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Do you think that the game's "M" rating will keep hordes of ho**ny little kids from getting a hold of the box?
It is really easy to get an "M" rated games these days. Do you think that parents will actually be responsible for once and not give their kids this game? If I wanted this game I could use my friend's brother's credit card and pay him to pay my monthly fees. Imagine if kids successively invade this game. Thousands of little kids typing with one hand on their **** and one hand on the keyboard for typing, would that ruin the game for you?
So what do you think? Will parents hit the block button? Or will kids be masterbating on this all day? This game has tits and topless girls... Will they find a way to get the game? And hide the bad from their parents?
in all my years of playing mmo's i have found more immature adults than "kiddies".
Very true... I am heavily exaggerating the immaturity of kids. or am I? Their are exceptions. Adults need to be more responsible. But I was schocked when I found out that a lot of kids play games like Gears of War.
50% of the pop will be under 18
Agreed UR.
And hell, it's easy enough to find free porn, why spend the extra money?
Naked girls, peoples heads flying every where and blood going god knows where... there will be a child infestation.
(\ /) ?
( . .)
You won't be able to tell the difference because adults and kids surprisingly act very similar in an MMO. Alot of adults are immature, and alot of kids are mature (mature enough to not be annoying anyways.)
A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Order of the White Border.
The best way to peak a kids curiosity is to tell them they can't see something. Some will want this game just to prove they can get it. I don't think it will be 50%, but there will certainly be no shortage of <18 players. I don't care personally, as long as they can pay attention when it's necessary. As previously stated, you can't guarantee that players over 18 will do that either. There's an ignore feature for nuisances, regardless of age.
Very true you can't do both! But with AoC you can play video games and have fun. Porn addicts are always looking for something new... "Hey look! AoC is still a virgin!"
Nope. Kids will find away they always do. I think it will be the down fall of Age of Conan. Too many little kids will take the nudity and twist it into extreme perversion. Even though there is more to the game, that one aspect will have a huge negative effect i think.
No matter what the developers do to keep underage kids out...they will find a way.
The "M" rating is probably enough to get kids under 13 from getting this game, but anything higher I doubt will be prevented... take a look at GTA4 and Halo... do you honestly think that more than 50% of the population that plays are above 18? It's unlikely... at this point people don't even look at ratings anymore, possibly some responsible parents, but few.
I find that people like to believe that anyone under 18 is officially an idiot, but sadly from playing online video games I've found just as many immature adults as immature children. Children have more free time and are more aware of computer technology (as in, they use them more, not know them more), therefore expect to see a very large group of them (especially for this game, I forsee about 60% of the population), but that doesn't mean they will all be immature. Just be glad that the game will be monitored vastly, at least for the first month or so.
If only SW:TOR could be this epic...
AoC is being targeted towards the 18-25 year old kiddies that do their best to ruin most communities. With nudity, blood, gore and sex these kiddies will be everywhere. The younger kiddies, below 18, are not as bothersome as the18-25 year old kiddies as they do not make as much noise. Nor do they seem to have the constant need to express themselves in the most obnoxious way possible as do many of the 25 year old kiddies.
To answer your question this is certainly not a game for adults. But I think we just have a different opinion of what is an an adult. For the most part I do not see a difference in maturity between a 15 year old and a 25 year old just an increase in the amount of noise they make. Even if they made this game for adults and only allowed those over 35 to play, the 18-25 year old kiddies would still infest the game with their juvenile behavior as AoC is made and targeted for children of that age range.
There was a time when kids thought Night Elf females were, "Hot". I guess that is what attracted a lot of them to, well, WoW. As for AoC, it will probably become the same scenario. It seems FunCom is marketing their game this way, it will most likely attract guys (and maybe girls) over age 18 as well. You know some kids are going to lie to their parents and not tell them anything about the game, and of course they'll pay for it anyway. Like the saying goes, "Sex sells". That is all there is to it.
Hopefully 'kids' don't get on the RP servers as much and try to ruin whatever RP experience comes out of AoC.
There are exceptions... But the expectations on Kids, teens is very low. Well in the US that is the case. Everything is about SEX! SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX!!!!!!!! A sex saturated media, easy access to some things.
I left out the immature adults because the post was getting too long, some people (both kids and adults) can't read anything past the second line. I have met some teens and kids, in my virtual jounry, that were very mature. A game with this type of marketing is going to have lots of immature adults. They don't have to find a way! Does everything have to revolve around sexy, sex, bra, and boobs?
Here is a different poll.
does it matter. as long as they are nice to talk to i dont care how old they are. 10----80...dosent make a difference
Once the novelty of animated nipples wears off no one is even going to notice them anymore. The only ones who are going to be sitting in front of their cpus getting off on naked AoC characters will be the same ones who sat in front of their CPUs getting off on half-naked WoW characters.
TBH I dont care,I have played MMo's long enough to know that a 23 year old can act like a 12 year old,All that matter's to me is I am in an adult guild that doesnt stand tantrums and has fun,this game as any other MMo will have its "kids" and like any other MMo I will avoid them.
If someone had came up to me in 1980 when I was on my Atari 2600 and said we will be playing games with thousands of people at the same time.I guess my response would have been,"but I only have 2 joysticks"
Here is another poll...
And the initial answers to the poll. As I thought, adults will be more immature than kids.
At least kids don't have much knowledge in this so they go 'hey.. boobies.. kewl' or whatever.
Adult porn addicts are the actual problem. Stop blaming the children who couldn't compose a poem much less an erection.
Forum Poll
Will the majority of immature players be kid or adult?
Based on 5 votes.
EDIT: AND TO post the profile of the OP.. he's 14.... as I rather suspected.
Agreed, but kids are quickly educated about SEX SEX SEX! The majority of the kids who will play AoC will be disgusting. But the majority of immature players will be the adults. People become addicted to porn at 17 or so when they are able to masterbate their ..... off. Kids can't do that so... They will be less likely to be as H***y.
Lol you've greatly underestimated how dirty, sick and perverted the world has become.
A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Order of the White Border.
GTA IV just came is rated, just imagine the ratio of kid to adult players atm....
yeah, exactly
it cant be stopped, there will always be the immature little kids/adults, i believe this thread to be pointless
GTA IV is popular and cool. FPS games are cool. MMOs aren't as cool.