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I am close to going out and buying the game today. I am going to be playing a defensive guardian(tank). I currently have him lvl 9 on mistmoore but I have to say. I really don't like not being able to talk or group with anyone.
Does anyone have an opening in their guild? If I have to I could reroll on a different server. I don't want to buy the game and be completely alone is all. Thanks!
Im feeling you. not one person has yet to speak to me and im in freeport on the Antonia bayle server. I'll search for a guild once im situated in the game more.
im sure it'll change. I like solo play, but not all the time.
Played : WOW, LOTRO, COH/COV, EQ2, SWG, and WAR.
Playing EVE Online and AOC.
Wtg for SW:TOR and WOD
My advice is dont be shy,if you need or want a group say so in the level chat,honestly the people in EQ2 are for the most part very nice and wont bite your heads off if you ask a question thats been asked a thousand times before.
Of course there are exceptions sadly
If you want a guild theres a few ways to go about it.
1. Hit up the official forums, theres server specific forum which quite often has guilds recruitment threads.
2. Hit the guild button in game (U by default). When your not in a guild this will bring up a screen with recruiting guilds listed and who to contact.
3. Just group a lot, put on your LFG tag and you might get lucky with a guild invite from a group mate.
And my last piece of advice, ditch the Guardian unless you plan to have him high enough soon to be able to raid with. As soloers they are not that good and they will not be picked in groups over other plate wearers, in fact chain and leather (e.g. Swashie, Monk) wearers will still get picked before a Guardian for general grouping.
You mean to tell me that tanking is not very important anymore? Or is it that leather and chain wearers can do the tanking job just fine and guardians aren't as desired?
Just bought the game btw.
The chain and leather wearers can still tank too and again would probably be picked over a Guardian for a group as they can do the job plus dish out a lot more damage than the Guardian.
If you want a plate tank type class then go with the Zerker or the Shadowknight, at least that way you will have the best of both worlds, good tank and good soloer for when your not grouping.
Otherwise a good non plate tank choice would be the Swashbuckler for chain and the monk or Bruiser for leather wearers. All of those solo real well too and have great DPS.
Whatever you decide welcome to the game and hope you have fun. Remember you have 7 character slots so you can experiment a little with a few different classes to see which suits you the best.
i would not say that guard has that much troubles finding groups. but all depends on servers and how many tanks are available in your level range that you are.
But one thing about tanks that you should know is that they have a really hard time finding guilds for raiding. EQ2s raids are usually built for a system with 1 maintank and maybe 1-2 offtanks (usually 1 offtank is enough). Add to that the fact that most raidguilds allready have their trusted tanks and you end up with real problems for tanks getting into endgame guilds. Even some more casual guilds like mine have stopped recruiting tanks for raiding cause they ended up with so many of them.
all plate classes can tank good enough for any group zone. Even the leather tanks do good enough for most while leveling, they only tend to have some problems with holding aggro on multiple enemies if you have a group with much area damage.
of the chain classes Swashbuckler and brigand too can tank, but like all scout classes they are more dps classes so they often perform not that good as the real tank classes. (but on the otehr side the perform betetr in dps role and also might have it easier to find spots in raidguilds)
Umm... do you know that you can type /ooc and talk in the ooc window right? You can also turn on your LFG flag by pressing the letter "p" and clicking the last tab. Click to check mark or type /lfg.
There's a Guild search by pressing the "u" button.
If you want to join my Guild, I'm in Shadows of Destiny on the Mistmoore server. Send a /tell to Tyjin or Skittlez who are the guild leaders. We're not a large Guild but we're on all the time and we chat quite a bit.
I am in Slege a guild on mistmoore. We are an active friendly guild that welcomes mature players of all levels. We have been in the game since day one. If you want info contact Ecco in game or drop me an e-mail here. I have all my toons on mistmoore and love the server.