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Hi all. I havent played this in along time. My name was Kattar Elom. I used to be on Kauri with alot of money and gear. Well kauri is even more a ghost town then it was.
Is there any ideas out there. I want some good people to play with as well. Im not looking for the biggest,but the best player base.
Any help would be great.
Well, I do not know which server is the best but here is what I know. I think if you are looking for good people you should find them on one of these servers.
I would say Bria is probably the most populated. Depending on your hours though, you might be better off going with one of the Euro servers (chimera I think?)
Bloodfin is larger than most and is east coast
Bria is largest I think and is west coast.
If your toon, credits, gear and rewards are truly important to you and actually interacting with other players is a must, then I can only suggest forking over the $50 transfer fee and go to Bloodfin or Bria. Kauri is the most barren server and will never recover. Just remember that even the most populated servers are not what they used to be and may suffer further with the impending release of AOC. You can always reroll a toon for free, but it sounds like that isn't what you really want.
Err I was going to post this last night and forgot and then I reread your post and it looks like you want to stay on Kauri however if you are interested in rolling a new toon you can try Tempest I'm in a great guild composed of about 300 active players named ACE. We do group stuff every night so its not hard to find people to group with and there are usually people willing to help or able to help those who are levelling up when they hit bumps in the road doing legacy quests etc although me runnning in and one shotting the guy your supposed to kill is kinda well not every exciting it gets you past the hump..
If your interested contact the leader Girpy or send me a tell (i'm Dlomiawek). It took me awhile to find a good guild but there are guilds of all shapes and sizes to choose from. ACE is mixed rebel imperial based on LOK but you dont need to live in the player city or anything I know I dont.
Plenty of new folks and plenty of old folks and you will find the leader of ACE is quite a character with a very very good sense of humour.
Anyhow Tempest is not the highest population server however many of us like it just the way it is as its always been on the lower end for population. If your looking for an insanely busy server Bria (which I left after release due to the kiddy problems) or Bloodfin and I think Starsider is another decent one. I would steer away from Bria but that's a personal opinion based on reasons why I rolled on tempest when they opened it up hehe.
Thanks for all the replies guys. I know I cant stay on Kauri. Its to dead. I may roll on diffrent servers and see who has the best to offer.
Imperials: or IMPHL
Rebels: No idea.
Or you could join me in eve!
I spoke to somme one in your guild and all he would tell me is talk to girpy. Girpy wasnt on. I kept trying to talk to him but he wasnt responding. I tried with another and the same thing. It seemed kinda rude to me.
When I played my Vet Trial a few weeks back it was almost impossible to get any of the "new" players to help me out. I ended chatting with a Vet who has played throughout, and he was about the only person that seemed polite and respectful. That was on Bloodfin.
The new players sit around and macro each other all night long because there is NOTHING to do in the game, and they all know it.
You are far better off playing Age of Conan, EVE Online, or waiting until Fallen Earth comes out.
Tecmo Bowl.
I may end up trying AoC. Im using my vet free time. If I dont get any response Im not paying for it.
Go play AoC. It's not run by SOE so you don't have to worry about it getting royally screwed up after putting time into it.
He's a busy guy and is usually in tell hell. I would send him a mail to be honest. He also runs like that toon which is the mayor of the city and is often in groups with another toon so its entirely possible that he was unable to reply for more then one reason. Anyhow when I joined it was not hard I sent an ingame mail and he contacted me and then we set up a time and i joined as we kept missing each other. Anyhow up to you until you know the reasons for not responding interpreting it as rude is a bit hasty. Just my two cents remember your speaking to a guy or trying to contact a guy that runs 2 cities and has a guild of several hundred people lol. It aint an easy task. He is also often on teamspeak. So its entirely possible your tell got missed entirely. As I said send a mail. I never use tells for important stuff because if your actually doing anything it usualy scrolls past the other person unseen. Anyhow if you contact me I can try to catch his attention if you like. I dont use teamspeak but the majority of the guild does. Often that means that text messages get lost which is why I use the mail system.
p.s. I'm renovating the kitchen this weekend as its a long weekend so I have not had a chance to do much of anything other then work. I will probably be on tonight though late very late as I'm a night owl and I need a muscle break from all the hacking, sawing, drilling. caulking, plastering and painting..
No it wasnt girpy. It was other guys that were in the guild who had gathered together and were talking. Ill shoot him a email ayway.
Just log in and make friends.
If you actually play the game you will make friends naturally (like any other MMO).
Don't hope to just log in and have "new friends" waiting to make the game fun for you.
Try Bloodfin. When you meet a nice player, ask them about their guild. Perhaps join a vet-heavy guild.
The best advice (since you are a vet) might be to roll a new character and play through all the old and new content. This is what I did and it was genuienly FUN again.
Make a fresh start.
I miss the good ol' days when nerds were actually intelligent.
Just log in and make friends.
If you actually play the game you will make friends naturally (like any other MMO).
Don't hope to just log in and have "new friends" waiting to make the game fun for you.
Try Bloodfin. When you meet a nice player, ask them about their guild. Perhaps join a vet-heavy guild.
The best advice (since you are a vet) might be to roll a new character and play through all the old and new content. This is what I did and it was genuienly FUN again.
Make a fresh start.
Ive already done so. Im in a guild on ahzi now. Also two of my old friends returned on Kauri so Ive been hanging with them. Thanks for the reply.