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KaltesHerzKaltesHerz Member Posts: 237

I will NOT play a game without trying it first. There are to many bad games that I've bought because I couldn't download a demo or trial and I will NOT do it again.


I WANT to play this game, I WILL NOT fork over money without in some way being able to demo it.


Are their buddy codes available? If there is, I'd much appreciate one.

Is their a trial download somewhere that I've just over looked?


Thanks in advance either way.


Want a taste of religion? Lick a witch.


  • Bucs420Bucs420 Member Posts: 28

    I dont think they have a free trial for FFXI you can download. But I have seen a 30 day starter disk at the Gamestops, Best Buy exc. Not too sure what that package entales though.

    I wouldnt recommend a 30 day trial disk because this is one of those games where you need to spend a little more time in to truely make an assment on if your going to like it or not. I can say this though. 90% of all players that can make it through the early stages is going to be completly hooked. Theres a reason that SE posted up a warning for people that play FFXI not to let is interfear in your daily activities. You ever heard of Everquest being called "Evercrack"? Well this is about 1000x worse.  o.O


  • maltosmaltos Member Posts: 94

    Aye i agree. Gamestop, etc sell discs for 1.99, gives 30 days free to game.  Game takes a long time to do things and requires you to group for anything lvl 10 and over. Fun game if you wanna EARN what you have. Otherwise head to WoW. Goodluck!     


  • KaltesHerzKaltesHerz Member Posts: 237

    I hate WoW, why the fark does everyone suggest to go to WoW when you don't happen to be a fanboi or in 100% agreement with someone else.


    1.99 is tolerable, I'll hit gamestop.

    Want a taste of religion? Lick a witch.

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