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My question to the LOTRO community
How much of the focus is on monster play at end game? Is there a balance of monsters versus freeps? I never really got into the LOTRO, seeing as Iv always labeled as a carebear game, but it seems the devs are adding new stuff to monster play, but my question is this...
Can a competitive pvper play monster play and be happy?
What i really want in a mmo.
Always people to fight/compete against, not a dead area/zone that nobody goes to and devs dont bother to improve, such as eq2 pvp server..
Balanced, classes that are meaningful and serve a purpose in a group... I HATE games that have flavor of the months, overpowered classes that dominate other classes, hunter in wow for example.
I do like pve but to a lesser extent, my main draw is pvp and organised guilds fighting others. i like both small scale and zerg.
Also the ability to get into the game and pvp without spending alot of time buffing (star wars galaxies) or farming gear to be competent at pvp (WOW) or spending hours looking for a opononent who will actully put up a fight (EVE online)
Anyone recommend this game to a mmo veteran who likes pvp first and pve 2nd? Or should i just wait for age of conan, assuming it isnt an overhyped piece of crap, which seems to be the MMO industry trend nowadays.
Please be specific and give examples of why or whynot I would enjoy/not enjoy PVMP as a competitive gamer.
Well, what are some games that have PVP that you enjoy? PVP is lotro is the same as pvp in every MMO except EVE. The only difference is mosters start at level 50..other than that its the same. You kill characters controled by other people, hold keeps, raid keeps held by the other faction, rank, rewards, ect...If you wanna give specifics on what you like rather than dislike..I'd be able to answer your question a little better.
See you in the dream..
The Fires from heaven, now as cold as ice. A rapid ascension tolls a heavy price.
I like -
- pvp that takes skill and knowledge of ones char to be effective! Where use of specials and abilities and timing is important/criticla to gaining the upper hand Going in spamming cooldowns, alpha strikes, ect expecting to win is not my kind of game.
- Balanced pvp, classes need to be balanced as i said before i dont like games that are constatly nerfing classes in pvp for one reason of the other. today your fotm the next day your a gimp. Ever play a game where the balance of classes power feels like a roller coaster ride? well if you have then you know it is very frusterating to any pvper.
- Teamwork! This is probably the most important aspect of any game. How much emphasis is put on teamwork? Id rather play a game that emphasis group teamwork in PVP, as opposed to running in and getting off "cheap ganks" in solo ubermode.
- Something meaningful to compete over. For example, In the days of rallos zek eq1pvp guilds would fight to determien who had rights to xp in a contested zone. DAOC had a nice rvr system where the winning realm controled a very popular dungeon, Dark ness falls. As well as a ranking system where you could improve your character with new abilities and bonuses earned only thru pvp.
If theres nothing to fight over in a game, (land...objective? ect) whats the point of pvp?
- Active community - MOST IMPORTANT point. Do people play activly in the ettenmoors? Is there both freeps and creeps fighting eachother at all times of the day? How popular is monster play in lotro? Is there a community interest in pvp or do people shy away from pvmp.
A game can have a great pvp system but if the devs dont develope it, support it with updates ect, or balance it vs pve then it will turn into empty ghosttowns.
Thanks for the advice, and pardon my grammer and spelling, 2 in the morning and im fighting to stay awake.
I prolly didnt answer the questions you wanted so ask again if you want some more:)
See you in the dream..
The Fires from heaven, now as cold as ice. A rapid ascension tolls a heavy price.
Just from my observations, mind you I'm still newbie here...but coming from Rallos Zek and Shadowbane as my definition of Open-World PvP, and Guild Wars as a definition of competetive PvP in terms of arenas and "eSport":
No, this isn't a competetive PvP MMO.
That doesn't mean PvP isn't fun in this game...I've had a blast in the Ettinmoors so far. It's just what goes down in the PvMP isn't going to have a global effect on the rest of the game, just what's going down in that zone. Mind you, it's a huge, open zone with lots of contested points.
