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Where can I buy hair potions

Agiel7Agiel7 Member Posts: 9

I've just hit my second class, and I'm kind of suffering from character regret over how my spellhowler looks. Where can I find people selling these hair potions I've heard about?


  • EllyrionEllyrion Member Posts: 193


    Originally posted by Agiel7

    I've just hit my second class, and I'm kind of suffering from character regret over how my spellhowler looks. Where can I find people selling these hair potions I've heard about?

    The various potions you are after are available from the Priest of Dawn. You will need to wait till next week until the Seal Validation period occurs again. The last period just finished 12 hrs or so ago. You will need to sign up for either Dusk or Dawn, whichever is the dominant faction on your server, and once the validation period begins you will be able to purchase your potions with ancient adena.



    Ellyrion Fiallathandriel

    The Reckless Knight


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