice that all players have a degree of stealth. As I understand it, you may be able to avoid agro vs NPCs. Your character fades a little and you go in stealth mode.
How does this work in PvP (if at all)?
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
It works the same way. Once Aggro'd you become visible, you can't hide again while being actively targeted, and there is always a chance the player or NPC can detect you if their level is high enough and they put enough points into it.
What I dislike about people's perspective on the assassin classes in MMORPG's in general is that they are considered an unfair class. The way I look at it, stealth is an assassin's trump card, as it should be. If a barbarian was to verse an assassin who lacked the element of surprise, and other than that, they had equal fighting skill, the barbarian would win. Just because someone can't react quickly enough doesn't make it "unfair". All it means is that they have slow reflexes Also, to answer the OP's question...
...yeah, if you play an assassin class, you are going to be called a ganker anywhere you go. That is simply what you do, gank people. It isn't a bad thing, it's simply how the assassin class works. One or two chance meetings of the same assassin while walking around is not something I would mind. When you start camping though, like the above poster mentioned, that's when I would get a little pissed. As for caring if they call you a ganker or not... if you're RPing an assassin you really wouldn't care what your target calls you as long as it is dead, right?
If only SW:TOR could be this epic...
One thing I learned from Shadowbane was that Assassins might be fun to play in 1v1 PvP or even PvE, but they are not as much fun in Seige Warfare. Any advantage a Stealth-Strike gives you is usually wiped out when you are facing even slightly uneven odds. Especially if the Assassin is balanced properly, which I am sure it will be. It might be fun to think about picking off enemies who find themselves alone on the outskirts of the battle, but usually everyone is clumped together and you are being attacked by 2 enemies at once the moment you show yourself.
Since I believe Seige Warfare will be the true End Game, if no form of looting is provided on FFA PvP Servers, there won't be as many Assassins as people think.
Ok, sure, I'll admit striking at your opponent's weakest point may be an assassin's "mo". If we're going to talk roleplay, though, then we need to address the full spectrum, and not just rping the assassin's "combat moment".
Who hired you to kill that player?
What was the reason they wanted them assassinated?
What information have you gathered to track them to the specific area where you found them?
When you left the city, did you have their specific name?
To me it's one thing to have Amazing Avery in-game contact you and request a hit on Khalathwyr who is known to loiter outside the gates of Tortage as opposed to "oh, hey, I'm roaming around out in the middle of nowehere. Oh, hey look, there is a person soloing a mob, I think I'll go stealth and attack when his hitpoints are low. whack- dead. Oh, hey look, there is another person soloing...rinse and repeat."
If you were roleplaying a "deaf/mute mass murderer", well, then you'd be spot on. Assassin typically only killed for contract pay. Not for ***** & Giggles.
"Many nights, my friend... Many nights I've put a blade to your throat while you were sleeping. Glad I never killed you, Steve. You're alright..."
Chavez y Chavez
Really? as a strategist i woulda guessed, that forming a Team of assassins to get behind the enemies lines, and killing off all of their ranged and healers would be a great thing, and then revert back to stealth mode to repeat this thing, again and again would both severely weakening the enemy and create a lot of confusing..
hehe takes me back to Bounty Hunting those PESKY rebel jedis in SWG... This is exactly thing i wanna recreate.. Stalking my target or hours if it requires, just waiting for the right time to strike.. to Strike hard, to strike true´... There is few thing better than this....
Initiative > all
This plus persons with weak "social-skills" can ruin a game.
"QQ I just do RPG"
It is just a game. But it is not that simple. Some characteristics stay throughout game and RL. Envy is such a thing. Or communicativeness. Or several other "skills".
"QQ more, it is not a game fore carebears!!!1"
Level 2: this answer is for yourself.
Edit: vets should answer this more easily.
Well the Conan world is a world of dark fantasy i.e. moral ambiguity, anti-heroes and tragic fatalism.
This gives a lot more room in RP-PVP to define your character's psyche and motivation.
If you are Stygian, for example, then you belong to a decadent and cruel race. Your assassin could "gank" someone because they were ordered to or paid to, or they could gank someone on a cruel whim or to test their new dagger. It's fair game.
Also, assassins CAN be psychotic and sociopathic. Just see the movie No Country For Old Men dir. by the Coen Brothers. Their contemporary incarnation of the assassin (a hitman played by Xavier Bardem) in that movie is effectively a serial killer who symbolizes the incomprehensibility of extreme violence. Your assassin could be RP'd like this if you want.
Assassins are my favoured class and I look forward to ganking you all in 2008.
Of course they CAN.
No worries here, I can handle zombies. It is all about the game´s development.