The factions aren't "balanced". But it really isn't supposed to're either going in as the heroes or starting off as the monsters with just a few skills and basic abilities at level 50. This isn't to downplay Monsterplay at all; personally, I think it's the charm, because the really cut throat players who want to be good and work on their skill enjoy being "bad guys" and it's nothing short of a good challenge.
From what I've seen, the Monster players are forced to orgranize themselves and work on tactics and communication more than Freep raiding parties.
But if you're wanting to roll a monster toon, and have him roam the lands of Middle Earth ganking hobbits in the Shire...this isn't the game. Nor are you getting a "full" game of Monsters. They're really just an added bonus to the game.
I know some LOTRO fans are probably gonna yell at me over this, but I'm not saying any of the above is a bad thing at all. PvP wasn't why I came to LOTRO, and I'm glad they implemented it the way they did. Let's not sugar coat what this game is and isn't.
Yes, the game does have a good outlet for PvP that is fun and many have enjoyed centering their guilds around that aspect of the game. But no, it's not what the game as a whole is centered around. This isn't DAoC by any stretch, and it's especially not Rallos Zek. You're not going to see guilds of Hobbits running around the Shire trying to protect it from Human players who have a furry footed bloodlust.
As someone who is also a competitive PvPer, I typically don't look to MMORPGs for that fix. As my sig shows, I play Battlefield Europe: WWII Online for a true hardcore MMO PvP experience.
Having said that, I find LOTRO's PvMP entertaining. Their version of PvP is damn fun, but it doesn't give me the same rush that WWII Online gives me.
I think it is a question you'll have to answer for yourself by giving LOTRO a try.
Currently Playing: LOTRO; DDO
Played: AC2, AO, Auto Assault, CoX, DAoC, DDO, Earth&Beyond, EQ1, EQ2, EVE, Fallen Earth, Jumpgate, Roma Victor, Second Life, SWG, V:SoH, WoW, World War II Online.
Games I'm watching: Infinity: The Quest for Earth, Force of Arms.
Find the Truth:
It might not now, but they keep improving on all aspects of the game. PvMP will grow by leaps and bounds over the next year, I believe to a point where it will rival any other popular PvP based MMO.
In regard to OP's question,
It is a PvE first game with attached PvP component that is well done imho.
Now, dont get me wrong, I have enjoyed the MP, in this game, and spent a few months, doing it only, until I found no further enjoyment in it.
And while there are spirited battles, I can't imagin, a hard core PvP'er, getting his fix here.
However, Lotrol seems to be a, fellowship/ raid, based game, especially in end game, and the game does become much more enjoyable, when this is taken advantage of.
Until all the Creeps and Freeps log off, due to horable server lag, which I really havent had a problem with, as much as many seem to.
Or when you cant find the fight. Which can be thwarted with a little knoledge of the map, and a willingness to run around until you find it.
Or your sick of ranged characters in little more than paper napkin armour, pwning to a rediculous degree, even in close quarters combat. I found a way around this by trading my heavy armour and godly melee Weaps, for a Napkin and Bow, myself.
Or one simply takes it much too seriously, and expects more from it than a bit of fun and a chance to group with friends. Which I do to this very day, from Bree to the Ettenmoors ( PvPMp) area.
I really have never even seen the word,Zerg, or a true Zerg, in the PvP. It's more like a shuffle, and that what its called.
I played for a bit and the one thing I noticed about the MP in PvP was that many people still had that horde vs alliance mentality. IMO monster players shouldn't be as strong as a freep (this always stirs an argument) A freep has to level from 1-50, quest for gear, rep and so forth. I understand that a monster has to kill an insane amount of people to advance but the problem in the big picture of this is balance.
Example: 9-10 times my kin would gather up and head to the moors we'd face a reasonable number of monster players, within a short amount of time that number would double, triple and so forth. The true strength of the monsters was sheer numbers. Lets say you elevate the strength of 20 monsters to equal 20 freeps. Some short time later those 20 freeps are facing 30-40 monsters (with 20+ being an even match) Situation unwinnable. Many times I saw keeps about to fall that we worked so hard to fight for just due to people flipping (that is logging off your freep to jump on your creep for easy points) They had talked about putting a flip time limit once upon a time, I really hope for the sake of the players it went into effect.
