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I think given the era of MMO space we are in Funcom is really trying their best. I mean they have so much pressure on them with this newly developed, birthed from WoW player base. Anyone who has seen launches before knows sometimes nothing goes right.
Funcom is still a fairly lightweight company, but given the genius minds that could create such a splendid graphics engine and overall game, should be able to launch it well.
Yep. Good on ya Funcom!
Yeah, they did create a beautiful world.
I really can't wait to play again.. I had fun just walking around listening to all the npc's talk to each other. Some of the stuff they say is hilarious lol...
I agree, as far as mmo's in development, AoC and WAR are the only two in development that really scream out production value. And all the people hating on AoC, just to seem smart are in for a awakening pretty soon, when they realize. Hey, most of the other mmos are garbage, and the ones being developed? Theres a reason they aren't that hyped.
Agreed, remember wow's launch? Thought for sure that was going to destroy the game, prevented me from trying it out in the beginning, I've only played the game for a very short time mind you, not saying anything bad just not my cup of tea.
I think AoC has taken some good aspecs from ALL mmo's out there and combined them with their own ideas for a very fun, immersive and long lasting package. Even if launch isn't smooth I bet it will be fixed quickly and people will stick with it for years to come.
The one thing I feel more confident about more than anything else is how FC will respond to whiners, you know, the ones that complain and drop subs just so they can get the game changed to fit their needs. Something SOE would probably do.
I just hope FC keeps the game the way they intended it. Don't try to please whiners, they ruin games.
I am pleased Funcom and other future MMO developers have learned from past mistakes by other companies. It is hard to please everyone, and impossible to appeal to all, but they try their best...
I think it's really sad how people overlook AO: If you had entered the game a year after it's release when it was very much playable, you would have found one of the most immersive gaming environments; to this day I still find myself in more of a world in AO than any other game on the market.
What makes it so great is the detail they put into it: It is replete with small clubs, bars and stations that sometimes serve no purpose at all other than to provide ambiance. There are also some small details similar to the birds that scatter about in LOTRO (i.e. the scattering flying robots you find in the trade district) that really create an "alive" feeling to the game.
I could merely be relating to my first experiences though, since AO was my first MMORPG, but meh.
Although I definitely preferred WoW as a game to AO, I could never feel myself truly immersed as I have in AO.. could be just something exclusive to my psychology so :X
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
Though I am fired up about AoC I must admit that WAR seems like it is shaping up to be the Cadliac of MMOs. Yeah we won't know until we play it for sure but from what I have seen it sure looks like they are implementing alot of good ideas.
I felt like UO and AO were the most immersive MMOs ever. Even more than the early days of SWG which I thought was also immersive with cantinas and such. Back before the macro days, heh.LIke you said the AO clubs, the music, the clothes (tons of clothes!) and the great art direction. Having played AO I was not surprised at all that the art direction in AoC would be great.
I remember people would have party things at the clubs in AO where someone would be a DJ and actually play music from a WinAmp server (I think that is how that did it anyway). Have not experienced anything like that since. I normally don't like that social hang out stuff in MMOs but that was pretty dang cool.
AO also had great emotes. Sorry to get off topic. ^_^ Trip down memory lane and all that.