I understan the frustration; however, it is agreat part about this game. It is unique and I really enjoy the aspect.
My personal opinion of PvMP is that it's a hell of a lot of fun. It's sort of a "lite" version of DAoC RvR. One PvP dungeon that you have to flip keeps to access. Plenty of PvP ranks and abilities to be earned on the creep side, nice armor sets to work towards on the freep side. Also some very hard raid bosses in the dungeon, from what I hear. Very cool.
However, it is a side game. There is only one zone to play in, and zergs tend to trump skill / party make-up. Stalemates where two big zergs go back and forth over the same spot for hours also often occur. I don't know many players that have played the moors hardcore for more than a month or two. I don't think LoTRO is a good choice for someone that only cares about PvP, it may never be.
I don't want to write this, and you don't want to read it. But now it's too late for both of us.
idk the other replies, but my answer is probobly not.
I kinda enjoy doing it, but quite frankly its not that great, after the expansion come check it out.
they did well with adding a dungeon to it, and MP are finally able to roll us a lot. But it gets boring if you do it too much imo.
I play all ghame
And while a monster player might have fun for a while, there isn't enough content, there aren't always people to fight against (at least in the servers I've played), often it's much more about zerking a freep than skill or strategy. And don't even dream about ever having a balanced match, the game is designed so that freeps have the advantage, and since it's a PvE game even the diffirent classes are unbalanced in PvP.
If you want to PvP, check out Guild Wars, or wait for AoC or WAR. Or even WoW offers much more to a PvPer than Lotro.
I played LotRO as a "founder" ( open beta tester + pre-order) for about 6 months. I can say, with a high degree of experience, that the pvp of LotRO SUCKS big time. Let me explain.
In most games supporting "real" pvp, there are equal numbers of participants on both sides who are of equivalent power. In LotRO's PvMP, that is not the case. The "battle" is continuous, without regard for the amount of players on each side. Therefore, (unlike, for instance, Guild Wars pvp) the game is more a matter of which side has more players which determines which side holds which keep or resource node. There is no need to be particularly skilled in order to be on the winning side.
Admittedly, the ability to train up a MP ("monster player") and acquire new skills is fun. However, inasmuch as skilled play is unlikely to have much of an effect, I doubt that a serious pvp'er would find that PvMP play constitutes a sustainable level of fun.
Hedonismbot: Your latest performance was as delectable as dipping my bottom over and over into a bath of the silkiest oils and creams.
Actually I think what you are really saying is that you don't enjoy persistant zone PvP in MMOs. In any game where there is open world PvP or a persistant zone that any number of players can be in at any given time, sheer nunbers will often be a deciding factor in large battles.
It's a lot more common that you seem to think. UO, EVE, DAoC, LoTRO, LI, LII, SB, and many other MMOs use persistant zone design. Even some parts of WoW use it, and one of the major changes that's coming with WotLK is a persistant world PvP zone that seems heavilly inspired by RvR in DAoC (which was also obviously the insipration for the 'moors in LoTRO). I can assure you that some "serious" PvPers play all of those games (LoTRO possibly excepted).
You might think it's a stupid design, but a lot of players (myself included) enjoy persistant zone PvP. I actually prefer it to arenas because "arena/ battle ground" style PvP, where you play a set match and the entire zone resets, feels too artificial. I like that sort of thing fine in a FPS like UT where the whole point of the game is PvP matches, but it pulls me right out of the world in an MMO.
In persistant zone PvP three things matter: 1. numbers, 2. power level (rank/ gear), and 3. Tactics. In an arena set up only two of those come into play, and it just doesn't feel as realistic.
It's also not any more "fair" than persistant zone PvP unless everyone is equally powerful. That's certainly not true of WoW battle grounds, gear easilly outweighs any other consideration. A newbie in questeed blues and greens will get smacked down like a five year old by someone in epics. You would expect things to be better in the Arena's, where some attempt is made to equalize gear. However it's well known that certain class comboes are far more powerfull than others in arenas (particularly in 2 man matches). In many games all that arena style PvP offers is a better chance to grow and show off your e-peen, rather than an environment where tactics and class knowledge trump other considerations.
The only real exception I can think of is the game that you mention, GW. GW does do a much better job than most MMOs of making arena style PvP "fair." So I can at least agree with you on that point.
However, to say that the PvP of LoTRO "sucks" (all in caps) and then criticize it for not being arena/ battle ground style PvP (which some of us happen to hate) is a little much.
At the very least it's a fun diversion. LoTRO is actually one of the few MMOs on the market with "positive sum" persistant zone PvP, which is why I like it (the only other one I know of is DAoC, and WAR which is coming up). However I wouldn't recommend it to a hard core PvPer because one zone of it is probably not going to keep them entertained for very long.
I don't want to write this, and you don't want to read it. But now it's too late for both of us.
I must admit that my prior pvp experience in MMOs was in Guild Wars. it is my experience that GW pvp differs dramatically from what I found in LotRO. In other MMOs that I have played (LotRO and CoH/CoV) everyone at max level has the same skills available as everyone else in their class. However, in GW, your character may know hundreds of skills, but can only take 8 at a time with him/her. Therefore, pvp, in GW, is an intense strategic battle that begins well prior to the initiation of hostilities.
In serious pvp play (Heroes' Ascent and gvg) every skill of every team member is carefully planned. Their armor is constructed down to the runes to be included. Many pvp players have numerous sets of armor depending on what build they will be playing. Battle tactics are called with military precision.
That is where I am coming from. And once you have pvp'ed in Guild Wars, persistent pvp zones where everyone has the same skillset (I am sure flamers will point out exceptions) and victory is often determined by the number of players on your side, seems like monkeys throwing rocks at each other.
In posting, I made an assumption that the original poster viewed pvp the way I do. I may have been wrong. But based on my experience, and having factual bases for my opinions, I adhere to my original statement that LotRO's PvMP area SUCKS.
Hedonismbot: Your latest performance was as delectable as dipping my bottom over and over into a bath of the silkiest oils and creams.
Dont get me wrong. GW pvp is better than lotro in the ways that you describe it. Its also cheese pvp in other ways I did. Niether have a point. Both are done just for fun and have nothing to do with nor can affect the world there in.
See you in the dream..
The Fires from heaven, now as cold as ice. A rapid ascension tolls a heavy price.
I've played LOTRO since Alpha2, am a founder myself, and still play. I can say with a high degree of experience that PvMP DOESN'T suck big time.
As I said above, LOTRO PvMP offers a very different PvP experience that I find quite fun. If I want a hardcore PvP MMO however, I play WWII Online.
I guess if I want 'balanced' sides, I'll load up Battlefield 1942 and join a public server, or maybe there's a Halo shard with a bit of red vs blue, lol.
Currently Playing: LOTRO; DDO
Played: AC2, AO, Auto Assault, CoX, DAoC, DDO, Earth&Beyond, EQ1, EQ2, EVE, Fallen Earth, Jumpgate, Roma Victor, Second Life, SWG, V:SoH, WoW, World War II Online.
Games I'm watching: Infinity: The Quest for Earth, Force of Arms.
Find the Truth:
IMO it /can/ be fun, but I grew bored of it after only a couple ranks of monster play.
The monsters are severely underpowered so the only way the monsters win is by simply massively outnumbering the freeps.
CC is out of control in LOTRO. As a monster, prepare to stand around a lot unable to control your character while 5+ freeps slaughter you.
Rinse and repeat.
I did enjoy playing a Warg for a while, but after a while got bored of standing around stealthed while the two groups shot arrows back and forth, with an occasional warg foray to try and snag a minstrel.
If you're a competitive pvper, you /probably/ won't like lotro monster play. 1:1 monsters will lose in most cases. For PVP there are other games that are way better.
On the positive side - I think monster play was an AWESOME idea. Just the implementation stinks.